Halifax Co. Clerk's Account/1763 Note: the following names were all paid in pounds of tobacco as per their claims filed. Dec. Ct 1763, Claims: The following claims are allowed: To: the clerk for extraordinary services-1248 lbs. the Sheriff ditto 1248 lbs. Clement READ, Deputy Atty for his annual salary-1248 lbs. the Sheriff for summoning 5 called Courts for the examination of: John COLTHREAD, George WATWOOD, Mary Ann WARNOCK, John CARROL, and Richard CONDRON, 200 lbs. each court. the Sheriff for attending the called court for the called Ct.  for the trial of John MAYNARD's Negro-200 lbs. the clerk for attending said courts-1200 lbs. James LEAK for summoning an inquisition-50 lbs, ditto for guarding George WATWOOD in prison 3 days-75 lbs. James McKENDREE, assignee of John HAMILTON, for guarding 2 days-50 lbs.  The Sheriff for committing and releasing Mary Ann WORNOCK and maintaining her for 9 days -65 lbs. ditto Sheriff for committing , maintaining and releasing Richard CONDRON for 3 days-35 lbs. Ditto same for maintaining John CARROL 7 days in prison. Thomas SPRAGGINS, assignee of James LEAKE for guarding Mary Ann WARNOCK 9 days-225 lbs.  assignee of Samuel LEASON for guarding Sundry criminals in prison- 625 lbs. Thomas SPRAGGINS, assignee of Isham WOMACK for guarding MAYNARD's Negro 4 days-100 lbs. for Record Books for use of the county-1840 lbs. Thomas SPRAGGINS for his account for jailer's fees-1805 lbs. Theophillis LACY, assignee of John CRUMP for 1 old wolf's head-100. Benja. JAMAN for same, 1 old wolf's head-100 John SMITH, same, Nicholas ALLEY same, Charles LUCAS, same Thomas HARDY Jr. same, John MARTIN for 2 of same-200 lbs. Daniel TERRY for 3 of same, Hugh HENRY for 4 same-400 lbs. Seth PETTYPOOL for 6 young wolves heads & 1 old-400 lbs. James ROBERTS, 2 old same-200 lbs. Benjamin LANKFORD for 106 insolvents-1272 lbs. Submitted by Kathy Welder **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************