Isle of Wight County-Portsmouth City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Turner, William, 1902 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ WILLIAM TURNER DEATH OF MR. WILLIAM TURNER He Was Taken Ill While Walking About His Premises and Died in a Few Minutes Mr. William Turner, one of Portsmouth's best known and respected citizens, died suddenly this morning at 8:50 o'clock at his home, corner of Glasgow and Armstrong Streets, Park View. Mr. Turner had apparently been enjoying good health up to the time of his death. He was walking about the rear of his premises this morning when he was taken ill and fell to the ground. When found he was unconscious. He was carried to his room, where he passed away in a very few minutes. Death was caused, it is stated, from heart trouble. Mr. Turner had reached the advanced age of 75 years. He is survived by a wife and one son - Mr. A.M. Turner. The deceased was a native of Isle of Wight County, but had resided in Portsmouth for about fifty years. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at his late residence. William TURNER, marine engineer, b. 1 Apr 1827, Isle of Wight Co., d. 16 May 1902*, at home, Portsmouth, interred in Portlock Cemetery*, Portsmouth, 19 May 1902, "Portsmouth (VA) Star," Thurs., May 16, 1902, p. 1 *Additional information: Portsmouth City Virginia USGenWeb Archives, Portlock list: A photo of his gravestone - added by Steve Poole - is posted with Find a Grave Memorial #37585971, which gives d. 10 May 1902 [mis-read]. Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by William J. DelMonte ( and Mrs. Bruce Saunders (, and re-formatted by File Manager. file at: