Lunenburg-Nottoway County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Wills.....Blackwell, Joel May 18, 1852 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tosca K. Simms September 19, 2010, 3:32 pm Source: Lunenburg Court House Wb 14 Pp 58-59 Written: May 18, 1852 Recorded: August 11, 1856 I, Joel Blackwell of the County of Lunenburg & State of Virginia do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form following to wit: Item the 1st. My will & desire is that all my just debts be first paid by my executors herein after named. Item 2'd. I leave unto my beloved wife Martha F. Blackwell the land & Plantation whereon I now live together with the lsand & plantation whereon Benjamin Winn formerly lived also the land which I bought of the Hatchett's & also the following named slaves. Zadas, Arrena, Tabley, Henrietta, Adaline, Landon, Martha, Littleton, Sarah, William, Jesse, Victory, little Zadas, James, Junius, Ephraim, Anthony, Silas, Mary, Theressa, Johnson and their future increases, one half of my stock of horses including my carriage horses, my coaches & harness, one half of my cattle sheep & hogs, one half of my plantation tools, all of my blacksmith's tools, all of my household & kitchen furniture (my desk & book-case together with all my books excepted) during her life or widowhood. Item 3rd. If my wife should marry I lend her the following property only, namely the following named slaves. Zadas, Arrena, Tabley, Henrietta, Landon, Martha, Jesse, Victoria, little Zadas, James, Junius and two feather beds & furniture during her natural life. Item 4th. I give to my son William Fletcher Blackwell my tract of land called Jackson, also the land which I bought of Richard Ellett, the land I bought of Henderson Lee & the land I bought of Edmund Winn's legatees & the following slaves, Manuel, Sue, Jack, Alford, Charles, Wilson, Aggy, Lucy, Munford, Louisa, Alex, Davy & Hunley and their future increase & at the death or marriage of my wife Martha F. I give all the property both real and personal that I have loaned to my wife Martha F. either for life or widdowhood and the increase of the slaves & stock to my son William Fletcher Blackwell to him & the heirs of his body forever. I also give to my son William Fletcher my desk & book case and all my books, one feather bed & furniture & two hundred dollars. Item 5th. I give to my wife Martha F. one half of my crop on hand or which may be growing. Item 6th. Should my son William F, Blackwell die without an heir of his body, Then I give to my wife Martha F. one third of all the slaves herein before willed to her and to my son William F. in fee simple. And the other two thirds of the slaves herein before willed to my wife & my said son together with the real estate willed to them I give to my wife to will amongst my granchildren as she may think best. Item 7th. I give to my daughter Eliza James Williams the following slaves. Sussex, Albert, Grief, Dick, Asa, Jerry, Henry, Mariah, Edmond, Tazewell, Clay, Mary, Moses, little Jerry, Sam, Susan, Enos, little Sussex, Eliza, Ridley & Grace and their future increase to her & the heirs of her body forever. I also give to my daughter Eliza James what money her husband (Wm. Williams) is due me by bond or otherwise. Item 8th. I give to my niece Ann B. Cox five hundred dollars. Item 9th. All the residue of my estate not herein before willed away I give to be equally divided between my wife Martha F. and my son William Fletcher to them & their heirsforever. Lastly, I nominate and appoint my nephew Robert Blackwell and my son William Fletcher Blackwell Executors of this my last will & testament revoking all former wills by me made & declaring this and this alone to be my last will & testament. Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty two. Joel Blackwell Seal Witness: Wm.Thweatt Blackwell John R. Featherston Lunenburg County Court 11th August 1856. A Paper writing bearing date the 18th day of May 1862 purporting to be the last will & testament of Joel Blackwell dec'd was produced in Court by the executors therein named, proved by the oath of the witnesses thereto subscribed & ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of Ro. Blackwell & Wm. F. Blackwell the executors therein named who made oath thereto & together with approved security entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $75,000. conditioned according to law certificate is granted them for obtaining probat of the said will in due form. Teste W. W. Webb D.C. In margin at top: Blackwell, Joel Will In margin at bottom: Examined Additional Comments: Joel Goodwin (Blackwell) married Sallie B. Gunn and had Sallie and Eliza James (1805) In 1821 he married again Martha F. Dance and had William Fletcher. Daughter Eliza James Blackwell married William Williams, one child of theirs was Joel B. Williams referred to in the book "Old Homes of Nottoway County." File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.5 Kb