Lynchburg Virginia USGenWeb Archives Military Records Henry Franklin SLY, Confederate Pension Application, 1905 [Bedford Co.] Henry Franklin SLY, Confederate Pension Application, 1911 ----¤¤¤---- [Henry F. Sly, Confederate Pension Roll Page #1 of 3 {1 of 7}] [printed document, folded into three panels; panels 1 & 3 blank] [panel 2 of 3; docketing; responses handwritten, except where noted] County. No. <158> Name Post-office The Circuit Court of the county ["(or the Corporation or Hustings Court of the city)" struck] of from an examination of the within application of and of the affadavits and certificates therewith filed, and hereto annexed, ["and of such witnesses as were required and called by the court," struck] being satisfied that the said application is supported by the affidavits and certificates, ["and oral testimony (if any oral testimony is required by the court," struck] of persons of well-known reputation for truth, honesty and integrity, and that the claim of the said applicant is just, and in due form, doth certify the same to the Auditor of Public Accounts, this <14> day of , 190<5>. <15.00> <14.55> Judge. ___________________________________________________ [handwritten note, illegible] [Warrant No.] [page end] [Henry F. Sly, Confederate Pension Roll Page #2 of 3 {2 of 7}] Form No. 2. Application of Soldier, Sailor, or Marine for Disability by Reason of Disease or the Infirmities of Age. __________ I, , do hereby apply for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, entitled, an act to aid the citizens of Virginia who were disabled by wounds received during the war between the States while serving as soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia, and such as served during the said war as soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia, who are now disabled by disease contracted during the war, or by the infirmities of age, and the widows of soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia who lost their lives in said service, or whose death resulted from wounds received or disease contracted in said service, and providing penalties for violating the provisions of this act, and I do solemnly swear that I am a citizen of the State of Virginia, resident at , in the of , in the said State, and that I have been an actual resident of the said State for two years, and of the city (or county) for one year next preceeding the date of this application, and that I was a soldier (or sailor or marine) of the State of Virginia, in the war between the United States and the Confederate States, as a member of (here state specifically the command and branch of service in which the applicant belonged, and the names of his immediate superior officers [blank] [blank] and that I am now disabled by disease (here state the nature of the disease and the cause from which it resulted) [blank] and that from the effects of such disease I am now permanently disabled from following my usual and ordinary occupation or any other occupation for a livelihood (in the case of disabilities of age, strike out all relating to disability by disease, and then proceed as follows:) and that I am now suffering from the infirmities of age, and permanently incapacitated thereby from following my usual and ordinary occupation, or any other occupation, for a livelihood (here state specifically the nature and character of the disability which prevents the applicant from following any occupation for a livelihood) [blank] and that during the said war I was loyal and true to my duty, and never at any time deserted my command or voluntarily abandoned my post of duty in the said service, and that by reason of such disability I am now entitled to receive under the said act the sum of dollars annually. And I do further swear that I do not hold any national, State, city or county office which pays me in salary or fees one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; nor have I an income from any other employment or any source whatever which amounts to one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; nor do I receive from any source whatever money or other means of support in value to the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; nor do I own in my own right, nor does any one hold in trust for my benefit or use, nor does my wife own, nor does any one hold in trust for my wife, estate or property, either real, personal or mixed, either in fee or for life, of the assessed value of five hundred dollars; nor do I receive any aid or pension from any other State, or from the United States, or from any other source, and that I am not an inmate of any soldier's home, or of any other public institution; and I do further swear that the answers given to the following questions are true: 1. What is your age? Ans. <62 years> 2. Where were you born? Ans. 3. How long have you resided in Virginia? Ans. 4. How long have you resided in the City or County of your present residence? Ans. 5. What is your usual and ordinary occupation for earning a livelihood? Ans. 6. How long have you followed such occupation or employment? Ans. 7. Have you followed such occupation or employment, or any other occupation or employment, within the last two years? If so, state when and where, and the amount of your annual income from the same. Ans. <1903[?] in County of Bedford amt of in come $75.--> 8. State specifically the nature of your disability or disease. Ans. 9. What were the causes which led to the disease which has resulted in your disability? Ans. 10. How long have you suffered from such disease, and when did you first become aware that you were afflicted with the same? Ans. <30 years> 11. With what disease or sickness did you suffer during the time of your service? Ans. 12. Are you totally disabled because of such disease, or the infirmities of age, from following your usual and ordinary occupation or employment, or any other occupation or employment, by which to earn a livelihood? If not totally disabled thereby, but only partially, state the extent of your partial disability. Ans. 13. When and where did you enter the service of Virginia, or of the Confederate States? Ans. 14. In what command and service were you engaged during the war between the States? Ans. 15. How long were you in the service? Ans. <3 Years & two months> 16. When did you leave service, and under what circumstances? Ans. 17. If suffering from disease, state what physician or physicians have attended you for the same. Ans. 18. Give the names and addresses of two or more in the service of your command, if any such be living, and if not, so state. Ans. [blank] 19. Give here any other information you may possess relating to your service, or disability, that will support the justice of your claim for aid? Ans. [blank] [blank] 20. Is there a camp of Confederate Veterans in the city or county of your residence? Ans. [blank] 21. Is there any one living, the residents and address of whom is known to you, either comrade or otherwise, who has knowledge of your service, and of the cause of your disability? If so or not, state. Ans. Witness my hand this <> day of , 19<05> I, , a , in and for the of , in the State of Virginia, do certify that , whose name is signed to the foregoing application, personally appeared before me in my aforesaid, and having the aforesaid application read to him and fully explained, as well as the statements and answers therein made, the said made oath before me that the said statements and answers are true. Given under my hand this <> day of , 190<5> Signature of Officer. (A) Oath of Resident Witnesses. We, <, and [blank], do solemnly that we are residents of the of , in the said Virginia and that we have known personally and well for <62> years , whose name is signed to the annexed application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, and that the said is a resident of the said county (or city), and is a man of good reputation for truth and honesty, and that we have read the annexed application and the answers to the questions therein propounded, made by the said applicant, and verily believe that the said applicant has been truthful in the said statements and answers, and that from our personal knowledge the applicant is disabled (state the character of the disability, and whether it is partial or total) [blank] [blank] and that we verily believe the said applicant is justly entitled to aid under the said act, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim. [blank] [page end] [Henry F. Sly, Confederate Pension Roll Page #3 of 3 {3 of 7}] Subscribed and sworn to before me, a for the of , State of Virginia, this <> day of , 190<5> (B) Affidavit of Comrades. (See Question No. 19 on page one.) We, and , do solemnly swear that we are residents of the of , in the State of , and that whose name is signed to the annexed application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, is personally well known to us, and that we have known him well for [initial response struck] <62> years, and that we were soldiers (sailors or marines) in the military (or naval) service of Virginia, or of the Confederate States, during the war between the United States and the Confederate States, and that the said who was also a soldier (sailor or marine) in the said service during the said war, was, with us, members of (here state command and immediate superior officers thereof) [blank] and that the said was a loyal and true soldier (sailor or marine) in the service, and faithful in the discharge of his duties and that we verily believe he is disabled from the causes and in the manner in his application stated, and that his claim is just, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of his claim under the said act. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a for the of , State of Virginia, this <> day of , 190<5> Note.-If only one comrade whose residence and address is known to the applicant, let him make the above affidavit B. If no such comrade is living whose address is known to applicant, then let one or more reputable persons who have personal knowledge of the services of the applicant and of cause of his disability, make the following affidavit: (C) Affidavit of Witnesses, Not Comrades. We, [blank] and [blank], do solemnly swear that we are residents of the [blank] of [blank], in the State of [blank], and that we personally know, and are well acquainted with [blank], whose name is signed to the annexed application, and who is applying for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, and that we have known the said applicant for [blank] years, and that to our personal knowledge the said [blank] was a loyal and true soldier (sailor or marine), in the military (or naval) service of Virginia, or of the Confederate States in the war between the States, and was faithful in the discharge of his duty, and that we verily believe he is disabled from the causes, and in the manner in his application set forth, and that his claim is just, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of his claim under the said act. [blank] [blank] Subscribed and sworn to before me, a [blank], in and for the [blank] of [blank] State of Virginia, this [blank] day of [blank],19[blank] [blank] Note.-If no comrade in arms, or other person who has knowledge of the service of the applicant and the cause of his disability is living, whose residence is known to applicant, state that fact here. [blank] (D) Certificate of Physician. I, , a practicing physician in the of , in the State of Virginia, do certify that I am personally acquainted with whose name is signed to the annexed application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, and and that from a personal examination of the said , as to the disability set forth in his application and the cause thereof, I am clearly of the opinion that he is disabled by reason of (here state specifically the nature of the disability and the cause thereof, and if such disability be total, whether the applicant is deprived thereby of all ability to pursue his usual and ordinary occupation for a livelihood, or any other occupation for a livelihood, and if the disability be partial, to what extent the applicant is hindered thereby from pursuing such occupation as aforesaid) [blank] [blank] and that I verily believe his disability is wholly due to the causes assigned in the said application, andd that he is entitled to aid under the provisions of the said act, and that I have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim. Given under my hand, this day of , 19<05>. (E) Certificate of Camp of Confederate Veterans. The Camp of Confederate Veterans of the of in the State of Virginia, hereby certifies that it has examined into the merits of the annexed application of for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, and being satisfied of the justice of his claim, hereby recommends the said for aid under the provisions of the said act, and that it has no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim. Commander. Note.-If there is no Camp of Confederate Veterans in applicant's city or county, then the certificate of two ex-Confederate soldiers, well known and of good reputation residing in said city or county, must be obtained as follows: (F) Certificate of Ex-Confederate Soldiers. We, [blank] and [blank], of the [blank] of [blank] State of Virginia, do certify that we were soldiers (sailors or marines) of the Confederate States in the war between the States, and that we have examined into the merits of the annexed application of [blank] for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, and that we are satisfied of the justice of his claim, and recommend the said [blank] for aid under the provisions of the said act, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim. Given under our hands, this [blank] day of [blank], 19[blank] [blank] [blank] (G) Certificate of Commissioner of Revenue. I, , Commissioner of Revenue, in the of , in the State of Virginia, do certify that , or his wife, or his trustee, or trustee for his wife, whose name is signed to the annexed application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, is charged on the land and personal property books of the said with estate, real, personal and mixed, of the assessed value of <$10.00 Ten> dollars. Given under my hand, this <> day of , 19<05>. [page and file end] [Henry Franklin Sly, Confederate Pension Roll Page #1 of 4 {4 of 7}] [printed document, folded into three panels] [panel 1 of 3] Notice No Fee To Be Charged For Services Rendered Applicant; Penalty; Exempt From Levy, Garnishment Or Attachment. That no fee or other compensation shall be charged or received by any clerk, attorney, officer, or other person for any service rendered to any applicant under the provisions of this act; and any person who shall purchase from a soldier, sailor, or marine, or from any widow of any deceased soldier, sailor, or marine, any claim allowed under the provisions of this act for a price or sum of money less than the full amount thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon indictment and conviction thereof shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the court. The provisions hereby made for disabled soldiers, sailors, or marines and widows of deceased soldiers, sailors, or marines, shall be exempt from levy, garnishment, or attachment for any debt or pecuniary demand. (Section 17 Pension Law.) [panel 2 of 3; docketing; responses handwritten, except where noted] Filed in the Clerk's Office of the Court, of , Virginia, this <20> day of 191<1> ___________________________________________________ Pension Application For A Disabled Confederate Soldier ----- Act of 1902, As Amended. [pointing hand (dingbat)] To save trouble for Applicant and Pension Department, please write plainly in spaces below, the County or City in which the Pension was granted and the name and Postoffice Address of the applicant. ___________________________________________________ Roll No. <180> ["County" struck through] City Name Post office <702 Salem St.> [margin note] <36_00> [?] ___________________________________________________ Class [blank] Rating $<36_00> Age [illegible] Filed in Auditor's office [stamped] 191[blank] Paid Warrant No. <8619> $<32.40> Date of Payment [blank] 191[blank] [stamped date illegible] ___________________________________________________ Memoranda [oval stamp, mostly illegible] <33.60> <[?] _____> <8519> [handwritten in stamped blank] <[?] 1911> ___________________________________________________ Form No. [illegible]. Destroy all previous forms. [panel 3 of 3] Instructions -------- Read Before The Form Is Filled In. ----- All questions must be answered fully. It is necessary to have Certificates A, D and G filled out in full. If comrades cannot be found to fill in Certificate B, Certificate C must be filled. Where there is a camp of Confederate Veterans, Certificate E must be filled. Where there is a no camp, Certificate F must be filled. When the name of the applicant, or any one making affidavit, is made by X mark, a witness must always be had to the mark. The doctor, in filling in Certificate D, must set out clearly his examination, and define his case, whether partial or total, otherwise the rating of the applicant cannot properly be determined. After the application is filled up through Certificate G, file it with the clerk of the Corporation or Circuit Court of your city or county. [page end] [Henry Franklin Sly, Confederate Pension Roll Page #2 of 4 {5 of 7}] <702 Salem St> [handwritten, top left corner] [header] Pensioners now on the Roll are Not required to make new application, but must file annual certificate. This Application Must be filed with the Clerk of the Corporation or Circuit Court of Your City or County. (No application will be entertained not on the printed form.) ________ Form No. 2. Application of a Disabled Soldier, Sailor, or Marine of the Late Confederacy Under Act of April 2, 1902, as amended. __________ I, , do hereby apply for a pension under the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2' 1902, as amended, entitled, "An Act to aid the citizens of Virginia who were disabled by wounds received during the war between the States while serving as soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia, and such as served during the said war as soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia, who are now disabled by illnesses contracted during the war, or by the debilities of age * * * * and providing penalties for violating the provisions of this act." I do solemnly swear that I am a citizen of the State of Virginia, and that I have been an actual resident of the said State for two years, and of the city or county of my present residence for one year next preceeding the date of this application, and that I was a soldier (sailor or marine) of the Confederate States in the war between the States, and that I am now disabled, and that from the effects of such disability I am incapacitated from following my usual and ordinary occupation, or any other occupation for a livelihood; and that during the said war I was loyal and true to my duty, and never, at any time deserted my command or voluntarily abandoned my post of duty in the said service, and that by reason of such service and disability I am now entitled to receive a pension under the provisions of said act. And I do further swear that I do not hold any national, State, city or county office or position which pays me in salary or fees TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) dollars per annum; nor have I an income from any other employment or any source whatever which amounts to TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) dollars per annum; nor do I receive from any source whatever money or other means of support amounting in value to the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) dollars per annum; nor do I own in my own right, nor does any one hold in trust for my benefit or use, nor does my wife own, nor does any one hold in trust for my wife, estate or property, either real, personal, or mixed, either in fee or for life, of the assessed value of SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY ($750.00) dollars: provided, however, that a soldier, sailor or marine who is totally blind, or who lost a hand or foot while in the discharge of his duty during the said war shall be entitled to a pension, unless he or his wife has an estate of the assessed value of ONE THOUSAND ($1000.00) dollars, but also that a soldier, sailor or marine who has reached the age of eighty shall be entitled to a pension, unless he or his wife shall have an estate of the assessed value of FIFTEEN HUNDRED ($1,500.00) dollars, nor do I receive any aid or pension from any other State, or from the United States, or from any other source, and that I am not an inmate of any soldiers' home and am without necessary means of support, either direct of indirect, and I do further swear that the answers given to the following questions are true: [dingbat] All questions must be answered fully--be explicit: ______________________________________________________________________________ [column 1 of 2] 1. What is your name? 2. What is your age? <66> years 3. Where were you born? 4. How long have you resided in Virginia? 5. How long have you resided in the City or County of your present residence? years. ["s" struck] 6. In what branch of the service were you? <32nd V.a> Regiment. Company 7. Who were your immediate superior officers? Colonel Captain 8. When did you enter the service? 186<2.> 9. Where did you enter the service? 10. When and why did you leave service? 11. Where do you reside? If in a city, give street address. Post-office County of , Virginia 12. Have you ever applied for a pension in Virginia before? If so, why are you not drawing one at this time? [column 2 of 2] 13. What is your usual and ordinary occupation for earning a livelihood? 14. Are you following such occupation or any other occupation or employment at this time? If yes, state the nature and extent of same. 15. What is your annual income? $ Note- By income is meant the total gross receipts derived by you from all crops (whether sold or used), wages and other sources valued in dollars. 16. How much property do you own? Real Estate $< - none> Personal Property $ 17. What is the nature of your disability and the cause thereof? 18. Are you totally or partially incapacitated by such disability? 19. Give the names and addresses of two comrades who served in the same command with you during the war. Name Address Name [blank] Address [blank] See Certificate "B". 20. Is there a camp of Confederate Veterans in your city or county? [blank] 21. Give here any other information you may possess relating to your service or disability which will support the justice of your claim. ______________________________________________________________________________ [footer] [dingbat] A signature made by X mark is not valid unless attended by a witness. [dingbat] Witness ["Signature" overwritten] of Applicant. I, , a , in and for the of , in the State of Virginia, do certify that the applicant whose name is signed to the foregoing application, personally appeared before me in my aforesaid, having the aforesaid application read to him and fully explained, as well as the statements and answers thereto made, the said applicant made oath before me that the said statements and answers are true. Given under my hand this <28> day of ,191<1> Signature of Officer. [page end] [Henry Franklin Sly, Confederate Pension Roll Page #3 of 4 {6 of 7}] [column 1 of 2] (A) Oath of Resident Witnesses. We, , and , do solemnly that we are residents of the of , in the State of Virginia and that we have known personally and well for years the applicant whose name is signed to the foregoing application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, as amended, and that the said applicant is a resident of the said city or county and is a man of good reputation for truth and honesty, and that we have read the foregoing application and the answers to the questions therein propounded, made by the said applicant and verily believe that the said applicant has been truthful in the said statements and answers, and that from our personal knowledge the applicant is disabled as stated, in answer to questions 17 and 18, and we verily believe the said applicant is justly entitled to aid under the said act, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim. [dingbat] A signature made by X mark is not valid unless attended by a witness. [dingbat] Resident Witnesses. Witness [blank] [blank] Subscribed and sworn to before me, a , in and for the of , State of Virginia, this day of 191<1.> Signature of Officer. ______________________________________________________________________________ (B) Affidavit of Comrades. (See Question No. 19 on page one.) We, and [blank] do solemnly swear that we are residents of the of , in the State of and that the applicant whose name is signed to the foregoing application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, as amended, is personally well known to us, and that we have known him for years, and that we were soldiers (sailors or marines), in the military (or naval) service of Virginia, or of the Confederate States, during the war between the United States and the Confederate States, and that the said applicant, who was also a soldier (sailor or marine) in the said service during the said war, was, with us, members of the same command, [underlined] and that the said applicant was a true and loyal soldier (sailor or marine) in the service, and was faithful in the discharge of his duty, and that we verily believe he is disabled from the causes and in the manner in his application stated and that his claim is just and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of his claim under the said act. [dingbat] A signature made by X mark is not valid unless attended by a witness. [dingbat] Witness [blank] [blank] Comrades. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a in [] and for the of , State of Virginia, his [18] day of [March],191<1.> Signature of Officer. ______________________________________________________________________________ Note--If only one comrade whose address is known to the applicant, let him make affidavit B. If no such comrade is living whose address is known to the applicant, then let one or more reputable persons who have personal knowledge of the service of the applicant and cause of his disability make affidavit C. (C) Affidavit of Witnesses, Not Comrades. (Not necessary when Certificate B can be filled.) We, [blank] and [blank] do solemnly swear that we are residents of the [blank] of [blank], in the State of [blank] and that we personally know, and are well acquainted with the applicant whose name is signed to the foregoing application, and who is applying for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, as amended, and that we have known the said applicant for [blank] years, and that to our personal knowledge the said applicant was a loyal and true soldier (sailor or marine) in the military (or naval) service of Virginia, or of the Confederate States, in the war between the States, and was faithful in the discharge of his duty, and that we verily believe he is disabled from the causes, and in the manner in his application set forth, and that his claim is just, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of his claim under the said act. A signature made by X mark is not valid unless attested by a witness. Witness [blank] [blank] [blank] [blank] Witnesses, not Comrades. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a [blank] in and for the [blank] of [blank] State of [blank] this [blank] day of [blank],191[blank] ______________________________________________________________________________ Note.-If no comrade in arms or other person who has knowledge of the services of the applicant and of the cause of his disability is living, whose address is known to the applicant, state that fact here [blank] ______________________________________________________________________________ (D) Certificate of Physician. [dingbat] Physician will please read carefully the answers to questions 17 and 18, and the following certificate before filling out. I, , a practicing physician in the of , in the State of Virginia, do certify that I am personally acquainted with the applicant, and that from a personal examination of him I am clearly of the opinion that he is disabled by reason of (physician will here state Specifically the nature of the disability and the cause thereof, and if such disability be total, whether the applicant is deprived thereby of all ability to pursue his usual and ordinary occupation, or any other occupation for a livelihood [underlined], and if the disability be partial, to what extent the applicant is hindered thereby from pursuing such occupation as aforesaid. If the physician considers the disability total, he will, in addition to the cause disclosed by the examination, repeat the language underscored above) [large "X" writen in margin] and that I have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim. Given under my hand this <10> day of ,191<1> , M.D. ______________________________________________________________________________ [page end] [Henry Franklin Sly, Confederate Pension Roll Page #4 of 4 {7 of 7}] [small "X" in each margin] (E) Certificate of Camp of Confederate Veterans. (Must be filled up when there is a camp in applicant's city or county.) I, Commander of Camp of Confederate Veterans of the of in the State of Virginia, hereby certify that the said camp has examined into the merits of the foregoing application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, as amended, and being satisfied of the justice of said claim, hereby recommend the same, under the provisions of the said act, and that the said camp has no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim. Commander. Given under my hand this <> day of , 191<1> ______________________________________________________________________________ Note.-If there is no camp of Confederate Veterans in applicant's city or county, the certificate of two ex-Confederate soldiers, well known and of good reputation, residing in said city or county must be obtained to certificate F. [small "X" in left margin] (F) Certificate of Ex-Confederate Soldiers. (Not necessary when certificate E can be filled.) We, [blank] and [blank] of the [blank] of [blank] State of Virginia, do certify that we were soldiers (sailors or marines) of the Confederate States in the war between the States, and that we have examined into the merits of the foregoing application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, as amended, and that we are satisfied of the justice of said claim, and recommend the same under the provisions of the said act, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim. Given under our hands this [blank] day of [blank] 191[blank] [blank] [blank] Ex-Confederate Soldiers. ______________________________________________________________________________ [small "X" in each margin] (G) Certificate of Commissioner of Revenue. I, , Commissioner of Revenue in the of , in the State of Virginia, do certify that the applicant (his wife, trustee, or trustee for his wife), whose name is signed to the foregoing application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia approved April 2, 1902, as amended, is charged on the land and personal property books of said with estate, ["real, personal or mixed, of the assessed value of" struck; inserted] *$ < ~ > Given under my hand this <10> day of , 191<1> Commissioner of Revenue. _______ *The actual amount due or unpaid upon any deed of trust or mortgage to secure the payment of a debt shall be deducted from the assessed value of the property of claimants under this act. In computing the value of the estate held by any person or for his or her benefit, all property conveyed by deed for consideration not deemed valuable in law or parted with by gift since March 2, 1902, shall be considered as his or her estate. ______________________________________________________________________________ (H) Certificate of Pension Board. I, , chairman of the Pension Board of the of , State of Virginia, do hereby certify that the foregoing application has been examined and approved by said Board. In testimony whereof I hereto set my hand, this <16> day of , 191<1>. Chairman Pension Board. ______________________________________________________________________________ (I) Certificate of Judge This Court, from an examination of the foregoing application and of the affidavits, certificates, etc., therewith filed, and hereto annexed, ["and of such witnesses as were required and called by the court," struck] being satisfied that the said application is supported by the affidavits, certificates, etc., of persons of well-known reputation for truth, honesty and integrity, and that the claim of the said applicant is just, and in due form, doth certify the same to the Auditor of Public Accounts. Given under my hand this <22> day of 191<1> Judge. [page and file end] [Official forms; responses indicated by <,>] The Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows Database Images 00729.tif - 00732.tif, and 01021.tif - 01023.tif abstracted by Matt HARRIS [capitalization, line breaks & brackets mine] [BARKER, CHRISTIAN, GILL, GOODE, JOHNSTON, JORDAN, KEY, LOWRY, MARTIN, PARKS, SLIGH, SLOUGH, SLY, SMITH, SNEAD, SPEARS, STEPTOE, WHITE] Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Matt Harris, Copyright. All rights reserved.