Giles Limscott, 1680 - Isle of Wight Co. VA Limscott, Giles - patent 20 Apr 1680 - IoW VA - 1411 Ac. ( PB7 pg20 - Limeberry ~ CARD 7 of 45 ) On the main Blackwater, adjoining the land of Robert Lawrence and John Lawrence To all &c. Whereas &c. Now know ye that I ye sd. Pr. Henry Chichiley Kn.t depty Govern.r --- &c give & grant unto Giles Limscott one thousand four hundred acres of land lying in ye Isle of Wight County on ye maine black water begining at a pine by ye maine run side & so running up from ye swamp east by south two hundred seventy fouer pole to a white oake then South South East three hundred & seventeen pole to a white oake then N:E: 50 po: to a red oake in Robt. Lawrences line then north north east by Lawrences line two hundred & fourty pole to a red oake Lawrences corner tree then north by east two hundred & eighty pole to a white oake then north ea. by east one hundred twenty six pole to a pine then north west two hundred & eighty pole to a pine in John Lawrence his line then south by east eighty pole to a hickory one of his corner trees then south west 100 pole to a white oak another of his corner trees then west 100 pole to a pine then southwest by west one hundred & sixty pole to a bay by ye side Lawrences corner tree soe downe ye maine black water to ye first station. The said twenty land being due by & for ye transportation of ^ eight persons &c To have & to hold &c to be held &c yeilding & paying &c. provided &c dated ye twentieth - Day of Aprill one thousand six hundred and eighty ~ Jon.. Isham Wm Chapman Tho Elbury Jno Green Hen:Cole Ed.d Rogers Jn.o Branch Jn.o Hopkins Ja: Spicer Hen Davis An Sa?ders Wm Maieau Rich Carter Antho Marks Wm Potter Tho Richards O. Morgan Wm Shard? Edw.d Mason Jn.o Taylor Lym. Ruther? Wm Wright Lewis Williams Antho Bishop 28 ~ Submitted by Sandy Hodges **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************