HIGHLAND COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – Old Seybert Cemetery ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, Old Seybert graveyard: 1936 Sept. 10 Research made by Howard Hiner Cemetery Location: 1 mile west of Forks of Waters, by the side of the road between Forks of Waters and Crabbottom. Highland County, Virginia DATE: 1813, date of oldest grave. OWNERS: Nicholas Seybert and his descendants, Mrs. William Arboghast, present owner. (1936) DESCRIPTION: This was once a public burying ground, but is now in private hands and is no longer used as such. It is in fair condition, being in nice blue grass sod, but the ground is uneven and the fence enclosing it is partly down, allowing stock to enter. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This graveyard was used so long ago that no living persons knows much about it except it was supposed to have been used by the Seyberts and Arboghasts and other familes who were the first people to settle in this vicinity. The grave of Nicholas Seybert, a very notable figure in the early history of the county is just outside the fence. The only inscription is the date on a stone – “1813”. SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Informants: R.S. Winer Charles Colow Samuel Arboghast T.L. Benerage Seybert Benerage Ben Arboghast Tombstone Inscriptions Visit by worker. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________