Louisa County, VA - Will Book 1 (partial) ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net ************************************************************************ Page 29 Will of Samuel Thomson, 1753 Note: the right margin of the will is torn and missing, and this is indicated by .... at the end of each line. Louisa Co., VA WB 1, p. 29 [in margin: Thompsons last will & Testament] In the name of God amen I Samuel Thompson... County of Louisa in the Parish of Fredericksville being very sick and... but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God I do dispose... Estate as follows Viz I first commend my Soul to God that gave it... to the earth to be buried after a christian manner at his Discretion. as follows m dearly beloved wife Temperance Thomson m..... Thomson and my son Thomas Thomson whom I institute and... sole executors ITEM I give and Bequeath to my Dearly belove... ance Thomson two hundred and forty Acres of Land being pa.... whereon I now Dwel during her natural Life and at her dea... to my youngest Son Asa Thomson and his heirs or assigns. I. bequeath to my Beloved Wife Temperance one negro fel... Jack one negro wench named Kate and her child that my negr.... Phebe is great with three cows and their calves next Spring.... the bed whereon I lie with all its furniture, a small bed h..... blankets to make a small bed, with what feathers in the house a.... can get this year one natural pacing black gelding Eight h... of fat Pork at the fall for her next years provision to her her.... ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Thomson one ne... Frank to him his heirs or assigns, and the tract of land before... and my desire is that my wife may not have her third of it ITE... and bequeath to my son Samuel Thomson one negro boy nam. him his heirs or assigns, and the tract of land before acknowledg. desire is that my wife may not have her third of it, ITEM I give an. to my son John Thomson one negro wench named Rose and her.... to him his heirs or assigns and one natural paceing gray stone (?)... blue housing (?) and one saddle, likewise I leave him of age and... the crop now making and all my wearing cloathes ITEM I give and... to my five youngest sons, John Thomson, Joseph Thomson, David... Robert Thomson, and Asa Thomson twelve hundred acres of... together on which I live, to be equally divided, and my Executor... lots for them, and if George Brocks heirs should sue or recover (?)... which I purchased of John Stubblefield the rest of my children to m.... loss, to them their heirs or assigns ITEM I give and bequeath... Daughter Elizabeth Thomson one negro wench named Dinah... increase for ever and one negro boy named George to her her h... assigns, and the bed and furniture that she lies on ITEM I give... bequeath to my son Joseph one negro boy named Isaac to him... or assigns ITEM I give and bequeath to my son David Thom... negro wench named Phebe and all her increase after the child... with to him his heirs or assigns ITEM I give and bequeth to m.... Robert Thomson one negro girl named Sa__(?) with her increase... his heirs or assigns ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Asa T.... one negro boy named Adam to him his heirs or assigns ITEM... and bequeath to my son William Thomson one negro wench na.... and her increase and one negro boy named Ned which he hath... to him his heirs and assigns ITEM I give and bequeath.... daughter Sarah Kembrow one negro fellow named Sambo to h... and assigns ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Thomson.... he now standeth indebted to me ITEM I give and bequeath to my... son Samuel Kembrow one cow and calf to him his heirs or assigns... give and bequeath to my son Samuel Thomson my riding saddle, ... rest of my estate after my debts are paid to be equally divided among... and children only fourteen pounds current money for the schooling of... youngest sons Joseph two years and the rest four years a piece... I appoint my dearly beloved wife Temperance Thomson, William... and Thomas Thomson my sons my sole executors of this my last will and... AS WITNESS my hand and seal this sixteenth day of June in... Our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and fifty three... Teste: Champness Terry his William Steel Samuel [ S ] Thomson mark AT A COURT held for LOUISA county Tuesday the 28th day of August... this will was this day proved in open court by the oaths of all the... ____(?) and by the court admitted to record and is recorded. Jas Littlepage, Clk Submitted by Ann Avery Hunter