Lunenburg County, Virginia Deed Book No. 34, 1845-1849, (partial) ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ pp. 280, 281 This Indenture made and intered [sic] into this the 4th day of August 1847 between B. B. Glandsberry of the county of Lunenburg & State of Virginia of the first part and Thomas L Russell of the same County of the second part Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and Thirty four dollars paid tothe said B B Glandsberry [illegible phrase] by the said Thomas L Russell the receipt whereof the Said B B Glandsberry doth hereby acknowledge himself fully satisfied, hath this day and by these presents given granted bargained and Sold unto the said Thomas L Russell to him his heirs and assigns one certain tract [illegible] or parcel of land containing by recent Survey thirty two & half acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg and bounded as follos (To wit)) Beginning at Persimmon tree on Hugh Wallace Thence Wallace line to Russells line Thence along Russells line to corner pine on Hatchett Thence Hatchett line to The road that leads to Lunenburg Courthouse Thence up the road to Townsends line Thence to the beginning to have and To hold the aforementioned land unto him the said Thomas L Russell with all its appertenances [sic] or in any wise belonging to the said Glandsberry doth for himself his heirs warrant and forever defend and unto the Said Thomas L Russell to him his [sic] and assigns forever the right and title of said Lands free from the claim challenge or demand of himself, his heirs or all other persons whatsoever in Testimony whereof the said B B Glandsberry doth hereunto set his hand and affix his Seal the day & date first above mentioned B B Glandsberry [seal] Lunenburg County S. C. [sic] We George L Bayn and P H Hurt Justices of the peace in the county aforesaid and State of Virginia do hereby certify that B. B Glandsberry partie [sic] to a certain deed bearing date the 4 day of August 1847 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the Clerk of the County Court of Lunenburg in order that it may be recorded given under our hands and seals the day and date above written Georg [sic] L Bayn JP [seal] P H Hurt JP [seal] In Lunenburg County Clerk's Office 9th August 1847 The foregoing Deed from B. B Glandsberry to Thomas L Russell was produced before me in my office and acknowledged by B B Glandsberry to be his act and deed and was admitted to Record Teste Thos Taylor CC Submitted by Thomas Walter Duda Page 415 Lunenburg County VA Deed Book XXXIV:415 Know all men by these presents that we Washington B. Wilks & wife Christiana Wilkes of the County of Person & State of North Carolina having full confidence in the Integrity of our Brother Richard Wilkes of the County of Lunenburg Virginia do by these presents constitute him the said Richard Wilkes our lawful agent or attorney to sell & convey all our right & tittle in and to the Estate of John Christopher decd of the County of Lunenburg & State of Virginia of Whatsoever property the sd Interest may consist Whather Real or personal or mixed and further he may sue for & receive the monies arising from sd Sale in give receipt for the same in as full and ample manner as if we were personally present and signed the same, and further he the sd Richard Wilkes is hereby authorized to do all other acts & things in relation to sd Estate as we or either of us could do were we personally present, Given under our hands & seals this 20th June 1848. his Washington X B. Wilkes [SEAL] mark her Christiana X Wilks [SEAL] mark State of North Carolina Person County County Court June Term 1848 I Charles Mason Clerk of the County Court of Person County do hereby certify that Washington B. Wilks & Christiana Wilks his wife did this day both appear in open court and acknowledge the execution by them of the forgoing power of attorney witness my hand & seal of office at Roxboro this ____ June 1848. Charles Mason Clerk Submitted by Judy Penrod Purcell Pp. 554, 555 This Indenture made and entered into this 17th day of August 1849 between William Keeton & Elizabeth his wife of the first part & Thomas L Russell of the second part and all of the County of Lunenburg and State of Virginia Witnesseth that for and in considertaion of the sum of one hundred twenty dollars paid to the said William Keeton & Elizabeth his wife by the said Thomas Russell the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath this day and by these presents given granted bargained and sold transfered [sic] and set over in fee simple one certain trace piece or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Lunenburg bounded by the lands of Faning Crouch Hugh Wallace the Est of Martha Russell and others containing by estimation forty seven & one fourth acres be the same more or less to have and to hold the same with all its appurtenances [illegible phrase] belonging [illegible phrase] the said Russell to him his heirs and assigns forever: and the said William Keeton & his wife doth covenant to & with the said Russell to warrant and defend unto the said Russell to him his heirs and assigns the right and title of said land free from the claim challenge of themselves their heirs and all other persons whatsoever in testimony whereof we hereunto set our hands & affix our seals the day and date first written William Keeton [seal] Elizabeth Keeton [seal] Lunenburg County to wit We George L Bayn & William A Stone justices of the peace for the County of Lunenburg in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that William Keeton party to a certain deed bearing date the 17th day of August 1849 personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed and desired us to certify said acknowledgement the [sic] clerk of the County Court of Lunenburg in order that the same may be recorded. Given under our hands seals [sic] this 18th day of August 1849 George L Bayn Jp [seal] Wm A Stone Jp [seal] Lunenburg County to wit We George L Bayn & William A Stone justices of the peace for the County of Lunenburg in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Elizabeth Keeton the wife of William Keeton parties to the within deed bearing date the 17th day of August 1849 personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband and having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her she the said Elizabeth acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly signed sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract. given [sic] under our hands and seals this 18th day of August 1849 George L Bayn JP [seal] Wm A Stone JP [seal] Lunenburg County Court 10th September 1849 The foregoing deed together with the Certificates of acknowledgement and privy examination thereto annexed was presented in court and ordered to be recorded. Teste T W Winn CC Submitted by Thomas Walter Duda