LEWISTON PLANK ROAD COMPANY, STOCK OWNERS- Counties of Nottoway, Lunenburg, Petersburg, Richmond LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS TO THE STOCK OF THE LEWISTON PLANK ROAD COMPANY, INCORPORATED THE 21 MARCH 1853. Transcribed by Thomas Walter Duda Source: Library of Virginia, "Lewiston Plank Road Company records, 1853-1860", located at 9-D-7-1-4, box 276. The Lewiston Plank Road Company was incorporated by an Act of the Virginia assembly on the date stated in the title. The Act named the following persons as principals in the company: Charles Smith, Dr. R. J. H. Hatchett, Colin Stokes, E. B. Jackson, William Y. Neal, Wm. Arvin, junior, Henry Stokes, T. Woodson, D. R. Stokes, John A. Bishop, T. T. Shackleton, H. H. Dejarnett, John Crymes, Robert Crymes, Henry Day, Lanxton Arvin, Wm. P. Tisdale, Wm. M. Bayley, E. C. Scott, N. E. Davis and David Pulley. Source for the list of principals: _Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, passed in 1852-3, in the Seventy-Seventh Year of the Commonwealth_ (1853, William F. Ritchie, Public Printer) LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS Nottoway County --------------- Shares Amt. ------ ---- W. C. Knight 20 500 G. T. Cralle 20 500 W. P. Dickinson 12 300 Sharpe Carter 4 100 Ed. T. Jeffress 12 300 L. H. Knight 4 100 T. W. Knight 8 200 W. C. Knight Exor J. H. Knight 10 250 O.M. Knight 4 100 Wm. Carter 4 100 W. H. Perry 10 250 Stith A. Ingram 2 50 M. Rash 1 25 Robt. B. Chumney 4 100 Joseph Jennings 5 125 Robt. C. Motley 4 100 Danl. Bradshaw 1 25 A. P. Miller 2 50 J. B. Oliver 4 100 P. J. Foulkes 4 100 Chas. H. Carter 4 100 Saml. D. Burke 8 200 ---- ---- 247 3675 Lunenburg County ---------------- Shares Amt. ------ ---- Mo. (?) S. Bolling 2 50 Joel Johns 1 25 Chas. Smith 4 100 E. C. Scott 8 200 W. C. Jeffress 4 100 L. B. Foulkes 2 50 G. W. Oliver 1 25 J. J. Jordan 4 100 W. M. White 4 100 Thos. Hamblin 2 50 Wm. E. Estes 1 25 Tho. T. Shackleton 1 25 Griffin O. Hardy 2 50 J. Smith 2 50 Tho. Kelton 2 50 J. B. Wilson 2 50 Gill W. Watts 2 50 Dr. R. J. H. Hatchett 2 50 Jas. J. Evans 1 25 T. W. Winn 4 100 W. W. Webb 1 25 ---- ---- 52 1300 Petersburg ---------- Shares Amt. ------ ---- Rowlett Hardy & Co. 4 100 Lemuel Peebles 4 100 Sturdivant Hurt & Co. 4 100 Branch T. Hurt 2 50 Wesley Grigg 2 50 Andrew Kevan 2 50 O & W. L. Morton 2 50 A. S. Shafen (?) & Co. 2 50 Mo. Stephenson 2 50 G. W. Bolling 2 50 Dinwiddie Grigg 2 50 Jos. A. Sydnor 2 50 Wills, Lea & Brownley 4 100 Dunn & Spincer [sic] 2 50 ---- ---- 36 900 Richmond city ------------- Danl. Ward 4 100 T. A. Eggleston 4 100 B. W. Totty 2 50 J. Mildeberger Smith 4 100 Richd Reins 2 50 Elam Smith & Co. 2 50 Wm. Eggleston 1 25 G. B. Davenport 1 25 Edwin Wortham & Co. 1 25 Geo. J. S-nner [overwritten] 2 50 R. H. Maury 4 100 Mort. Lewis & Co. 1 25 Mo. M. Royall 4 100 Christian L. Lathrop 2 50 H. T. Paino 4 100 Purcell Ladd & Co. 2 50 Keen, Chiles & Baldwin 2 50 Elias Hale 2 50 Mitchell L. Tyler 2 50 J. H. Cowardin 2 50 J. D. B. Evans 1 25 Augustus Anderson 2 50 Wm. Bell 1 25 Mo. G. Brooks 1 25 P. Rahm 20 500 Mo. Dooly 1 25 G. Z. Miles 1 25 W. S. & G. Donnan 2 50 Hugh W. Fry 2 50 Hanall & Bro. 4 100 Williams & Bro. 2 50 Fr. Cranz 1 25 Warwick & Barksdale 4 100 Geo. M. West & Bro. 1 25 C. Thomas 2 50 S. Merchant Weisegor 2 50 D. S. Delaplane 1 25 H. Antoni 1 25 Ginter & Alvey 4 100 Wm. Barrett 4 100 Dudley & Co. 1 25 Hugh A. Watt 1 25 Smith & Maddun [sic] 4 100 W. & G. Gwathmey 2 50 J. Wellingham 1 25 H. [illegible] Hill 2 50 McKinney & Dupuy 2 50 Hooker, Osborne & Co. 2 50 Breiden Fox & Co. 2 50 Butler & Tinsley 1 25 A. Thomas & Son 1 25 Jas. Dunlop 2 50 P. T. Moore & Co. 1 25 A. L. Ellitt 1 25 Winfree & Watkins 2 50 J. H. Anthony 1 25 Geo. Watt & Co. 1 25 G. J. Herring 1 25 J. C. Shafer 1 25 ---- ---- 134 3350 Recapitulation -------------- Nottoway Subscription 147 3675 Lunenburg do 52 1300 Petersburg do 36 900 Richmond do 134 3350 ---- ---- 369 $9225 We, the undersigned Commissioners appointed by the Act of assembly to open books and receive subscriptions to an amount not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, for the purpose of constructing the Lewiston Plank Road, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct List of the Subscribers to the capital stock thereof, all of whom are solvent and able to pay; [crossed out: "and we do further certify that each of the said subscribers has paid to us on each share subscribed the sum of two dollars."] Witness our hands this 13 day of Sept. 1853 R. J. H. Hatchett [the photocopy from which this transcription was made did not include the other signatures, although it was evident that at least one other person had signed the certificate.] File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Thomas Walter Duda ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************