MADISON COUNTY, VA - WILLS AND ESTATES - Adam Yager, Sr. Will, Inventory, & Estate Settlement ----¤¤¤---- Will of Adam Yager Sr. Will Book 1, p.24-27 Madison Co, VA LDS 0032570 p 24 In the name of God amen I Adam Yager of the County of Madison being in perfect mind & memory But Calling to mind the uncertainty of this life do make & ordain this my last will and Testament in manner & form following Vizt first recommending my soul to almighty God assuredly hoping & trusting for eternal salvation through the merits & sufferings of my Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ & as touching my worldly Estate which it hath pleased god to Bless me with I leave & give in manner & form following Vizt first my will and desire is that my two old negros Tom & Lucy Shall be set at Liberty & neither of my Children nor any other person to Claim any Right in or to them All the Estate that I have heretofore given to any of my Children that they are or have been in Possession of I do not Consider as my Estate But theirs to whom it was given I give to my four sons, Michael, John, Adam & Godfrey all my Books to be equally divided between them by lot or other ways as they may agree I Give & bequeath to my son Godfrey Yagar all the land & plantation whereon I now live Containing by Patent one hundred acres together with Sixty one acres I Bought of Nelson to him & his forever I also give to my said son Godfrey any Horse or mare I shall be possessed with at my Death, as also my Best Saddle & Bridle I give unto my Daughter Barbara Chelf the Bed and furniture whereon I ly to her and her Heirs forever All theResidue of my estate both Real & personal my will it shall be sold But no person shall be allowed to Bid But my four sons Michael, John, Adam, & Godfrey & my two grandsons Adam Clore & Benjamin Yager and the money ariseing from the sale to be divided into six parts & my four sons before named or in case of their death their legal representatives to have four of the six parts & my grand Children the Heirs of Nicholas Yager deceased one other part & my other grand Children the Heirs of Peter Clore begotten by my Daughter Barbara the other part & the said parts so given to my said grand Children, shall be paid into the hands of Adam Clore & Benjamin Yager & to be by them paid to their Brothers p 25 & Sisters as before directed as they shall come of age or marry & whereas my granddaughter Elizabeth Wayman, daughter of Peter & Barbara Clore is dead my will and desire is that Adam Clore shall pay the part would fall unto to her, to her Children as they shall come of age or marry & in case any of my grand Children, either the Children of Nicholas Yager desd or the Children of Peter Clore shall die before the come of age or shall marry that their part shall be divided Between their surviving Brothers & Sisters. But in order that my Executors hereafter named shall not be distressed I allow them eighteen months to pay any legacy I have here given & my Executors hereafter named should they judge it would be to their Interest may suffer other bidders at the sale of my Estate, I do hereby appoint & nominate my four sons, Michael Yager, John Yager, Adam Yager & Godfrey Yager to be Executors of this my Last will & testament revoking all other Wills by me heretofore made in testamony where of I have hereunto placed my hand & seal this Ninth day of September 1793. his Adam X Yager {Seal} mark Signd, seald, published & declared } to be his last will & testament } in presents of } John Smith Joseph Carpenter Cornelius Carpenter. At a court held for the County of Madison on Thursday the 23rd day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety four This last Will and Testament of Adam Yager deceased was Exhibited into Court and proved by the Oaths of John Smith Joseph Carpenter and Cornelius Carpentner Witnesses thereto & Ordered to be Recorded, and on Motion of Adam Yeager, John Yager & Godfrey Yager three of the Executors therein named a probate thereof in due form is granted them they having made oath thereto & Together with John Smith Samuel Carpenter and John Deer their Securities entered into and Acknowledged their Bond According to law. Teste John Walker Jr CMC p 26 Know all men by these presents that we Adam Yager John Yager Godfrey Yager John Smith Samuel Carpenter and John Deer are held and firmly bound to James Barbour William Walker Robert Alcocke Jerome S Kirtley and Thomas Graves Gentlemen Justices of the Court of Madison County now sitting, in the sum of five hundred pounds to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made to the said Justices, and their Successors, we bind ourselves and each of us, our and each of our heirs, Executors, and Administrators, Jointly and severally firmly by these presents Sealed with our seals, and dated this 23rd day of January Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and ninety four and in the 18th year of the Coommonwealth The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above Bound Adam Yager John Yager and Godfrey Yager Executors of the last will and Testament of Adam Yager deceased domake or cause to be made, a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods, Chattels and Credits, of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said Adam Yager John Yager and Godfrey Yager or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for them and the same so made, do Exhibit in the County Court of Madison at such time as they shall be thereunto required by the said court and the same goods, Chattels and Credits and all other the goods, Chattels and Credits of the said deceased which at any time after shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of the said Adam Yager John Yager and Godfrey Yager or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for them do well and truly Administer according to law and farther do make a Just and true account of their actings and doings therein, when thereto required by the said Court and also shall well and truly pay and Deliver all the legacies contained and specified in the said testament as far as the said goods, Chattels and Credits, will thereunto extend, and the Law shall charge, then this Obligation to be void and of none effect, or also to remain in full force and value Sealed and Delivered Adam Yager {Seal} John Yager {Seal} in the presence of Godfrey Yager {Seal} John Smith {Seal} the Court Samuel Carpenter {Seal} his John X Deer {Seal} mark p 27 At a Court held for the County of Madison on thursday the 23rd of January 1794 This Bond was acknowledged by the said Adam, John, & Godfrey and Ordered to be Recorded Teste John Walker Jr CMC ** Madison County, Virginia Will Book 1, pp 36-38 p 36 An Inventory of the appraisemt. of Adam Yager Deced. Estate in hard Cash £ S d To one Negro Named Harry 78 00 00 One Do Named Abraham 75 00 00 One Do Named James 57 10 00 Two head of Cattle 9 2 00 Two old hogheads 2/ one Bedstead & Cord 3/ 0 5 00 one Butters Churns 1/ Barrels 5/ Tubs 4/ 0 10 00 one Jointer 1/3 Cask & Vinegar 1/6 one Lock Chain 8/ 0 10 9 One foot adze, frow, Crose, Iron &c 0 3 6 One pair of Iron Chains 8/ one pair of Stillds 4/ 0 12 0 One old tub 6d Bags 10/6 one chaff Bed 12 2 3 0 Seven Bushels & 7 lbs of Wheat at 3/6 pr Bushel 2 4 10 ½ Ten Bushels of oats at 1/6 pr Bushel 15/ one Rug 1L 1 15 0 One Bed & furniture 2L10 one Flax wheel 7/ 2 17 0 p37 £ S d A parcel of Corn Judg'd to be 13 Barrels at 11/pr Barrel 7 3 0 one hoe & Shover Dung hoe & fork 19/3 one gimlet 4d 0 19 7 Fat 8/ one old tub 6d Flax wheel 6/ on Bell 7/ 1 1 6 one Bridle 1/ Two frying pans 2/6 one pot 4/6 0 8 0 one pot & hooks 6/ one Ditto 3/6 one Ditto & hooks 5/6 0 15 0 one Duch oven & hooks 7/ five pails 7/ a pair of Scales 6d 0 14 6 one Cart, Saddle &c L2 one Bag 2/ one hog L1.10 3 12 0 one tub 1/6 one whipsaw 12/ three plows 11/ 5 axes 19/ 2 3 6 one Fodder Stack 35 feet at 9d pr foot L1.6.3 Fodder L1.8 2 14 3 Two grind stones 3/ Nubbins 7/6 one tub 1/8 Pork 62 lb 18/ 1 10 2 Two old Sithes & half Bushel 1/9 hemp allow'd to be 45 lb at 4d 15/ 0 16 9 A parcel of flax Suppos'd to be 11 lb at 4d pr lb 0 3 0 Two Rawhides 10/ Cross cut saw 10/ three wedges 6/ 1 6 0 Six chairs 12/ Tongs & Shover 3/ one Bedsted & Cord 7/9 1 2 9 paper 1/6 one sheet 7/6 one Ditto 3/ one Ditto 5 one Do 8/ 1 5 0 one Table cloth 2/6 Chest 3/6 one Table 3/6 0 9 6 Six and a half yds of Linnin at 2/ pr yd 0 13 0 Table Cloths 14/ sugar pot 9d 6 cups & saus pan 8d 0 15 5 Poringer & Cup 4d Tobo box 4d Looking glass 1/6 0 2 2 Knifes & forks 9/6 pocket Books 1/ Two brushes 9d 0 11 3 Razor hone soap &c 4/ Tallow 1/ hand saw hammers Compass &c 0 8 6 one pair of Shears 1/ one Jill pot 9d Pewter pint pot 2/6 0 4 3 To kittel wine glass & Bole 4 Candle Sticks & Snuffers 1/ 0 5 0 One pewter Quart pot 1/6 one Pewter Ditto 1/ old pewter 6/ 0 8 6 Skimmer & Ladle 1/6 Ten strainer & Dish 7 on Dish 3/6 0 12 0 one Small Dish 2/ one Ditto 2/6 plates & Bason 2/ 0 6 0 Eight spoons 2/ Four sickler 1/ Flax & hemp hackle 2/ 0 5 0 Two drawing knives & nippers 1/ old Iron in a Lump 2/10 0 3 10 two Juggs 2/3 one Jugg 26 one chamber pot & Funnel 2/ 0 6 0 Case & Bottles 6/6 three Bottles 1/ sand sive 3/ 0 10 6 Hemp seed 15/6 Salt & Barrels 12/ peas & Beans & Barrel 3/ 1 10 6 Flax seed 2/ Howel Round Shafe & Spancels &c &c 0 7 6 Two pair of Money [?] 10/ one old Box 6d 0 10 6 Cash 7 15 7 his ______________ George X Cristler} 272 5 mark } Samuel Carpenter } John Smith } p 38 At a Court held for the County of Madison of thursday the 27th Day of February 1794 This Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Adam Yager Deceased was returned and Ordered to be Recorded Teste John Walker Jr CMC *** Madison County, Virginia Will Book 1, pp 95-97 p 95 A Proper Settlement of the Sale of Adam Yager Deceased as follows Likewise an accompt of the Debts and Credits Dr £ s d John Yager To Negroe Abraham 80 00 0 To two Chairs 4/6 one Pot 8/ Dit one pot and Hooks 12/0 1 4 6 To two Black Bottles 1/3 one Grind stone 1s/6d Two Gimbels 8d 0 3 5 To a parcel of Nails 2/11 one Trough 1/3 Rie at 3/7 pr Bus 12s.10d 0 17 0 To one Gill pot 1/4 Cash 2L.8s 2 9 4 Property purchased at the sale by Michael Smith to the 84 14 3 amount of 3 19 5 ¼ and added to the Accompt of John Yager 88 13 8 ¼ Adam Yager Received or Dr To Negroe Harry 80 00 0 To two and a half Barrels of Corn @ 14/ 1L/5s two Chairs 5/ 2 00 0 To three Bushels and fifty two pounds of wheat @ 0 15 6 To one Cow 2L2s fodder 12s/9d hemp seed 4/2 one pr of scales 1/4 3 00 3 To five Bushels of oats 8/9 To Cash 7L.15s.7d five Barrels of Corn 10 14 4 ¼ 96 10 1 ¼ p96 Adam Yager Dr for Philemon Yager To flesh fork &c 00 3 2 To two Hoes 5/2 two Swingle Trees Ring &c 1/6 one Table 4/ 00 10 8 Ditto Dr for John Yager To two Shovels 2/ Dung Hoe & Fork 6/6 00 8 6 To Cag & Vinnager 4/ Shovel and fier Tongs 5/6 one pr stillards 5s/6d 15 0 To one butter Churn 1/9 one Flax Wheel 12/6 Razor & c 2/6 00 16 9 To soap and Razer 2/6 two Tubs 2/ Pocket Book and box 9d 00 5 3 To one Tub 2/3 00 2 3 99 11 8 ½ Godfrey Yager £ s d To Negroe James 66 00 0 To two chairs 4/ Hand saw 2/6 Hackle 5/ sand sive 6/ 00 17 6 To Baskets 9/ pot and hooks 5/ one skillet 1/ Sissors & Glass 00 15 0 To a parcel of old pewter 5d one Hog 1L9s Money scales 4/0 1 13 5 To old Hogsheads 1/6 flax 4d Two and half Barrels of Corn 1L.15 1 16 10 To Fodder 12/9 for corn 2L10s 3 2 9 74 5 6 two hundred acres of Land @ 12/ pr acre purchased before the sale and Charged To my accompt 120 00 0 To an open accompt 11s8d Due the Estate and Charged to my act 00 11 8 one old cart lent out & Charged to me 00 6 0 195 3 2 Benjamin Yager Dr one chest 4/6 Two axes 6/ two Pails 4/1 one Tub one Table 1/3 two hoes one Sauce pan 9d 1 00 1 To one sheet 4/ To one Raw hide 7/6 To one Ditto 3/6 To one Bell 8/6 1 3 6 To one Jointer &c 9/3 To one Bason 4/ To stranor & Funnel 2/ To Tal and Gord 8/3 1 3 6 To one Bed Stead 7/6 To one Bag 4/7 Erthen Cup 7d To one bottle 7d 0 13 3 3 0 3 Zachariah Broyles Dr with Adam Clore or otherwise to be added to the Accompt of Adam Clore the property purchased by Zachariah £ s d Broyles 13 7 6 Moses Clore Do To The Estate of Adam Yager 10 5 9 Deceased or otherwise in part with Adam Clore or added to the Accompt of Adam Clore p 97 £ s d The Amount of Property Sold to Strangers is 3 16 8 and Received by me Godfrey Yager £ s d paid Taxes and Expenses 4 2 4 which is an accompt against the Estate; Godfrey Yager Executor to the Estate of Adam Yager deceased with John Yager Adam Yager At a Court held for Madison on thursday the 22d day of October 1795 This Accompt of sales of The Estate of Adam Yager deceased was Returned and Ordered to be Recorded Test John Walker jr CMC 1795 A return of the balance of the Sale of the Estate of Adam Yager deceased which was omitted being returned with the account of Sales at October Court Last to wit Adam Clore Dr £ s d To Two Barrels of Corn 14/pr Barrel 3 10 0 To one Set of Knifes and forks 0 4 6 To Case and Bottles 0 5 6 To forks &c 0 2 0 To two Table Cloths 0 2 6 To one Axe 0 8 0 To two Hoes 0 5 6 To Cross Cut Saw 0 13 0 To Whip Saw 0 11 0 To Adz and file 0 7 2 To one frying pan 0 4 3 To one pair of hinges 0 0 9 To one jugg 0 2 6 To Cag and vinegar 0 2 0 To one Dish 0 7 0 To one plate 0 2 6 To one pewter Cast pot 0 2 3 To one Bole 0 0 9 To 62lb of Pork at 5d pr lb 1 5 10 To 35lb of hemp at 5d pr lb 0 14 7 To 8lb of flax at 4 ¼d pr lb 0 3 0 To leather 0 7 10 To five Bushels of oats at 1/9d pr Bushel 0 8 9 To one Yearling 0 13 0 To one plain 0 7 0 To two old Barrels 0 2 9 To one Bushel and one peck of sald at 7/3 pr Bushel 9 ¾ To 7 ¼ Bushels of corn @ 17/ pr Barrel 1 1 0 p 98 £ s d To two old Barrels and Beans 0 2 6 To flax seed 0 1 6 To oats and tray 0 1 6 To one Tub 0 2 6 To one Bag 8/ To one half Bushel 2/10 0 5 10 £ 13. 18. 13 ¾ The above Stated this 23d of October 1795 Godfrey Yager Executor with John Yager & Adam Yager At a Court held for Madison County on thursday the 21th day of December 1795 A further account of Sales of the Estate of Adam Yager deceased returned and Ordered to be Recorded Test John Walker jr CMC ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Fay E. Collins ___________________________________________________________________