LUNENBURG COUNTY, VIRGINIA - WILL BOOK 14, 1851-1916 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Pages 15 - 17 Last Will of Julius J Hite Lunenburg Co,Va. Will Book 14 pages 15-17 I, Julius Hite, of the County of Lunenburg & State of Virginia do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form following to wit: Item Ist --I give to my daughter Nancy S. Hines the following slaves Moses & Pleasant to dispose of as she may think proper. Also Joe & Eliza his wife and their children, Lucy & Mdmw during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided between her((NANCY"S))five youngest children viz: Millington, Benjamin W., Turner'S, Warner P., & Virginia Hines. I also give her a bond executed to me by her on the last day of January 1842 for between seven & eight hundred dollars! which bond is either lost or mislaid. I also give her the two hundred acres of land on which ((grandson)) Thomas S. Hines now resides. Item 2nd-- I give to my grandson Edmond M. Hite my man Sandy (a blacksmith) and his tools; also Macklane Coleman & Tempe to him & his heirs forever. Item 3rd--. I give to my grandson Walter W. Hite the following slaves: Griffin & Peggy & her three girl children also five hundred dollars in money to him & his heirs forever. Item 4th --I give to my grandson James L Hite my men Chuseman & Nicholas. Also a lot of land beginning at a comer turkey oak on the ridge road, thence a new chopped line bearing west to a comer white oak, Thense northwest to Harpers road to a comer Turkey oak also the hire of Chuseman for the last year to him and his heirs forever Item 5th-- I give to my grandson Wm L. Hite the following slaves: George (a blacksmith} & his tools; Robin, Minerva & her three children, Muly & Child & Edinborough. Also the tract of and whereon I now reside beginning at Harpers road on a comer white Oak thence a new chopped line to a corner maypole on the taricltn branch: thence up the branch to Wm E Walkers corner white oak, thence southwest to Maherrin river, thence up the river to Samuel Oslin's line, thence along said Oslin's line to Miss Marietta Blackwell's line, thence to Harpers road, thence along said road to beginning; supposed to contain six hundred acres. Also the tract purchased by Walter W. Hite known as the mill tract which I give him in payment for the tract which I have herein before willed to Nancy S. Hines. Also one half of my grist mill and milon machine to him and his heirs forever. Item 6th-- I give to my granddaughter Eliza Strange ((daut of Elizabeth W Hite)) my boy Drury also one hundred dollars to her & her heirs forever. Item 7th-- I give to my granddaughter Susan Williams (( daut of Elizabeth W Hite))be paid into the hands of Benjamin Strange as trustee the sum of three hundred dotiars or interest to be paid to her as her necessities may require. Item 8th-- I give to my granddaughter Minerva Tompson (( daut of Elizabeth W Hite)) my boy Henderson, also two hundred dollars to her and her heirs forever. Item 9th-- I give to my granddaughter Ermin Kennady ((daut of Elizabeth W Hite)) my boy Sam also onehundred dollars to her and her heirs forever. Item lOth I give to my granddaughter Pamelia Oslin,(( daut ofElizabeth W Hite)) my woman Angelina Item 11th I give to my grandson Thomas H Callis((husband of Elizabeth W Hite) my man Davy and his wife Violet also one hundred dollars to him and his heirs forever. Item 12th I give to William A Hines' ((grandson, son of Nancy S Hite)) six oldest children viz; Washington, James,Thomas Martha, Elizabeth & Mary the sum of twelve hundred dollars to be paid into the hands of James L. Hite and Edmond M. Hite on interest for the benefit of the children and to give to them as their necessities may require; and when the boys shall arrive to lawful age to pay over to them their proportion of the sum then in hand, and to the girls in like manner when they shall arrive to lawful age or marriage. But should any of them die then their proportion to be equally divided between those that are living. Item 13th I give to my two great grandsons Benjamin Hite & Lewellyn Hite ((sons of Benjamin Watkins Haynie Hite)) each one hundred dollars to be paid to their guardians. Item 14th I give to my granddaughter Henrietta Buford's (( daut of Benjamin Watkins Hite Sr.)) four children three hundred dollars each to them and their heirs forever. Item l5th I give to my grandson Wm A Hines (( son of Nancy S Hite )) the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid into the hands of Edmond M Hite to be paid to him as he may stand in need for the support of his family. Item 16th I give to William E Walker (( husband of Mary W Hines, who was daut of Nancy S woman Tabby & girl Martha. Also the balance of my lands not herein willed away, including the tract on which he now resides dower interests etc. to him and his heirs forever, Item 17th, It is my will that my old servants, Jimmy, Betty, & Cherry should be permitted to choose masters where they may prefer. Item 18th, All the residue of my estate not herein before willed away, I wish my executors to sell and pay the legacies herein willed away, and the remainder (if any) to be equally divided between Edmond M. Hite, Walter W. Hite, James L. Hite, William L. Hite, and Nancy S (Hite) Hines. Lastly, I nominate and appoint my grandson Edmund M. Hite, and my friend Robert Blackwell Executors of this my last will and testament. Witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of February,1851. /S/ Julius Hite (X,his mark) Witness: William T Blackwell E.H. Blackwell Thomas H. Gee Wm. E. Walker Griffin O. Hardy Wm H. Hardy Enos H. Barnes TESTE: T.W. Winn, CC Copied from Charles Hite submission to Rootsweb (( relationships)) added for clarity and readability. Jim Dunning June 27, 2001 Submitted for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bonnie Chumney -------------- 1858 WILL DGWms WW1854 Lunenburg WB 14 pp 79-83 I David G. Williams of the County of Lunenburg being of sound mind, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following, to wit: Item: I give to my beloved wife Mary E. P. Williams during her remaining my widow, in lieu of her Dower, the plantation whereon I now reside, including the tract of land I purchased called Gunn & the land on the Great Nottoway river called Jenkins in Nottoway County, also five good work- horses or mules, one of my wagons (the one driven by John) one ox cart and chain, two yokes of oxen, twenty head of cattle, twenty head of sheep, half the stock of hogs on the plantation on which I reside, all the house-hold & kitchen furniture, except such part as I may hereafter dispose of in another matter, also I give & be- queath to my said wife Mary E. P. Williams during her widowhood as afore- said the following named negroes: Joe, Essex, Horace, Claiborne, Isaac, ?????, Bartlett, Matilda, Chainey, Eustice, Ella, Eliza, Minerva, Amelia, Solo- mon, John (House,) Diana Sr., Nancy, Edward, Becky, and Ann Eliza, Sarah, Diana Jr., Eweline’s three children to wit: Becky, Ralph, Nathan, Eliza’s four children to wit: Clem, Paul, Jefferson, & Clifford, Minerva’s two children to wit: Harrison & Madison, Nancy’s three children to wit: Robert, Emma, & Nancy, three spinning wheels, three pairs of cards, one loom, sleiys & harness, plantation utensils sufficient to work the horses and negroes, Pork, Corn, fodder, shucks, sufficient to support eh stock and negroes one year. Item: I give to my beloved wife Mary E. P. Williams Four thousand dollars on deposit in the mechanics savings society of Petersburg, my carriage, harness and two horses Black Hawk and Charl?? To her & her heirs. Item: I give in trust to my executors, hereinafter named, for the support of my daughter Emily G. Epes, the tract of land lying in Nottoway County called Cheatham’s, also the following list of negroes to wit, as advanced by me in the year eighteen hundred & thirty five: Pompey, George, Simon, Betsy, Lucinda, Cadmus, Jane daughter of Lucida, Martha, William, Sally Cornelius & Milly, Cater, Arch, Nancy, Emily, Aggie, Henry, and an infant, name not known, children of Betsy, Jack, Edith, & son Juba, Amanda purchased at Afred’ Branch’s sale, two beds & furniture thereunto belonging, one mahog- any Bureau, now at Cheatham’s, and two thousand dollars; should my daughter Emily G. Epes depart this life, my will & desire is and I hereby direct that my executors continue to hold possession of the above named property for the education and support of her children. I further direct that as her children arrive at lawful age my executors divide the property loaned to my said daughter Emily among her children. Should either of her children depart this life without leaving a lawful heir of their body, then the position of the one so dying be loaned to her surviving child or children and neither of her children leaves a lawful heir of hid body I give the estate of whatever kind to my children and if any of my children have departed this life leaving a child or children they to be entitled to their Father’s or Mother’s share which I give to them & their heirs. Item: I give to my son Peter E. Williams Five hundred Dollars advanced to him September 1853 to him & his heirs. Item: I give to my son Dandridge C. Williams Twelve Hundred and seventy four Dollars and fifty three cents, this seem being the amount of hire of Five men and two women for the years eighteen hundred fifty three and 1854 including the balance with interest for the sale of Saluda and child, also five hundred and fifty Dollars advanced to him as per memorandum at different times and also Two thousand Dollars in Cash to him & his heirs. Item: I give to my son Thomas R. Williams Two thousand Dollars advanced to him in 1853 and also Two thousand Dollars to him paid to him by my Executors. Item: I give to my daughter Virginia F. Williams one negroe girl named Pocahontas, also the following negroes to wit: Branch Sr, Bob, Mingo, Billy, Peggy and her two children Simon and Margaret, Banister, Louisa Sr & son Anderson, and Four thousand Dollars, two beds, bedsteads, furniture, of the same kind & quality as I advanced to my sons & daughters in my lifetime – one Mahogany bureau to her & her heirs. Item: I give to my son Fayette C. Williams the following negroes to wit: Patrick, Ritter & her son Silas, one half of my mill and fifty acres of land lying on both sides of great Nottoway river called The Falls of Nottoway, the metes and bounds whereof will more readily appear by reference to the plat, also one half of the tract of land lying at the head of Falls Creek in Lunenburg County called Townsend, containing Two hundred Sixty acres to him & his heirs. Item: I give to my son Virginus R.Williams the following Negroes to wit: Jim, Burwell, Lewis, George (sawyer,) Allen, Munford, Susana & four children Watson, Polly, Jenny and Nathan, Symira, Lucinda Jr., Mary & son Ralph, Dick, Wash, Abram Jr., my tract of land on which I am now residing, the tract of land called Gunn’s, the tract lying on great Nottoway river called Jenkins in the County of Nottoway, one half of my mill and fifty acres of land, lying on both sides of great Nottoway river, called The Falls of Nottoway, also one half of the tract of land lying at the head of Falls Creek, in the county of Lunenburg, called Townsends. My son Virginius is to give to his mother the privileges of residing on, and cultivating the farm, unmolested; whereon I now reside which I give to him at the death of his mother, also I give to my said son Virginius R. Williams Four thou- sand Dollars and Pork, Corn, fodder, shucks, & straw for the support of his farm and negroes for one year, half of the stock of cattle, twenty head of sheep, half the stock of hogs, on the farm on which I reside, five work horses or mules and grain, his riding hose, saddle & bridle, two good yoke of oxen, a good amount of chain, tumbrel cart, the wagon bought of Robertson & gear for five horses, rail-way threshing machine, D? Reynold Fan-Mills, two Double Dagon ploughs, five single Dagon ploughs, five ploughs, ten plough hoes, ten hill hoes, six great hoes, five pole axes and a broad ax, augers and hand saw for the farm, two pairs wedges, two beds & steads and furniture of the same kind and quality as I advanced to my sons and daughters in my lifetime, when my said son Virginius R. arrives at the age of twenty one years I give to him and his heirs. I give to my executors hereinafter named for my daughter Mary C. Miller the following negroes to wit: Dick, Jenny, Jim, Pettus, also a bond bearing Date March 12th 1854 for Four thousand Dollars executed by W. B. Miller to me, to be used in any way that my daughter the said M. C. Miller may think best for the interest of her children. If she should depart this life before her husband W. B. Miller, she to have the privilege of willing to her children the above named negroes & money, making their portions equal or unequal as she may think best. I also give to my daughter M. C. Miller One thousand Dollars advanced to her in Dec’r 1852, also Two hundred & Ten Dollars for the hire of Dick and Jenny in Alabama the year before they went into her possession. Item: I give to my exors hereinafter named the following negroes for the benefit of my two grand children Mary E. P. Irby and John Lucas Irby to wit: Mat, Marcia & her two children Amy & Louisa, Letty & her two children Sucky and Clarissa, Paty, and four thousand Dollars in money and should either of my two grandchildren depart this life, I loan to the survivor the negroes & money which was the portion of the deceased one, and should both die leaving no issue, then all the above named negroes & money with the increase of the negroes to return to my estate & be equally divided be- tween my children. Item: If any of my children should depart this life, leaving a child or children, such child or children are to be entitled to their Father’s or Mother’s share which I hereby give to them & their heirs under the provisions of this Will. Item: I give to my grandson David G. Williams, son of Dandridge C. Williams, a negro boy, son of Ellen, which my son Dandridge C. has in his possession to him & his heirs. Item: I give to my grand son John Lucas Irby a negro boy named Carey. If the said J. L. Irby should depart this life before he arrives at the age of twenty one years the boy Cary is to return to my estate & be divided among my children. Item: I loan to my grand daughter Mary E. P. Williams the tract of land pur- chased by me of Spencer Thomas containing three hundred & one acres, and one hundred & sixty acres purchased by me of Horace Hardaway, Two hundred and five & three quarters acres lying on Horsepen Creek, Twenty eight acres purchased of William Thomas. Should my grand daughter M. E. P. Williams depart this life without issue I then agreeably, to my son Jno D. Williams’s Will, give all the land above named to the brothers and sisters of the said J. D. Williams as directed by his will. Item: I loan to my said grand Daughter Mary E. P. Williams a negro girl named Milly I purchased of Burwell Wilkes. Should my said grand daughter depart this life without issue, I then loan to my two grand children Mary E. P. Irby and John Lucas Irby the said negro girl Milly, and if they should depart this life without issue then the negro Milly to return with all of her increase, to my estate to be equally dividied among all my children. Item: I give to my grand daughter Mary E. P. Williams One thousand Dollars to her & her heirs. Item: I give to my daughter Virginia F. Williams in fee simple one third of the money arising from the sale of the land which I shall hereinafter direct my executors to sell, to her & her heirs. Item: I give to my executors hereinafter named for the benefit of my daughter Mary C. Miller one third of the money arising from the lands which I shall hereinafter direct to be sold by my Executors. The said money to be used in any way my said daughter Mary C. may think best for her children and if she should depart this life before her husband W. B. Miller, she to have the privilege of disposing of it by Will to her children, and of dividing it equally or unequally between them as she deem expedient. Item: I give to my executors hereinafter named for the benefit of my two grand children Mary E. P. Irby & John Lucas Irby one third of the money arising from the sale of the land which I shall hereinafter direct to be sold by my said executors, and should either of my said grand children depart this life leaving no issue then I loan to the survivor the portion of the one so dying, and if both should die leaving no issue, then I direct that the portions of both return to my estate to be equally divided between my children under the provisions of this Will. Item: I hereby direct my exors hereinafter named to sell my tract of land called Butterwood in the County of Dinwiddie, and all the rest of my land in that County, also any tracts of lands called Caskie’s and Nunnerley”s in the County of Nottoway, on such terms as my executors aforesaid may think best for the interest of the parties concerned and divide the proceeds of the sales of said lands equally between my daughters Mary C. Miller & Virginia F. Williams and my two grand children Mary E. P. Irby & John Lucas Irby as hereinabove directed. Item: My will & desire is that the negroes loaned my wife during her life, be at her death, equally divided among all my children with the exception of the portion of negroes that my daughter Emily G. Epes, Mary B. Miller and my two grand children Mary E. P. Irby and John Lucas Irby got, which I gave to them in the same manner and subject to the same restrictions as the property bequeathed to them in the foregoing part of this Will. Item: I give to my son Peter E., Williams that portion of my negroes, which he gets at the death of his mother to him & his heirs. Should he die leaving no lawful issue then I direct that the said negroes be equally divided be- tween all my children. Item: My will & desire is that all of my negroes, not already disposed of, and all my crops of tobacco, wheat, corn, plantation tool, stock of all kinds, be divided among all my children with the exception of the portions which would go to my son Peter E. Williams, my daughters Mary C. Miller, Emily G. Epes, and my two grand children Mary E. P. Irby & john Lucas Irby, which I give to them in the same manner and subject to the same restrictions as the property bequeathed to them in the foregoing part of this will. Item: My will & desire is that if my daughter Emily G. Epes survives her hus- band Tho’s W. Epes, that the property given in trust to my executors for my said Daughter Emily G. Epes, by given to her & her heirs. Lastly, I nominate and appoint my son Fayette C. Williams and (left blank) ex- ecutors to this my last will and Testament directing that my said executors be not required to give security for the performance of their trust and that no inventory be taken of my estate and no appraisement of it made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal This Twenty second day of July one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. D. G. Williams Seal Signed & acknowledged in Presence of W. H. Perry, E. F.Williams Lunenburg County Court 11th January 1858 The last will & Testament of David G. Williams dec’d was produced in Court by Fayette C. Williams the only executor therein named, and proved by the oath of W. H. Perry and E.F. Williams, the two witnesses thereto subscribed & ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said executor who made oath as the law directs (and there being no security required of him by said Will) entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $500,000. conditional according to law, a certificate is granted him in due form, to obtain a probat of the said Will. Teste T. W. Winn C.C. Exam’d In margin: Williams, David G. Will Someone at some point in time put the number 1 next to his first item, then number 4 through number 25 next to those items, but did not enter a number next to Lastly. I do not believe this was part of the original recording. transcribed by tks February 2007 ******************************************************************************* Copyright. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************************* -------------------------------------- Page 87 Polly Bishop, will March 26, 1849 mentions niece Rebeckah A. J. Moore - tract of land, neroes, stock, etc. at Rebeckah's death, to be equally divided between Rebeckah's children niece's husband, Wm. F. Moore Proved October 11, 1858 Lunenburg Co., VA will of Josephus Gregory 1877/1880 Recorded Will Book 14, pp 275-277 Submitted by JoLee Gregory Spears 12 Sept. 1998 Lunenburg Co., Va Sept 7, 1877 I Josephus Gregory of the county of Lunenburg and state of Virginia being of sound mind and disposing memory do hereby make and disclose this to be my last will and testament. My real estate I wish divided as follows: 1st Run a straight line from the point where the long branch east of my house passes through the line between the estate of W. T. Couch decd and my land in a westerly direction to a point where the first drain or Gully north of what we call Saunders flat passes through the fence running south from my house, thence down the drain to where it empties into the creek thence along the fence a south westerly direction to Dr. S. Saunders line. All the land South and east of this line I give and bequeath to my son J. W. Gregory his heirs or assigns forever. 2nd Run a straight line from the point at which Dr. S. Saunders and Thos. Spencer corner on my line to where the creek strikes the woods at the lower end of the [*****] spring flat thence up the center of the creek to the lower end of the Ivy Bank. Thence along the present fence on the Ivy Bank bluff to a forked Poplar tree near the woods, both forks marked X thence a straight line to Mr. J. W. Ellis' gate south from his house all the land south and west of this line I leave to my son E. J. & H. C. Gregory in Trust to be managed by them for the benefit of my two grandchildren Laura Stokes Duke and Edward Lucian Duke, the rents accruing from it to be used for their support or education until Laura Stokes Duke is eighteen years of age, at which time she shall have one half of said land and at the age of twenty one years, Edward Lucian Duke shall have the other half of said land; and if either one of them should die before they arrive at the ages above specified, the other one shall have his or her interest in said lands, and if Laura Stokes Duke should die before she is eighteen years of age and Edward Lucian Duke before he is twenty one years of age the said land shall then be divided between my children E. J. Gregory, F. J. Gregory, H. C. Gregory and J. W. Gregory. 3rd Run a straight line from the Center of the creek at the bush? Spring a north easterly direction passing at the north west corner of the Barn west of my house to the line between my land and the land of the estate of W. T. Couch decd all South of this line and between the two lots previously named with the privilege of moving the house standing on my yard immediately east of my residence to this lot I give and bequeath to my son F. J. Gregory his heirs or assigns forever. 4th Run a line from Mr. E. Griffins at the north east corner of my fence nearest Mr. Griffins outer gate along the Mt Zion road passing my outer north gate to the line between me and Mr. Ellis All north of the line I give and bequeath to my son H. C. Gregory his heirs or assigns forever. 5th The remainder of my real estate which includes all that portion lying between the lots of H. C. Gregory E. J. & H. C. Gregory Trustees for my two Grandchildren Laura Stokes & Edward L. Duke and F. J. Gregory I give and bequeath to my son E. J. Gregory his heirs or assigns forever, reserving to my wife Mary E. Gregory the use during her life of all that portion of this lot lying east of the road running from my outer gate passing west of my yard to where it strikes the line of F. J. Gregory's lot and also the use of Half of the barn north of my residence, two stalls in my stable and half of the corn crib. 6th The real estate I own in Texas if unsold at my death I wish sold and divided into equal parts, to E. J. Gregory F. J. Gregory H. C. Gregory and J. W. Gregory I give each one part, one part I wish put out in interest during the life of my wife Mary E. Gregory and to her I give the interest that may be received from it annually. After her death it shall be equally divided between my four children E. J., H. C., F. J. & J. W. Gregory. The sixth part with an addition of one hundred dollars to it from my personal property and in lieu of any other interest in my personal property I leave to my son E. J. & H. C. Gregory in trust to be managed by them for the benefit of my two grandchildren Laura Duke Stokes and Edward Lucian Duke the interest accruing from it to be used for their support or education until Laura Stokes Duke is eighteen years of age at which time she shall have half of it, the other half to remain as above until Edward Lucian Duke is twenty one years of age at which time he shall this half. If either one of them should die before they arrive at the age above specified, the other one shall have his or her part and if both should die before they arrive at said ages, it shall then be divided between my four children, E. J. F. J. H C & J. W Gregory. My personal property I dispose of as follows: 1st I give to my wife Mary E. Gregory one hundred dollars in money. I leave to her two choice mules, or a mule and horse, two choice milk cows two setts of harness and farming implements sufficient for the use of two hands and as much of my household and kitchen furniture as she may desire to keep during her natural life. I give to her a sufficiency of provisions for herself two hands and two horses for twelve months. 2nd I give to my son E. J. Gregory one bed & furniture and the next choice cow and calf. 3rd To my son F. J. Gregory I give one hundred and twenty five dollars. 4th To my son H. C. Gregory I give three hundred dollars. 5th To my son J. W. Gregory I give two hundred dollars. 6th To my grandchild Laura Stokes Duke I give my Piano when she arrives at the age of eighteen years and if she should die before arriving at that age it shall then be given to my Grandchild Emma Stokes Gregory. 7th After the death of my wife the personal property she has been using shall be divided equally between my four children E. J. - F. J.- H. C. & J. W. Gregory. 8th I desire this will shall be executed without any further process of law than the recording of the same in the clerk's office and I leave my sons E. J. Gregory and F. J. Gregory as Executors. As witness my hand day and date above given. Witness Josephus Gregory Joseph L. Bentley E. B. White December 12th 1879 I Josephus Gregory do add this codicil to my will above written bearing date Sept 7th 1877 Item 1st I direct that my son E. J. Gregory shall have the use of three rooms in the west end of my house Viz: the basement first and second floor, whenever he wishes to occupy them. Lunenburg County Court June 14th 1880 A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Josephus Gregory decd was produced in court and proved by the oath of Jos. L. Bentley one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and E. B. White the other subscribing witness being out of this commonwealth, his handwriting was fully proved by the oaths of J. M. Williamson & J. W. Williams. Whereupon the same is ordered to be recorded as the true last will and testament of the said Josephus Gregory decd and on motion of F. J. & E. J. Gregory the executors named in the said will who appeared in court, made oath and together with approved security entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $8000. Conditioned as the law directs, which bond is ordered to be recorded. Certificate is granted the said Executors for obtaining probate of said will in due form of law. Teste J. L. Yates, Clerk Lunenburg County Virginia, Will Book No. 14, P. 345 RICHARD M. RUSSELL - 1892 In the name of God Amen, I Richard M. Russell, of the County of Lunenburg, State of Virginia, knowing the certainty of death and being sound in mind do make this my last will and testament revoking all others heretofore made by me in manner and form to wit. Item 1st. That all of my just debts be punctually paid by my executrix hereafter named. Item 2nd. I give to my beloved wife Elisabeth O. and William L. and Blanche Gertrude Russell the tract of land on which I now reside containing two hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less to remain together untill my daughter Blanche becomes of lawful age - together with all my household and kitchen furniture stock farming implements wagons buggies store and contents and all other property on said land. When Blanche becomes of lawful age, they may make such disposition of said property as they see fit. in addition to the above I give to my daughter Blance my orgain. Item 3rd. I give to my daughter Martha E. Clark the tract of land on which the public school house is located known as the Russell School containing sixty acres together with all of my interest in the real estate in the tanyard tract of lands, tanyard tools and personal property on east named tract of land. Item 4th. I give to my daughter Laura A. Hardy a tract of land containing fifty- seven acres adjoining the land she now owns on the east, together with a lot in Keysville, said lot, is fifty feet of the west end of the lot on which my store house now stands. Item 5th. I give to my wife Elisabeth O. and son William S. and daughter Blanche G. Russell my store house and east end of the lot on which it stands, said lot fifty-six feet deep and being and laying in the vilage[sic] of Keysville Va. Item 6th. My will and desire is that my executrix is to collect all moneys due my estate from all sources whatsoever and may make such disposition of said moneys as she may think best. Lastly, I appoint my beloved wife Elisabeth O. Russell my executrix to this my last will and testament and request the Court not to hold her to give security. Given under my hand and seal this the 30th day of April in the year of our Lord, 1892. interlined [?] ^ before dying [?] R. M. Russell {SEAL} Witness Z. T. Gee [Zed T. Gee, son of Thomas H. & Eliza Gee] E. N. [?] Gee [E. N. Gee was son of Thomas H. & Eliza Gee, also] M. Barry [?] P. 346 In Lunenburg County Court October 10, 1892, the foregoing last will and testament of R. M. Russell deceased was produced in Court and fully proved by the oaths of Z. T. Gee and E. N. Gee two of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded as the true last will and testament of the said R. M. Russell deceased. Teste - Jno. L. Yates, Clerk CAROLINE BYRD - 1893 Lunenburg CH Va. Jan 12, 1893 I Caroline Byrd of Lunenburg Co. Va. being of sound mind and memory do make this my last will and testament. First. I give to my grandson Ottoway Banks, my large bed that sets in my room and all the bedding thereon. Second. I give to my two sons Willis Banks, and Joshua Banks all of my property and household furniture and all claims that I have against the estate of Ottoway Byrd deceased. And I also make my son Willis Banks Executor of my will to qualify without security. her Caroline X Byrd mark Signed in our presence this 12 day of Jany 1893 Anson Smith, Lunenburg CH Va. David W. Smith, Lunenburg CH Va. In Lunenburg County Court February 13, 1893. The foregoing last will and testament of Caroline Byrd decd was this day produced in Court and fully proved by the oaths of Anson Smith & David W. Smith, the two witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded and on motion of Willis Banks the Exor named therein who appeared in Court made oath and entered into and acknowledged in open court a bond in the penalty of $30.00 conditioned according to law, but without security the will directing that none be required of him. Certificate is granted the said Exor for obtaining probate of said will in due form. Teste: Jno. L. Yates, Clerk Lunenburg County Virginia, Will Book No. 14, P. 364 MARTHA R. [Bohannon] RUSSELL - 1896 I, Martha R. Russell, of the County of Lunenburg and State of Virginia being of sound mind and memory do make this my last will & testament. Item 1. I will to my two daughters Mary Anne & Eliza Jane Russell, my land & choice milk cow, but in the event that one of them should marry, then the other one shall have the entire place; but the married one shall have a home if she chooses to stay with her sister. Item 2. If my son Adolphus T. Russell chooses to stay in the place with his sisters he can do so, provided he pays them a reasonable rent. Item 3. I give to each of my other children Martha E. Inge and Margaret J. Bohannon one dollar each. Item 4. After my debts and burial expenses are paid I desire that my two daughters, Mary Ann & Eliza Jane, shall have all of my personal estate and I hereby appoint my daughter M. A. Russell Executor [sic] of this my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I hereby set my hand & affix my seal this 15th June 1894. Witness her Martha X Russell [seal] Jn. B. [illegible] [or J.L./C. Smithson *) mark W. R. Currin ? [or Chism] In Lunenburg County Court January 13th 1896 The foregoing last will and testament of Mrs Martha R Russell deceased was this day produced in court and proved by the oath of W R Currin one of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded as the true last will and testament of the said Martha R Russell deceased Teste Jno L Yates clerk * John C. Smithson was a neighbor of Martha and husband Thomas L. Russell on the 1850 Lunenburg County Census. He was aged 28. Will transcribed by Thomas W. Duda. Page 405 Tabithy A. Bowers, will August 5, 1892 mentions nephew: Geo. N. Davis(?) who was named executor and has children estate: 42 acres of land Proved December 8, 1902 Page 458 William T. Russell, will March 9, 1903 to nephew James A. Dalton to niece Lucy J. Dalton witnesses: B. L. Jude S. O. Clark Proved: June 10, 1910