Records of Hanover County; Wm. and Mary Qrtly., Vol. 23, No. 2 Transcribed by Barb Hill for the USGenWeb Archives Special Collections Project ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Records of Hanover County William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 23, No. 2. (Oct., 1914), pp. 117-126. RECORDS OF HANOVER COUNTY. (Concluded from Vol. XXIII., 30.) Dec. 29, 1788 - Thomas Tinsley & Susan, his wife, of St. Paul, to Wm Woody of St. Paul 126 a. adj. Wm Gardner on East, Totopotomoy creek on South, Honble Peter Lyons on West, & Reuben Gardner on North. July 21, 1790 - John Tinsley, of Hanover, to Peter Christian 100 a. called "Bear Garden" in St. Paul, adj. on North Wm. Tinsley, Jas. Cross, Henry Cross, John Penny, Richard Glazebrook. Witness Robt. Priddy, Wm Tinsley, Chas. Tinsley. Sept. 12, 1791 - Thos. Tinsley to Wm Anderson. Aisken Burkett & Wm Fowlkes, Merchants of the City of London, Lots in Hanover town. Dec. 22, 1789 - Bernard Todd, of Charlotte Co. app'ts Wm Meriwether of Louisa Co. his att'y, to settle &c. 22000 acres, for wh. warrant was made to Wm Kennedy. Feb. 17, 1784 - Wm Toler & Hannah, his wife, to John Parker 141 a. wh. the said Wm. Toler bought of Jas. Toler & Mary, his wife, by deed made Mar. 4, 1779, in St. Paul Parish, Adj. Jas. Shelton, the deep Swamp - Witness Benj. Toler. July 6, 1786 - Wm Toler & Hannah, his wife, of Hanover, to Wm Tinsley 300 a. adj. Charles Carter to South Branch of Mechump's Creek to Matthew Pate, North fork of Mechump's Creek. Dec. 23, 1788 - Charles Toler, of Hanover, to Peter Winn 100 a. on Grassy Swamp, Elizabeth Butler. Mar. 23, 1791 - Adam Toler & Mary, his wife, to Nathaniel West Dandridge 150 a., a part of Toler's homestead, called Bosewell's old tract on Allen's creek. Page 118. June 3, 1788 - Hamilton Tomlinson & Fanny, his wife, of St. Paul's Parish, to John Mileston 47 acres being a part of tract which said Tomlinson bought of Samuel Pearson, North side of Pipen tree road. May 11, 1784 - Valentine Tucker, of Hanover, & Elizabeth, his wife, to Joseph Gathright 69 a. adj. Joshua Acre, & said Gathright. May 5, 1784 - Thomas Tucker & Tabitha, his wife, of St. Paul, to Wm Row 7 a. adj. John Hallingses - on road from Bottom's bridge to Waddy's warehouse adj. David Blackwell, Gideon Tucker. Dec. 3, 1789 - Whereas Thomas & Gideon Tucker sued John Adams & Wm Rowe, concerning right to land whereon John Adams lives & part of that whereon Wm. Rowe lives. Mar. 20, 1790 - David Tullock to Nathan Dickerson 141 a. adj. Winston. Mar. 18, 1785 - Joseph Tunstall & Jane, his wife, of Louisa, to Edwin Fleet 1/7 part of undivided tract in St. Paul Parish, formerly the dower land of Sarah Pierce, relict of John Pierce & which said Jane Tunstall holds as coheir of said John Pierce. Nov. 11, 1783 - Ann Turner (widow) & Andrew Castlen of Hanover. Marriage contract. Witness Jedediah Turner & James Blackwell. Oct. 4, 1787 - William Turner & Susan, his wife, of Hanover, to Sarrows Dinmore, of Caroline Co., 75 a. adj. Parmer, Richd Owen & Jno Winston. Sept. 3, 1787 - John Turner & Sarah, his wife, of St. Paul, to Major Winfree 171 a. ("except 3/4 of acre being the burying ground where my Father & ancestors lay") adj. Jedediah turner, Anne McDougle, John McDougle, decd, John Street - Johnson Mill pond. Also excepting the dower of Ann Castlin, mother of the said John Turner. Page 119. Nov. 1, 1787 - Susan Turner, wife of Wm Turner, to be examined by Nathan Massie, Joseph Payne & Saml Pryor, Justices of Goochland Co., in regard to her consent to the sale of land on Oct. 4, 1787 by her husband Wm Turner, Larrows, Dimmer &c. Jan. 5, 1792 - Wm Turner & Susan, his wife, of Goochland, to Evan Ragland of St. Martin - adj. Dimmer - being part of the land bought of Isaac Winston by said Wm. Turner. Nov. 21, 1790 - Wilson Trevilian & Alice X, his wife, of Hanover to Thomas Anderson 24 a. on 2nd fork of Pamunkey adj. Thos. Anderson. Jan. 1, 1790 - Charles Tyler, Jr., & Rebekah his wife, of St. Paul. to Thomas Tinsley 23 a. on Deep Swamp. Dec. 6, 1784 - Sarah Tyree decd by Wm Winston, her only acting executor, to Wm Bobby Winston 125 a. South side Totopotomy creek, being the same received by said Sarah Tyree from her husband, Benj. Tyree, decd, & bought by the said Benj. Tyree of Samuel Tyree. Nov. 4, 1784 - Benj. Tyree decd by John Richardson his only acting extor to Wm Bobby Winston 128 a. called "Graham", south side of Totopotomoy creek. Said land willed to the said Benj. Tyree by his Father Davis Tyree decd, & which the said David Tyree bought from James Anthony. Aug. 19, 1788 - Robt Via Sr., of St. Paul, to his son Robert Via, Jr., household goods. Sept. 2, 1790 - Claudius Vial to Wm Manson, both of Hanover ---- -----. May 7, 1792 - John Vest, of Louisa, to Charles Vest 79 acres adj. Charles Vest, John Thornton, & Thos. Bingham. Nov. 2, 1784 - Rebecca Henson, Charles Yeamans, & Obediah Farmer, of Hanover Co., to Thomas Smith of Louisa 48 acres adj. Fountain. June 3, 1784 - Geddes Winston (with Wm Winston Sec'ty) bond as sheriff. Page 120 Jan. 6, 1785 - Wm Bobby Winston to Wm Winston (to secure him for being security for land bought last Dec.) 50 a. adj. Fred Tyler's & wh. was given to said Wm Boby Winston by will of late Thomas Winston. 1795 - Wm. Winston (extor of Sarah Tyree) to Wm Boby Winston, South side Totopotomoy Creek, said land left to Sarah Tyree by her husband, Benj. Tyree & which Benj. Tyree bought of Samule Tyree. 1785 - Wm Bobby X (his mark) Winston to Chapman Austin (for paying to extor of will of Benj. Tyree) 150 a., Winston's Mill Swamp, Main Creek. Nov. 4, 1785 - Geddes Winston to John Gervis 100 a. on Half Sink road & adj. said Winston. Feb. 6, 1785 - Geddes Winston to John Taylor & Chapman Austin, by order of court. Nov. 2, 1786 - William Overton Winston (with Samuel Winston & Wm Winston) Sheriff's bond. Dec. 1, 1786 - Wm Bobby Winston & Wm Winston to David Whitlock 198 a. called "Tyree's tract". Apr. 5, 1787 - Isaac Winston & Lucy, his wife, to Wm Turner 262 a. adj. John Winston. April 4, 1787 - Deed to Wm. Pollard to land on main road, Thilman, Wingfield at Elbow in C.H. road. Hastings Marks' will in Hanover Nov. 5, 1761: 1. Left his wife Mary life interest (she is alive at this date). She is designated "as relict of Hastings Marks of Louisa".) 2. Son Thomas Marks, bought out his brothers & sisters, aldo bought of Edw. Boss & Judith his wife Sept. 4, 1784 - 144 acres - & sells it to Wm Pollard. He is of Hanover. 3. Son Peter Marks, of Ablemarle. Page 121. 4. Son John Marks, of Louisa. 5. Son James Marks, of Georgie m. Elizabeth. 6. Son Hastings Marks, of Albemarle. 7. Son Samuel marks, of Albemarle. 8. Daughter Sarah Marks m. James Winston, of Louisa. Dec. 29, 1786 - Wm Winston to Geddes Winston (mortgage), 1300 a. Forks of Totopotomoy Creek, to pay estate &c. of Benj. Tyree. May 1, 1788 - Wm B. Winston (with Jno B. Johnston) Sheriff bond. June 4, 1788 - Wm Littlepage, Wm Winston & Mary Ann (his wife) & Geddes Winston, of Hanover, to Ann Sydnor, 153 a. adj. John Carter Littlepage, Benj. Thomson. May 2, 1786 - Wm Winston & Bobby Winston to David Whitlock 34 a. part of land formerly belonging to Benj. tyree decd, adj. said Whitlock. Oct. 13, 1788 - Geddes Winston, of Honover, to Wm Radford, of Goochland - negroes. Apr. 28, 1789 - Wm Winston, of Hanover, to Jno. Carter Littlepage 260 a., (212 being a part of tract willed by Thomas Winston to Wm Winston after the death of Wm Littlepage & the remaining 50 a. was willed by said Thomas Winston to Wm Bobby Winston & bought by said Wm Winston, - adj. said Winston to creek dividing s'd land from the Academy land below s'd Winston & Littlepage. Dec. 27, 1786 - Wm Bobby Winston to Wm Winston - formerly a tract bought of extor of Henry & Sarah Tyree 250. July 2, 1788 - Geedes Winston to son Saml Jordon Winston, both of Hanover, where said Geddes Winston formerly lived on Totopotomoy creek. Jan. 23. 1790 - Geddes Winston to Jno. D. Blair the Glebe 300 a. South side Totopotomoy creek - Tiberlake - Wm Tinsley. Witness Saml Winston & Wm Winston. Page 122. Nov. 5, 1790 - Geddes Winston to his son Wm Winston, Jr. farm called Merry Oaks, head of Totopotomoy. Oct. 7, 1790 - Geddes Winston app'ts Walter Davis his att'y. Nov. 2, 1780 - John Wingfield, St. martin, & Frances his wife to Benj. Oliver 325 a. - homestead. Oct. 6, 1783 - John Wingfield of St. Paul & Frances his wife to Nathan Bowe (for 90 1/2 a. being a part of Daniel Fitch Patrick, decd, & wh. was willed by him to his son John Fitch Patrick, adj. said Wingfield) 100 a. in St. Paul - Henry Bowe's spring branch - Burnley's line. July 30, 1783 - Littleberry Wade & Susan X his wife to Alex Crafford Burnett 152 1/2 a. head of Black Creek, adj. said Wade, Julius Lane, across road leading from New Castle to Bottom's Bridge. Nov. 13, 1783 - John Wingfield Sr. app'ts his friends David Meriwether & Edwd Butler & his son Thomas Wingfield his attorneys. Jan. 11, 1784 - Robt. White, of St. Paul, heir of my sister Lucy White decd, of Henrico, to our mother Lucy White. Witness Ann White - Jesse White. May 30, 1784 - Richard Winn & Ann his wife to Jesse Cross, Jr., - wife's acknowledgement. Jan. 21, 1785 - John Winn, Sr., to John Winn, Jr., 300 a. Grass Swamp - Buck Branch mill pond - John Austin. 1785 - James White & Sarah, his wife, to Thos. Meux of New Kent 218 a. Thos. Meux at the time in possesion - Rice Wolf Pit branch on John Barker's line - John White, James Lipscomb. 1785 - John Woodson, of Goochland, & Dorothy his wife, to son John Woodson, Jr., 710 a. Permunkey River, John Glenn, Richard Anderson's, to mountain road, up to Col. Wm. DAndridge's on north side of South Pamunkey. Page 123. July 2, 1785 - John Wingfield, Jr., & James Bullock, attorneys for Thos. Wingfield, to Jno Brown 533 a. adj. Garland Anderson, Wm Thacker, Isaac Winston. Begin at Edward Bullock's old mill, up to mouth of Beaver Dam Creek. July 26, 1785 - Sarah Wicker, widow of James Wicker, to her son-in-law John Hughes. Sept. 3, 1785 - Benj. Walker, son & heir of John Walker, decd, late of Hanover, Physician, to Genl Thos. Nelson, of York, 593 a. called Bullfield in St. Martin's, North branch of Pamunkey. Dec. 1, 1785 - Thos. Wingfield, of Honover (with Ed. Butler, of Louisa, his security) Trustees for John Wingfield, of Georgia. May 4, 1786 - William Walker & Kesiah his wife, of King William, to Moses Harris 100 a. on Stone horse branch adj. Julian Lacy, & wh. was willed to me by Wm Walker, decd, of Hanover. Oct. 16, 1786 - David Whitlock & Martha, his wife, to Mathias Sims 187 a. adj. Littleberry Wade's, Thos. Meux, Jno. Blackwell decd. Oct. 28, 1786 - Sisily Woody, of St. Paul, to son William Woody. Oct. 28, 1786 - William Woody of St. Paul to Wm. Macon 17 a. Oct. 2, 1786 - Paul Woolfolk, executor of Paul Thilman, decd. to John Penny. Mar, 1, 1787 - John Woodson & Dorothea, his wife, of Goochland, to Pleasant Atkinson on South side Mountain Road, Col. Richd Anderson, Col. Wm Dandridge, Jno. Woodson, Jr. Apr. 3, 1787 - Jas. White to Chas. Talley 15 a., branch of Matedequin creek - White's homestead - Fox branch, Talleys Spring branch; witness Bart Anderson, Elisha White, Jas. Pollard, Nat Anderson. Page 124. Nov. 30, 1788 - John Wingfield, Sr., appointed Wm Harris his attorney. Oct. 7, 1788 - Jas. Watson to Daniel Hawes & Royall Allen - negroes. Jan. 20, 1789 - Wm Woody to Thos. Tinsley for 5 shillings 126 a. St. Paul, Totopotomoy Creek, Honorable Peter Lyons, Reuben Garden. Oct. 1, 1788 - Augustine Woolfolk, of Louisa, to his son Jos. Woolfork 1/2 of 572 a., where said Jos. lives adj. Edmund Eggleston, Wm Jones, John Anthony, John Seay, Ezekaik Seay, Wm Spicer, Jos. Spicer, John Lavely. Mar. 2, 1789 - Shadrack Watts to Lucy Hewlett - (negroes). Mar. 9, 1789 - Jeremiah Wade to Littleberry Wade, Sr., North fork of Matedequin Creek, being land willed by Wm Wade decd to his son said Jeremiah, except mill & 10 acres of land sold to col. John Syme, adj. Samuel Fox, Jas. White, Nich. Talley, Chas. Talley, Fork of Matedequin Creek. June 2, 1789 - Ann Whitlock, David & Martha, his wife, to Benj. Oliver, part where party of 1st part now lives on road from Meadow bridge to New Castle, adj. said Whitlock, Lemay's corner. Mar. 8, 1788 - John M. Walker, son of Dr. John Walker, decd, to Wm O. Winston 150 a. called Purrear, adj. Chas. Carter, Mary Jones, also 157 a. called Licking hole, adj. Chas. Carter, Benj. Toler & said Winston. Sept. 2, 1790 - Jos. Watson to Mary Allen, for 5 shillings, 754 a. adj. Robt Anderson, Thos. Puryear, South Anna River, Allen's creek, John Hughes. Sept. 2, 1790 - Jos. Watson to Thos. Puryear 210 a. Robt. Anderson, Johnson. Oct. 7, 1790 - Nathaniel Wilkinson, surviving executor of Sir John Clay, decd, John Watkins & Mary, his wife, to Henry Watkins "whereas by a decree of the high court of chancery Nov. 14, 1787, in a suit brought by the said Page 125. Nathaniel Wilkinson & Richmond Chapman since deceased, Extors of the said John Clay deceased, Geo., John, Henry & Peter Clay, sons & devisees of said John Clay against the said John Watkins & Mary his wife, Henry Watkins & Elizabeth, his wife, & Augustine Eltham. It was ordered that 464 acres (the land devised by the will of Geo. Hudson & formerly in the occupation of the said John Clay), St. Paul Parish, Machump's creek, 464 a. 1791 - John M. Walker of St. Paul, Hanover, to Jeremiah Hooper 6 1/2 a., formerly owned by Jno. Meriwether. Tinsley, Frances Hog. Feb. 2, 1791 - John M. Walker, of Bedford, to Frances Hog of Hanover 23 a. Apr. 6, 1791 - Edw. Walton to his children & gr. children, son Ison Watson & son Thomson Walton & his children, son Richmond Walton. Mar. 6, 1785 - Joseph Watson to his sister Sarah Watson 118 a., partly in Hanover, Goochland & Henrico - John Walton, father of said Joseph Walton, bought this land from Wm. Barker. Oct. 11, 1790 - Henry Watkins, of St. Paul, Hanover, to John Watkins of Woodford Co., Ky. Jan. 16, 1785 - Benj. Walker to Thos. Nelson, Jr., of Williamsburg, land near Bullfield. May 31, 1791 - Wm Wingfield & Eliza, his wife, & Rhoda Davis to John Austin, Jr. - Totopotomoy creek. Chapman Austin, James Turner. May 4, 1786 - Margaret Wright, of Hanover, to John Thornton, on New Found River (a part of Alsup Yarbough decd, tract left to his daughter Margaret Wright. Aug. 1, 1791 - Isom Walton & his wife Elizabeth (St. Martin), to Saml Moody, of Henrico - 87 a. Roan Horse branch. Mar. 12, 1791 - John Winston & Thos. Macon, Justices; whereas Elisha White, gent., & Lucy his wife, sold Mar. 11, 1791, to Thos. Butler &c. Page 126. July 4, 1791 - John Winn & Mary his wife to Hezekiah Winn. May 21, 1792 - Geddes Winston, & Mary, his wife, & Sam Jordan Winston, to Thos. Austin 8 acres, Chickahominy, Izards Swamp, adj. Nelson Anderson, on main run called ditched run to a run wh. Col. Nathaniel Wilkinson formerly contended was the main run. May 21, 1792 - Geddes Winston & Mary, his wife, of the City of Richmond and Samuel J. Winston, of Hanover, to Nathan Wilkinson, of Henrico 5 3/4 a., Izard's Pond, Chickahominy - John Winston & Wm Isaac Winston as to signature in deed Apr. 5, 1787, to Wm Turner 200 a. on waters of Beaver Dam. June 30, 1790 - Geddes Winston to Saml J. Winston, both of Hanover, 160 a., Chickahominy Swamp, Royster Spring branch, adj. Nelson Anderson. Witness Edwrad Winston, Wm Winston, Wm B. Winston, Jr. June 30, 1790 - Saml Jordan Winston to Geddes Winston 160 a. Chickahominy Swamp, Royster Spring branch &c. Witness as above. Aug. 4, 1791 - Isaac Winston app'ts as his att'y Walter Overton.