LUNENBURG COUNTY, VIRGINIA BIBLE RECORD (notorized in Mecklenburg County) File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Thomas Walter Duda To: source: Library of Virginia digital project The following information is extracted from the online catalog card. Accession No: 29048 Title: Yancey family Bible record, 1803-1944. Record Ser: Bible records collection, 29048. Size: 1 leaf Summmary: The record is a typed transcript. Bible printed in 1885. Other surnames mentioned: Bean, Blackwell, Davis, Green, Harvey, Jeffress, Jones and Merrill. [page 1 of record] William Lewis Yancey was born August 27, 1804 Nancy Jones, his wife, was born October 24, 1803 Edwin Bedford Jeffress was born November 14, 1823 Mary Harwood Harvey, his wife, was born February 21, 1920 Another Pge Edward Bozman Yancey was born March 10, 1839 Sue Ann Jeffress, his wife, was born June 2, 1832 Kate Lulalia Yancey was born January 13, 1876 Mary Elizabeth Yancey was born July 20, 1878 Nancy Patton Yancey ws born July 26, 1880 William Henry Yancey was born November 1, 1882 Frederick Holmes Yancey was born December 23, 1887 Martha Bedford Yancey was born October 23, 1890 Another Page William Lewis Yancey and Nancy Jones were married March 10, 1824 Edwin Bedford Jeffress and Mary Harwood Harvey were married June 1, 1846 Edward Bozman Yancey and Sue Ann Jeffress were married November 19, 1872 Katherine Lulalia Yancey and Dr. George P. Merrill were married February 13, 1900 Mary Elizabeth Yancey and Stuart A. Davis were married May 28, 1901 Nancy Patton Yancey and John Clay Blackwell were married April 11, 1906 Frederick Holmes Yancey and Josephine Bean were married August 1, 1916 Martha Bedford Yancey and Berryman Green were married October 15, 1917 Another Page Nancy Jones Yancey died June 12, 1887 Edwin Bedford Jeffress died December 3, 1891 William Lewis Yancey died October 21, 1897 Mary H. Jeffress died March 11, 1917 William Henry Yancey died July 26, 1911 Nancy Yancey Blackwell died January 15, 1915 Edward Bozman Yancey died April 23, 1918 Sue Jeffress Yancey died October 18, 1927 Frederick H. Yancey died June 12, 1944 (signed) Katherine B. Elliott [page 2 of record] State of Virginia County of Mecklenburg Before me, a Notary Public for the State and County above, appeared Katherine B. Elliott, known to me, who being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information given in the foregoing page was copied from the source stated and is true to the best of her knowledge and belief. Dalonce (?) C. Harris Notary Public My commission expires 9-27-78 Seal ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************