Marriage Bonds in Lancaster County, VA; Wm. and Mary Qrtly., Vol. 12, No. 2 Transcribed by Kathy Merrill for the USGenWeb Archives Special Collections Project ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Marriage Bonds in Lancaster County William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Oct., 1903), pp. 96-103. MARRIAGE BONDS IN LANCASTER COUNTY.* 5 Oct., 1721, Chas Burges & Frances Fox, daughter of Anne Fox. Sec.+ David Ball. 2 Nov., 1721, William Kene & Mrs. Elizabeth Ball. Witness, Wm. Ball. 4 Sept., 1722, Ezekiel Gilbert, of York Co., & Wineford Gibson. Consent of Robert Gibson to dau's marriage. 2 Feb., 1717, Thomas Yerby & Hannah Degges. 2 May, 1727, Joseph Chinn & Mrs. Elizabeth Ball. Sec. George Payne. 24 Aug., 1719, Simon Sallard & Blanch Kelley. Sec. Robert Horton. 11 Oct., 1727, Isaac White & Mary Ann Ewell. Sec. Wm. Ballendine. 14 March, 1723, Wm. Camell & Sarah Shelley. 16 May, 1717, Nicholas Hack, of Northumberland Co., & Elizabeth Howson. Sec. Richd Neale. Consent of Sarah Ball (her mark) to dau. Eliza Howson's marriage. Witness, Felix Connally, Samuel Ball. 11 Oct., 1720, Isaac Bush & Hannah Sammon. 10 Nov., 1722, Leonard Howson & Ann Fleet. Sec. Henry Fleet. 16 Dec., 1717, Wm. Sydnor & Rachel Davenport. Sec. Wm. Payne. 7 Jany, 1723-4, Wm. Brent & Margaret Haynes. Sec. James Hayley. 21 Dec., 1723, Samll Raine & Hagar Davis, dau. of John Davis. Sec. Richd Curtis. 14 Oct., 1723, Jno Sleden & Mrs. Sarah Ball. Sec. David Ball. 13 Nov., 1722, Thos. Hunton & Mary Curile. Sec. Robert Horton. 23 Aug., 1723, John Rogers & Jane Walker, widow. 20 May, 1727, Robert Biscoe & Elizabeth Lawson, dau. of Henry Lawson, who consents. ________________________________________________________________________ *Most of these marriage bonds were published in QUARTERLY, VI., 102-108. But the above being a list newly taken from the bonds at Lancaster Court- house, it is thought best to publish it as it stands. Some discrepancies appear. The spread of education is indicated by the fact that all the bridegrooms, with a few exceptions, write their names, and the chirography is generally very good. +Sec. stands for "security". Page 97. 18 May, 1717, Richard Harrison & Ann Reade. 10 Dec., 1718, Wm. Miller & Martha Taylor. Sec. Wm. Dare. Witness, Joseph Carter. 16 Oct., 1727, Wm. Montague & Mrs. Hannah Ball. Sec. John Selden. Witness, Thos. Edwards. Sarah Ball's consent to dau's marriage. Wit- nesses, John Minor, John Selden. William Montague consents for his son William. 2 July, 1722, John Brown (X) & Elizabeth James. Sec. Thomas Purcell. Witnesses, Hugh Brent, James Carter. 1 March, 1724, William Sydnor & Catherine Taylor. -- ----, 1717, Christopher Stevens & Elizabeth Armes. 12 Aug., 1724, Mark Bannerman & Katherine Barker. Sec. William Payne. 12 June, 1727, John Steptoe, Jr., & Johanna Lawson, dau. of John Lawson, who consents. John Steptoe also consents. 4 Oct., 1721, Ann Fox consents to marriage of daughter, Frances Fox, to Charles Burges. Witnesses, David Ball, Richard Cooper. 17 Feb., 1723-4, Richard Ball consents to ye marriage of his daughter Margt Ball to Wm Ball, Jr. Witnesses, David Ball, Spencer Ball. 25 Nov., 1717, Samuel Ball & Anne Tayloe. 30 Sept., 1726, Hugh Brent & Eliza Morris. Sec. John Bell. 13 April, 1720, George Glasscock, of R'd Co., & Judith Ball, dau of William Ball, who consents. 4 Aug., 1722, Thomas Edwards & Sarah Swan. Sec. Wm. Payne. 17 Feb., 1723, Wm. Ball, Jr., & Mrs. Margaret Ball. Sec. David Ball. 5 May, 1724, Christopher Garlington & Eliza Conway. Sec. Thomas Heath. 16 Dec., 1724, Capt. William Balendine & Mary Ann Ewell. -- 13, 1725, Richard Ball consents to marriage of dau. Sarah Ball to Mr. John Selden. 8 March, 1726, Joseph Brosier & Mary Harris. Sec. Rd Chichester. 13 January, 1717, Thomas Carpenter (X) & Mary Nicholls. 8 Sept., 1724, Samuel Milehan & Martha Gardner. 11 July, 1719, Richd Chichester, Esq., & Ann Fox, widdow of Wm. Fox, deced. Sec. Jo. Chichester. Witnesses, Raw- Page 98. leigh Chinn, Wm. Payne. Fine seal of arms opposite to Richd Chicester's name. 6 Feb., 1718, Jerome Pasquet & Lycia King. 26 July, 1727, James Brent & Catherine Martin. Sec. Hugh Brent. 26 June, 1722, Capt. Robert Galbraith & Margaret Carter. 11 June, 1724, John Loyal & Mary Taylor, dau. of Ann Burke, who consents. 8 Novr, 1721, Charles Lee, of Wiccocomico parish, in Northumberland, and Mrs. Elizabeth Pinkard. Sec. Tho. Pinkard. 16 Nov., 1724, Bryan Phillips & Eliza Stott. Sec. James Stott. 10 Aug., 1724, James Carter & Mary Brent. Sec. Hugh Brent. Witnesses, William Ball, Jr., and Wm. Heal. Sept. 21, 1724, William Ball's letter to Mr. Thomas Edwards, Clerk of Lancaster Co., for a license for marriage between Mr. Denis McCarty & my daughter Sarah Ball. Witness, Wm. Ball, Jun. 14 January, 1723-4, Thomas Chelton X, Winifred King. Sec. Jerome Paasquet X. Letter from Elishee X Pasquet to clerk, consenting to dau. Judith King's marriage. Witnessed by Jarrom X Pasquet, John Pasquet. 28 June, 1723, Wm. Hobson & Judith Fleet. Sec. Henry Fleet & Thomas Edwards. Witnesses Tho. Carter, Thos Lee. 14 Aug., 1724, Eaton Reeves & Priscilla Palmer. 24 May, 1727, David Ball & Ellen Heale, daughter of George Heale, who consents to dau's marriage. 17 Oct., 1723, Presley Cox & Mary Fleet, dau. of Henry Fleet. 10 Feb., 1717, Wm. Nash & Ann Kirk. 1 Nov., 1718, Wm. Fleet & Ann Jones. Sec. George Wale. 22 July, 1734, William Heale and Judith Swan. 26 Oct., 1739, Chichr Chinn and Agatha Thornton. Sec. Thos. Thornton. 21 Sept., 1737, Griffin Fauntleroy, Jun., and Mrs. Judith Heale. Witness, Lindsy Opie. 15 Nov., 1737, Thos Hunton and Ann Wall. 3 July, 1734, Richard Chichester and Ellen Ball; William Ball, her father consents. He writes to Thomas Edwards, the clerk, "I shall be glad of yours, Mrs. Edwards' and two Page 99. Daughters' good company next Thursday, if the like occation don't prevent at yr home." 9 April, 1735, William Brent and Letitia Wale. Sec. John Wale. 19 Aug., 1734, Merryman Payne & Catherine Brent. Sec. Hugh Brent. Consent to Merriman's marriage by his mother, Judith Payne. 3 Jany, 1736-7, Antho. Sydnor & Eliza Taylor. Letter of consent from parents, Wm. & Catherine Sydnor. 22 Sept., 1736, Cha. Ewell & Sarah Ball. 10 June, 1729, Robert Edmonds and Anne Conway. 13 July, 1736, John Edwards & Ann Swan. 20 June, 1735, Robert West and Margaret Buckles. Sec. Hugh Brent. Witness, William Ball. 15 April, 1737, James Scrosby X & Elizabeth Lee. Sec. Nicholas Martin. January 16, 1732-3, "Corotoman". Letter from G. Braxton, Jun., regarding his marriage with Mary Carter. 16 January, 1732, Corotoman. Letter from John Carter for a marriage license to impower Mr. Bell or any other mnister to marry Mr. George Braxton and my sister Mary Carter, all person having given their consents thereto, "particularly mine, which is not material". Oct. 5, 1734, Le Roy Griffin and Mrs. Mary Ann Bertrand. 12 Mch, 1736-7, Stokeley Towles and Eliz. Martin. Sec. James Brent. Consent of Elizabeth Martin's mother, Kath. Brent. 19 March, 1730, Francis Timberlake and Judith Lawson. "Saturday, Dec. 10, 1737, Sir. I desire you'l send a License to conjoin my son Jesse & Mrs. Frances Burges in the Bond of Hymen, & you'l oblige, Sir, you humble servt James Ball." 7 May, 1735, Adam Dickie & Ann Thacker of the parish of St. Mary's White Chappel. Sec. Charles Ewell. 4 June, 1737, Joseph Wharton & Ann Edmunds. Sec. Robert Edmunds. 14 June, 1736, George Ball & Anna Talor. Consent of mother, Elizabeth Taylor. Witnesses, Therriatt Taylor, Jno. Farmer. 19 Aug., 1732 Arthur McNeale & Eliz. Frizzell. Page 100. 9 January, 1733, John Hill, of Northumberland, & Elizabeth Martin. Sec. Nicholas Martin. Aug. 10, 1731, John Woodson & Mary Miller. Sec. William Miller. 12 March, 1735-6, Thos Perkins and Elinor Currell. Isaac Currell. 22 April, 1730, Thomas Scott and Susanna Odor, widow. Witnesses, Joseph Carter. Sec. Thos. Edwards. 13 Oct., 1729, George Payne & Frances Edwards. 26 Mch, 1728, Presley Cockarell & Susannah Whaley, widow. 26 July, 1718, Letter of Robert Carter, consenting to marriage of his daughter Judith to Mann Page. July 28, 1730, Letter of Robert Carter, consenting to marriage of his daughter Lucy to Mr. Henry Fitzhugh, Jr., of Stafford. 4 Feb., 1737-8, John Norris and Jane Cammell. 12 Sept., 1720, John Dameron and Elizabeth Taylor. Witness, Alexr McPherson. 8 Jany, 1727-8, James Pendleton, of Drisdale parish, King & Queen Co., and Mary Lyell, widow of Christ Church parish, Lancaster. Sec. Samuell Ball. 10 April, 1728, William Glascock, of Richmond Co., & Mrs. Easter Ball, of St. Mary, White Chappel, Lancaster. Sec. Thomas Edwards. Consent of Sarah Ball to dau. Easter's marriage. 10 Dec., 1735, George Ball & Judith Payne. Sec. Merryman Payne. October 25th, 1739, Rawleigh Chinn's letter, consenting to marriage of his "son Chichester & Mrs. Agatha Thornton." 25 Oct., 1738, Robert Newsom & Behetheen Jones. Sec. James Brent. 12 Nov., 1735, Thomas Chinn & Sarah Mitchell. 6 July, 1730, Wm. Edwards and Eliza Grigg. Consent of Frances Wells (X) to dau's marriage. 5 June, 1736-7, Corotoman. Letter of John Waughope, regarding marriage of John Cannaday and Kath. Heale. 15 January, 1736, John Cannaday, of Maryland, & Katherine Heale, of Lancaster. Witnesess, James Brent. Stokeley Towles. Page 101. 18 Feb., 1734, Lindsay Opie & Sarah Heale. Consent of her father, George Heale. 11 January, 1746, Thos. Flint X & Hannah Blakeman. Sec. John Rogers 12 June, 1747, Wm. Downman & Ellen Chichester, widow. 16 Dec., 1746, Thos Taylor & Mrs. Eve Ball. Her father James Ball, consents. 6 Aug., 1742, Adam Crump, of Prince William Co., & Hannah Heale. 15 July, 1748, John Bell & Frankey Edmonds. Consent of Wm. Tayloe. 16 Oct., 1747, William Hainey & Ann Edwards, widow. Consent of her father, T. Edwards, in a letter to his son, Thomas Edwards. 14 April, 1749, Newton Keene & Sarah Edwards. 13 Dec., 1745, Gavin Lowry & Behethelan Newsom. 21 Nov., 1746, Richard Selden & Mrs. Mary Ball. Consent of John Selden to son Richard's marriage, and consent of James Ball to dau. Mary Ball's marriage. 10 Jany, 1746, Solomon Ewell & Eve Taylor. Witness, John Wormeley. 3 Aug., 1744, John Mitchell & Charity Coleman. Sec. A. Sydnor. 10 Sept., Shapleigh Neale & Margt Bell. Sec. T. Edwards. Witness, T. Edwards, Jr. 20 Dec., 1736, Moore Fauntleroy & Ann Heale. Sec. Joseph Heale. Letter from Moore's Father, Wm. Fauntleroy. Teste, Lindsey Opie, William Fauntle- roy, Jr., Wm. Wethersbie. 9 Jan., 1733, James Rob & Frances Buckles. Sec. Jno Buckles X. 12 June, 1728, George Davenport's letter to prevent Joseph Steven marry his cousin Sarah Davenport. Feb., 1728-9, Rev. Mr. Charles Smith, of Wiccocomoco, & Elizabeth Chilton, of Wiccocomoco. 29 May, 1746, John Fleet & Mary Edwards. 30 Sept., 1747, John Jones & Sarah Ball. Sec. Wm. Montague. Letter of Margaret Ball consenting to marriage of her daughter Sarah. Witnesses, William Montague, Richard Ball. Page 102. 1 August, 1749, Ezekiel Gilbert and Elizabeth Lawson. Sec. Jno Steptoe. 11 Sept., 1747, Edward Blackmore & Hannah Revills. Sec. Thomas Pollard. 30 June, 1746, Nath. Carpenter & Frances Blakerley. 6 April, 1745, Wm. Kelly X & Elizabeth Riley, widow. Sec. John Wale. 5 July, 1749, Kendall Lee and Betty Heale. 15 July, 1749, Ephriam Hubbard & Susannah Edmunds. 27 Jany, 1749, William Montague & Jane (?) Ballendine. Sec. Richd Selden. 4 May, 1749, Antho. Kirk & Sarah Brent. 5 Dec., 1748, Baldwin Mathews Smith & Mrs. Frances Burges. Consent of Jesse Ball. Witnessed by Sinah Ball and Suenner Scott. March, 1740, Wm. Jones & Ann Bell. Letter of consent of John Bell to dau's marriage. 15 Nov., 1750, Wm. Stamps & Ellinor Brent, Jun. Sec. Robert Brent, Jesse Carter. Consent of Charles Chowning to Stamps' marriage, & of Cahterine Brent to her dau. Ellinor Brent's. 20 Jan., 1746, George Heale and Miss Sarah Smith. Consent of Jos. Chinn and Priscilla Chinn. Witnesses, Jesse Ball, Richard Selden. 22 April, 1746, Tunstall Hack & Miss Hannah Conway. 7 Sept., 1748, Robert Mitchell & Miss Hannah Ball. Sec. Richard Selden. 10 Jany, 1746, John Wormeley, of Middx county, gent., & Mrs Ann Tayloe, of Christ Church parish, Lancaster. Consent of Wm. Tayloe to dau's marriage. 13 Jany, 1748, George Glascock, of Richmond Co., & Judith Mitchell, of this county. Sec. Solomon Ewell. 17 April, 1753, William Yerby & Francis McTire. Sec. James Kirk. Consent of father Robert McTyre. 6 July, 1756, Francis Christian & Katherine Chinn. Consent of mother, Ann Chinn. 15 April, 1757, Isaac Eustace & Agatha Conway. Sec. Thos Gaskins. 22 June, 1753, John Bond & Sarah Sharpe. Sec. George Wale. Page 103. 7 June, 1759, Richard Chichester & Anne Gordon. Consent of James Gordon. Witnessed by Andrew Robertson. 20 June, 1757, Col. John Payne & Jean Chichester. Sec. George Heale. 27 Nov., 1758, Andrew Robertson & Ellen Chichester. Consent of William Downman. Witnessed by Ellen Downman & Richd Chichester. 17 May, 1756, William Hubbard & Eliza Boatman. Sec. Edw. Ker. 15 May, 1756, Daniel Clerk & Anne Sheldon. Sec. George Purcell. 7 April, 1758, John Curd & Lucy Brent. Sec. Wm. Stamps, Hugh Brent. 15 Feb., 1762, Edney Tapscott & Mary Shapleigh. Sec. James Tapscott. 16 Dec., 1763, Jonathan Pullen & Betty Anne Brumley. Consent of William Brumley. 11 Nov., 1761, John Smither & Lucy Carter. Sec. Bridg. Haynie. Consent of Thomas Carter to dau's marriage. 19 Feb., 1762, Moses Lunsford & Ann Payne. Sec. George Payne. 26 July, 1762, Capt. Thos. Snail & Elizabeth Weathers Haynes, orphan of James Haynes, Jr. Sec. Charles Bell Lee. 19 June, 1762, Robert Edmunds & Elizabeth Lee Taylor. Sec. Isaac Taylor. 17 June, 1761, John Dillard & Hannah McTyre. Consent of Cornelius De Preest to dau. Hannah's marrige. 28 July, 1764, Leroy Griffin, of the parish of North Farnham, in Rich- mond Co., & Alice Currie, of the parish of Christ Church, in Lancaster. Consent of David Currie. 11 Dec., 1764, Travers Downman, of Wiccomico, Northumberland, & Anne Conway, of Lancaster. Sec. Thomas Edwards. 10 March, 1764, John Bass & Mary Degge. Sec. Charles Lee. 20 Jany, 1764, Rich'd Payne and Ellen Bailey. Sec. Ja. Ball. 16 Oct., 1764, Thos Chinn, Jun., & Sarah Brent. Jan., 1764, William Steptoe & Betty, dau. of George Yerby. (To be Continued.)