MADISON COUNTY, VA - CONFEDERATE PENSION APPLICATION: C.H. KILBY Library of Virginia Image950 Submitted for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Scott Harlow ******************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter,and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ******************************************************************* Statement of Soldier, Sailor, or Marine Pensioner under act of March 7, 1900, to be filed before Circuit or Corporation Court, or the Judge thereof in vacation. I, C.H. Kilby of the county of Culpeper in the State of Virginia, do sole- mnly swear that I am the identical person in the original application dated on the 8th day of July 1900 and who filed the said application for aid under the provisions of an act of the General Assembly approved March 7, 1900, for aid as a soldier (sailor or marine) of Virginia, in the service of the said State, or of the Confederate States during the war between the States, and that I am now an actual resident of the county of Madison, in the said State, and that I do not hold any national, state, city, or county office which pays me in salary or fees one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; nor have I an income from any other employment or other source whatever which amounts to one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; nor do I receive from any source whatever money or other means of support amounting in value to the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; nor do I own in my own right, nor does any one hold in trust, for my benefit or use, nor does my wife own, nor does any one hold in trust for the benefit of my wife, either real, personal or mixed property or estate, either in fee or for life, of the assessed value of five hundred dollars; nor do I receive any aid or pension from any other state or the United States, or from any other source, and that I am not an inmate of the Soldiers’ Home or other public institution. And I do further swear that I am disabled as follows: and that my disability came from illegible……rheumatism…….illegible. And that I am now 66 years of age, and that the statements contained in my original application above referred to are true, and that during the said war I was loyal and true to my duty as a soldier (sailor or marine) of Virginia, or of the Confederate States, and never at any time deserted my command, or voluntarily abandoned my post of duty in the said service. Subscribed and sworn to before me, A Justice, in and for the county of Madison, in the State of Virginia, this 22nd day of July 1902 Jos Botts[?] J P Jurat of Witnesses We, John illegible , and A. T. illegible of the county of Madison, in the State of Virginia, do solemnly swear that we are personally acquainted with C H Kilby, whose name is signed to the annexed jurat, and that the said C. H. Kilby is still living, and that we verily believe the statements contained in the annexed affidavit to be true. John illegible A T illegible Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Culpeper . Va. and I do certify that the said John illegible and A.T. illegible, whose names are signed to the annexed jurat, are persons of well- known reputation for truth, honesty, and integrity, and residing in the said County. Joseph Botts, [?] JP Certification of the Commissioner of Revenue I, M. F. Berrey, Commissioner of the Revenue, in the County of Madison in the State of Virginia, do certify that C.H. Kilby, or his wife, or his trustees, or trustees for his wife, whose names is signed to the annexed statement and who made application for aid under the act of the General Assembly approved March 7, 1900, is charged on the land and personal property book of the said County with estate, real, personal and mixed, of the assessed value of left blank dollars. Given under my hand, this 19 day of Aug, 1902 M. F. Berrey Certificate of Physician As to Soldiers, etc. I, illegible Smith, a practicing physician in the County of Madison in the State of Virginia, do certify that I am personally acquainted with C.H. Kilby, whose name is signed to the foregoing statement, and who made application for aid under the act of the General Assembly approved March 7, 1900, and that from a personal examination of the said C.H. Kilby as to the disability set forth in his application and the cause thereof, I am clearly of the opinion that he is disabled by reason of (here state specifically the nature of the dis-ability and the cause thereof, and whether it be total or partial, and whether the applicant is deprived of ability to pursue his usual and ordinary occup-ation for his livlihood, or any other occupation within his capacity) is from chronic rheumatism… illegible… during the war and is now totally disabled from any work and I verily believe his disability is wholly due to the causes assigned in the said application, and that he is entitled to aid under the act of the General Assembly approved March 7, 1900. Given under my hand this 23 day of July 1902 ?? Smith MD VIRGINIA: County (city) of Culpeper, to wit: I, G.H. Taylor, Clerk of the Circuit (Corporation) Court of the county (city) of Madison do certify that the (judge or the) said court has directed me to certify to the Auditor of Public Accounts that C.H. Kilby a pensioner under the act of March 7, 1900, is entitled to receive annually from the State of Virginia the sum of Thirty dollars. Given under my hand, this 13th day of August 1902 G. H. Taylor Clerk [The applicant veteran was Charles Hamilton Kilby] ********************************************** Application ………………Marine for a Pension…….or other Infirmities of Age I, Chas H Kilby, a native of the State of Virginia, and now a citizen of Virginia, resident at Brightwood in the County (or city) of Madison in said State of Virginia, who was a soldier from the State of … blank…, in the war between the United States and the Confederate States, do hereby apply for aid under an act of the General Assembly, approved March 7, 1900 entitled “An Act to give aid to soldiers, sailors, and marines disabled in the war between the States, and to every soldier, sailor, or marine who by disease or other infirmity of age, is disabled from earning or is without the means of procuring a support, and to the widows of Virginia soldiers, sailors, or marines who lost their lives in said war in the military or naval service, or whose husbands have died since the war.” And I do solemnly swear that I was a member of Co. C. 4th Va Cavalry and that I am now disabled by reason of Rheumatism - and that by reason of such disability I am now entitled to receive, under said Act, the sum of …blank… dollars annually. I further swear that I do not hold any National, State, or County office which pays me in salary or fees over three hundred dollars per annum; nor have I an income from any other source which amounts to three hundred dollars; nor do I own in my own right, nor does my wife own, property of the assessed value of more than one thousand dollars; nor do I receive aid or a pension from any other State or from the United States; and that I am not an inmate of any soldiers’ home. I do swear that the following answers are true: 1st. What is the applicant’s age? Ans. 65 2nd What is the precise nature of the disability? Ans. Rheumatism 3rd Is it total? Ans. Not. Total (a) Is it partial? And, if so, to what extent does it disable him from manual labor? Ans. Am not able to work Can do no more than ˝ day of work. Given under my hand this 3 day of May 1900 C. H. Kilby I, G. H. Taylor, a Comm. In chy for the Co. of Madison do certify that Chas. H. Kilby, whose name is signed to the foregoing application, personally appeared before me in my county (or city) aforesaid, and having the aforesaid application read to him and fully explained, as well as the statements and answers therein made, he, the said Chas. H. Kilby, made oath before me that the said statements and answers are true. Given under my hand, this 3 day of May 1900 G. H. Taylor Com in chy In the County Court of the County of Madison on the 28th day of June, 1900 The application of Chas. H. Kilby for a Pension, with the certificate of the Chair-man of the Confederate Pension Board of the County (or city) of Madison, that it has been approved by said Board thereon endorsed, was presented to the Court; and the Clerk of this Court is directed to certify a copy of the order to the Auditor of Public Accounts. I, N. W. Crisler, Clerk of the County Court of the county (or city) of Madison, do certify that the foregoing is a true copy from the Records of said Court. In testimony whereof, I hereto set my hand and affix the seal of said Court, this 30 day of June, 1900 N W Crisler