KING GEORGE COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – St. John’s Church Cemetery ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, St. John’s Church and cemetery: 1937 Nov. 3 Research made by Julia Marie Heflin Cemetery Location: King George County, Virginia DESCRIPTION: Practically all the old stones in this church cemetery have been moved here from other places. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The following inscriptions were copied from the stones: To the memory of Captain William Mountjoy was born the 17th day of April 1711 and died the 27 of September, 1777 his age 66 years Phillis Mountjoy wife of William Mountjoy was born the 15 day of November, 1717 and died the 4 day of April 1771 her age 54 years In memory of Beverly W. Mason son of Enoch and Lucy W. Mason of Stafford County, Virginia born August 18th 1816 died July 21, 1860 A monument is erected by his wife, Dednie A. Mason as a memorial of her affection. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Colonel Charles Read Collins C.S.A. born December 7th, 1836 Killed in the battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse May 7th, 1864 A soldier of Christ Eugene son of W.R. and S.T. Mason was born the 13th day of April, 1847 and died the 2d of July, 1847 Octavia daughter of W.R. and S.T. Mason was born the 25th of October, 1843 and died the 17th of November, 1843 Ellen daughter of W.R. and S.T. Mason was born the 2d September, 1852 and died the 13th of July 1857 To the dear wife Margaret Boyd Mason daughter of W.R. and S.T. Mason born August 19, 1831 married November 5, 1855 died July 27, 1856 and their infant daughter Margaret B.M. Bernard aged 17 days Two repose together in the same grave Her devoted husband, Alfred N. Bernard has erected this memorial of his affection. Weley Roy Mason son of Enoch and Lucy Roy Mason of Stafford County, Virginia died July 27, 1865 in the 60 year of his age Sacred to the memory of Charles Mason born May 6th, 1810 died May 5, 1888 son of Enoch and Lucy Weley Mason of Stafford County, Virginia He served his country with fidelity in many important stations and acquired the esteem and respect of his contemporaries. Charitable to the poor, during his duty well and fully to the end and believing in God his Father, and Christ his Savior. Entered he has into rest. In ceolo quies. Johnson Mason July 11, 1854 December 5, 1910 He is not dead but sleepeth Judge of the 15th Judicial Circuit of Virginia Our Father and Mother Anne H. Colton born July 10th, 1814 died August 17th 1871 They were lovely and pleasant in their lives and their death they were not divided. William Colton born March 22nd, 1802 died February 10th, 1879 Looking for that blessed hope and glories appearing of their great God and their Savior Jesus Christ. SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Tombstone Inscriptions Visit by worker. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________