Henrico County, VA - Deed Book 53 (work in progress) Wm. S. Crafton to Robt. Courtney Trust Deed Book 53, page 434, July 25, 1848: This Indenture made and entered unto the seventh day of July in the year of Christ Eighteen hundred and forty eight, by and between William S. Crafton of the County of Henrico, of the first part, Robert Courtney and William Jeffries of the same County of the second part, and Joseph C. Courtney, and Sarah E. Crafton wife of the aforesaid William S. Crafton, of the third part: Whereas, the said W. S. Crafton is justly indebted to the said J. C. Courtney in the sum of Eighty-six dollars and sixty four cents lawful money of Virginia, by bond bearing date January the first 1848, and payable on demand to the said J. C. Courtney, and is desirous to secure the full and prompt payment of the said bond to the said Courtney, and whereas the said W. S. Crafton induced by esteem and affection for his aforesaid wife Sarah E. is also desirous, after the payment of all his just debts, to secure his Estate To his said wife Sarah E. and as far as possible, guard her against the vicissitudes of fortune: Now this Indenture Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the promises & for the further consideration of the sum of five dollars to him in hand paid by the parties of the second part, at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the said W. S. Crafton, hath granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred and set over, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer and set over, unto the parties of the sec. part, these executors, administrators and assigns, all the property and estate, real, personal and mixed, of him, the said W. S. Crafton, in possession reversion, remainder or expectancy, consisting of all his household and kitchen furniture, one wagon and three sets of harness, three horses, fifty eight acres of land and the improvements thereon in the County of Henrico it being the same land allotted to the said Crafton upon the partition of the lands of his father Samuel Crafton decd., also all the right, title and interest of him, the said W. S. Crafton, that interest being one undivided seventh part, in and to the negroes and their increase belonging to the estate of his father Samuel Crafton decd.; also whatever interest of every kind, if any, which may hereafter accrue to the said W. S. Crafton, in right of his wife Sarah E., from the estate of William Jeffries, the father of the said Sarah E. - To Have and To hold the aforesaid property herein specified and conveyed, real, personal and mixed, whether in possession, reversion, remainder or expectancy, unto the said Robert Courtney and William Jeffries and the survivor of them forever, but for the purposes, uses and trusts following: that is to say, that if the aforesaid sum of Eighty six dollars and sixty four cents due as aforesaid to J. C. Courtney, shall not be promptly paid upon demand therefore, then and in that case, upon application of the said J. C. Courtney, it shall be the duty of the parties of the second part, after advertising the property herein conveyed and the time and place of sale, for ten days previous thereto, in some Newspaper published in the City of Richmond, to proceed to sell at public auction to highest bidder, upon such terms as may be agreed upon by the parties, so much of said property as shall be sufficient, to pay and satisfy the aforesaid sum of Eighty six dollars and sixty four cents and the legal interest that may have accrued thereon, and the expense attending said sale, and the balance of said property, (or if the aforesaid sum of $86.64/100 with legal interest thereon, shall be prompty and fully paid, then the whole of said property) shall be held by the said parties of the second part upon Trust, and for the uses and purposes herein after enumerated and specified; that is to say for the separate, sale and exclusive use and maintenance of the sd. Sarah E. during her life, and for use and benefit of such person or persons as she may, by Deed duly executed, or by last will and Testament in writing, give, appoint or devise it to, or so much of it as she may not during her life time, appropriate to her own use of otherwise dispose of, free from any control of her husband the said W. S. Crfton, and free from all liability for any debt or contract of the said W. S. Crafton which may, hereafter, be contracted: and upon this further trust, that is to say, the said parties of the second part shall permit the said Sarah E. to retain, if she please, the possession of the aforesaid property and estate and use and enjoy the same, to rent, lease or hire out the same or any part of it, and to collect and receive the rents, hires and profits thereof, or they will do it for her and pay the proceeds over to her, when so requested by her, and that they, the parties of the second part of the survivor of them, will when requested by the said Sarah E. Take possession of the said property and estate, and the same managed as judiciously as they may, for her sole, separate and exclusive use and benefit; or convey, as signed and deliver it to such person or persons as she may be writing under her hand and seal, duly executed according to laws for the conveyance of real or personal estate (as the case may be) indicate and appoint. And the said W. S. Crafton, for himself and his heirs, doth hereby covenant, that the said Sarah E. may make such disposition as she may think proper; of the aforesaid property and estate, by Deed or writing, or by last will and Testatment in the manner herein before provided, and that he, the sd. W. S. Crafton will not in any manner or by any proceedings whatever, impeach, resist or assail the same or any provision or stipulation of this Deed; and the said parties of the second part do hereby covenant and agree with the parties of the first and third parts, that they will severally observe, fulfil, perform, keep and execute all the stipulations and provisions of this Deed, on their part, and perform all the Trusts confided on them. In Testimony whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals this day and year first above written. William S. Crafton (seal) Robt. Courtney (seal) Wm. Jeffries (seal) This Indenture was acknowledged in the Clerks Office of Henrico County Court on the 25th day of July 1848, by William S. Crafton a party to the same and admitted to record. Teste Loftin W. Ellett CHC ******************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Judith McGowan - wichywmn@erols.com USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.