SMALL NOTES - Mecklenburg Co., Virginia Notes of the late Bernard C Rodenhizer, Jr., contributed by his son, Bernard C Rodenhizer III - Nov. 1997 SOME DESCENDANTS OF JAMES1 SMALL OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VIRGINIA Several members of the Small family came over as headrights before 1666, as noted in CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS, Vol. I, Nell Nugent. This volume gives abstracts of land patents, and names of patentees and headrights before 1666. Among these was a William Small who, with other passengers, was brought over by Joseph Croshaw. For these headrights, Croshaw received a land patent in York County, VA, 10 December 1651. (p 222) A Jno. Small was one of the headrights of John Ward and William Horton, who patented land in Westmoreland County, 9 February 1663. (p. 484) In EARLY QUAKER RECORDS IN VIRGINIA compiled by miles White, Jr., records compiled in this book were taken from an older book which contained among others the earliest records of Friends in Nansemond and Isle of Wright Counties, VA. A John Small is one of the witnesses at a marriage solemnized "on the tenth day of ye fifth month in the year 1683". (p. 4) There were other references, but also, many of the same which are found in Hinshaw. NANSEMOND In the early seventeen hundreds, we find members of the Small Family in Nansemond County, Virginia, where they received several land patents. They were also Quakers, as they are mentioned several time in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN QUAKER GENEALOGY, Volume VI, W. W. Hinshaw. The first record for a Small in the above publication was on page 8. In 1702, John Small was listed as present at a yearly meeting for Nansemond. 1702, - 7, John and Benjamin Small were represented at the first recorded meeting in Virginia. 1723/24, 12, 20, Denson, Wm, son of John of Isle of Wright, married at the home of Benjamin Small, Amay (Amy) Small, Benj, (father), Nansemond County.. P. 36 1699/1700, 12, 1, Benj. Small of Nansemond, married in Chuckstuck Meeting House, Nansemond County, Elizabeth Hollowell, Nansemond. Ch. Benj. And Elizabeth Mary b. 1702 1,30 Hannah b. 1704, 3 "last day" Amy b. 170_, 1,22 1722, 10, 18, Joseph (Small) Nansemond, son of John, married in a public meeting in Nansemond County, Ann Owen, daughter of Gilbert (Owen), Nansemond. 1701, 1702, Benjamin and Matthew Small gave money for a meeting house. 1702, John Small to represent Nansemond Monthly Meeting at the first yearly meeting held in Isle of Wight County. These Smalls are too early to identify with the later ones who were in Mecklenburg County, but since they do not appear again at the Quaker meetings, they probably moved to adjoining counties, such as Isle of Wight and Sussex, with one moving westward to Mecklenburg County. Quit Rent Roll 1704- Nansemond County Benjamin Small - 100 acres John Small - 100 acres All of the early court records on Nansemond have been destroyed, but there are early land patents listed. John Small and John Small, Junr., patented several tracts of land; the first in 1714, the last in 1731. John Small 69A. (N.L) upper part of Nansemond County on the west side of Mabering (Meberrin?) Swamp down the Pipeing Branch - 16 June 1714. Importation of two persons, John Gordon and Ursillas ____ (Gordon?). (Patent Book 10, p. 133) 16 June 1714, he also patented 467A. (N.L.) on Bennitt's Creek. (Patent Book 10, p. 176) Importation 10 persons. 24 Jan. 1717, 350A. in Nansemond Upper Part (Ibid. p. 358) 13 November 1721, 150A. in Nansemond (Patent Book 11, p. 66) 31 October1726, 230A. in the Maple Pocoson. (Patent Book 13, p. 45) John Small, Junr., patented two tracts. 11 July 1719, 178A. on south side of Loosing Swamp. (Patent Book 10, p. 444) 25 August 1731, 52A. on the NE side of a place called the Bear Garden by a cart path. (Patent Book 14, p. 294) JAMES1 SMALL, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA. The first Small who can be documented in the line we are researching is a James Small who bought land in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, in 1766. We have been unable to find the names of his parents, due to the lost records in Eastern Virginia. DEEDS John speed conveyed to James Small, both of Mecklenburg County, VA - cons. 25 pounds current money of Virginia - 100 acres of land on the east side of Coxes Creek and on School Branch with all houses, orchards, gardens, etc. (This was a plantation.) The land was patented by John Speed, 10 June 1760. No Witnesses named as /s/ John Speed deed was recorded in court same day. Dated 11 August 1766 Recorded 11 August 1766 Mecklenburg County, VA, Deed Book 1, p. 249) Benjamin Ferrell conveyed to James Small, both of Mecklenburg County - cons. 4 pounds, 5 shillings - 17 acres of land on John Goode's and Moss's lines and on north side School Branch. No Witnesses named as deed /s/ Benja . Ferrell was recorded in court same day. Dated 11 March 1771 Recorded 11 March 1771 (Mecklenburg County, VA, Deed Book 3, P. 26) REVOLUTIONARY WAR SERVICE James Small - Patriot Furnished 225 cwt. Of beef for Continental use. Public Service Claim - 9 April 1782/ (Mecklenburg County, VA, Order Book 5, p. 125) WILL OF JAMES1 SMALL Stated he "being sick in body but in perfect mind and memory" do make this Last will and Testament. Item: Lend to wife, Elizabeth, for natural life, his whole estate both real and personal, except on cow & calf and one heifer which he gives to his daughter, Mary Chambers. Item: Bequest of real estate to son, George Small, after death of wife, Elizabeth. Item: Personal property to be divided equally between two children, George Small and Mary Chambers. After this division, George Small is to give his sister Mary five pounds of cash. Executrix: Wife, Elizabeth Small Executor: Son, George Small /s/ James Small Wit: M Alexander Nathaniel Moss His John X Creedle Mark Dated 29 November 1791 Proved 16 April 1810 (Mecklenburg County, Va, Will Book 6, p. 343) MARRIAGE RECORDS No record has been found for the marriage of James Small and Elizabeth __________ Mary2 Small married (1) Nathaniel Chambers, M.B. 6 September 1790. Surety: James Chambers Mary Small married (2) Nathaniel Laffoon, M.B. 17 November 1808. Surety: George Small George2 Small married (1) Edith Overby, (M.B.) 30 March 1799. Surety: Charles Hudson George Small married (2) Sarah Pully, 26 September 1816. Surety: James Pully (M.B.) 25 September 1816) Minister : James Meacham Note: All of these marriages were performed in Mecklenburg County, VA Comment: Mary and Nathaniel Chambers must have moved to Warren County, NC, as Nathaniel Chambers died there before 29 August 1804, when George Small qualified as administrator of his estate. Anderson Paschall and Richard Russell joined with him in giving bond for 500 pounds. Dated 29 August 1804 Recorded August Ct. 1804) Warren County, NC, Deed Book 12, p. 249) Elizabeth Small, widow James Small and mother of George Small, must have died before 15 February 1814 for on that date, George Small sold the land that was willed to him after the death of his mother. DEED George Small conveyed to Mark Alexander - cons $450.00 - 117 acres on the east and lower side of Cox Creek and on School branch adjacent to Alexander's line. Wit: s/s Geo. Small Mark Alexander, Jr. Dated 15 February 1814 Recorded 18 July 1814 (Mecklenburg County, Ba, Deed Book 15, p. 323) DEEDS John and Mary G. Poyner conveyed to George Small, all of Mecklenburg County - cons. 254 pounds - 254 acres by late survey. This was located on Cook's (Cocks)(Coxes) Road to William Holloway's line to Hudson's corner Moss's line the Reedy Branch . Wit: /s/ John Poyner Adam O. Daves /s/ Mary G. Poyner Evans Tanner His John X Burton Mark James Wright Dated 17 January 1816 Recorded 18 March 1816 (Mecklenburg County, Va, D.B. 16, p. 173) Release of Dower- Mary G. Poyner, wife of John, personally appeared before two Justices of the Peace, 5 May 1817, and release her dower right in said land. (Ibid: Deed Book 17, p. 2) WILL OF GEORGE2 SMALL "Being weak in body but of sound mind and memory" I do make this my last will and testament in the following manner: Item: It is my will and desire that all my children have an equal share of all my estate after just debts are paid, both real and personal, provided my "first children" shall share an equal part of all property which my wife or my children by her may receiver from her father, Isaac Pully, but if my first children are not admitted to an equal share, then I will and desire that so much of my present property shell be retained as will make my first children: Martha Small, James Small, George Small and John Small have an equal share of all the property both real and personal, which I now own or which my wife or my children by her may or shall derive from her Father. Item: Desire that wife, Sarah Small, shall have, hold and occupy all the land and plantation whereon I now live and one third part of all property thereon during her natural life; all of which, together with increase, at her death to divided among my children, as aforesaid. Item: Executor directed to pay sister, Mary Laffoon, the sum of $25.00; to pay Polly Collier, wife of Howel M. Collier, the sum of $60.00. Executors: Mark Alexander, Junr., and Charles Baskerville. Dated 11 April 1823 Wit: /s/ Geo. Small (Seal) T.H. Goode Charles Hudson Chas Wm Baird Codicil to last will and testament - The wish and will of the testator is that his four children by his first wife: Martha, James, George, and John Small shall be entitled to remain and live with his present wife, Sarah Small, and enjoy a home with her on the Plantation. /s/ Geo. Small (Seal) Codicil dated 17 April 1823 Wit: Chs Wm Baird Charles Hudson Charles Baskerville qualified. George D. Baskerville & Mark Alexander were his securities, bond $10,000. Dated 17 April 1823 Proved 15 November 1824 (Mecklenburg County, VA, Will Book 10, p. 98) MARRIAGES OF CHILDREN OF GEO. SMALL AND (1) WIFE, EDITH OVERBY (In Mecklenburg County, VA) Martha3 Small married David D. Taylor, 19 December 1825. (M.B. 17 Dec. 1825) Surety: Isaac Taylor Minster: Sterling M. Fowler Polly3 Small married Howell Collier, 28 September 1816. Surety: Ranson Stroud (M.B. 27 Sept. 1816) Minister: James Meacham Consent: George Small, Father of Polly No marriage bonds are on record in Mecklenburg County for the three sons by first wife. They probably removed to another part of the country. CHILDREN OF (2) WIFE, SARAH PULLY Elizabeth H.3 Small married (1) Francis O. D. Green, (M.B. 20 September 1842. Surety: William S. Pully Elizabeth (Small) Green married (2) William J. Cates, 16 August 1851. Minister: Hartwell Arnold No marriage record has been found for either William F. Small or Benjamin W. Small. ORPHANS OF GEO. SMALL WHO WERE UNDER AGE 14 The court doth appoint Sara Small, guardian of Elizabeth H.3 Small, William F.3 Small and Benjamin W.3 Small, orphans of George Small, deceased. She together with Peter Daves and Alex Dortch gave bond for $1000.00. 16 November 1835 (Mecklenburg County, VA, Court Quarterly Sessions - March Term 1833 - October Term 1836, Book 1, p. 294) CENSUS 1850 - MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA #35 - Small, William age 28 Farmer R.E. 765 B. VA Green, Betsey age 28 B. VA Clara age 1 #133 - Baskerville, Charles age 29 - Merchant Wife and five children Small, Benjamin age 25 (working for Baskerville) The three youngest children of George and Sarah Small Betsy Small Green - age 28 (census) Wm F. Small - age 27 (census) Benjamin W. Small - age 25 (census) MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VIRGINIA Census - 1782 - James Small 6 whites - 2 Blacks Tax lists 1783 - 1787 - James Small - poll Cattle horses 1788 - James Small ) 2 white males George Small) over 16 ----------------- 4 horses 1789-1790-1791-1792-1793 - James Small George Small - 2 free white males 1794 - James Small George Small, his son 1795 - James Small George Small - 1 poll - 1797 WILLIAM F.3 SMALL William F. Small, son of George Small, was born 1822 (census) and seemingly never married. In the 1850 census, he is listed as head of a household. Living with his was his widowed sister, Mrs. Betsy Green and his year old niece, Clara Green. William F. Small purchased land from William F. Pully; deed dated 1 January 1863, recorded 4 April 1863 (Mecklenburg Co., VA, Deed Book 36, p. 580). He sold this land to his brother-in-law, William J. Cates, 17 March 1866. (Ibid: Deed Book 37, p. 185) CIVIL WAR SERVICE William F. Small served as First Lieutenant of the (Boydton) Virginia Calvary under Lt. Colonel Thomas F. Goode. He saw service in Co E, 3rd Va. Calvary C. S. Army, General Magruder's Brigade, and also under "Jeb" Stuart. Co. E, 2nd Regt. Calvary VA. Volunteers. He was one of the officers who requisitioned forage and other supplies. The company station was at Lebanon Church. Wm F. Small died intestate before 11 May 1869, when an "Account Current" starting with that date, was filed by Sheriff Alexander Sydnor, (Mecklenburg County, VA, Will Book 22, p. 608) In St. James Episcopal Church graveyard in Boydton, VA, a tombstone carries the following inscription: I Lt. William F. Small CO A 3 VA CAV CSA This was placed at his grave by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. BENJAMIN W3 SMALL Benjamin W. Small was living on the premises of Charles Baskerville, merchant, in 1850 and probably work at his store. He must have hone to Alabama soon after his, probably to settle some of the new land. He evidently died before 18 April 1855, when his brother Wm. F. Small qualified as administrator on his estate. Wm Baskerville, Jr., was his security, with a bond for $2000.00 Recorded April term 1855 (Mecklenburg County, VA, Will Book 18, p. 304) A Power of Attorney was given by Wm F. Small, Adm. To Samuel G. Jones, attorney of Montgomery, Alabama, to close the estate of Benjamin Small who died in Montgomery, Alabama. Dated 18 April 1855 (Mecklenburg County, VA, Deed Book 34, p. 536) Elizabeth H. (Small) Green married as his (2) wife, and her (2) husband, William Cates. Notes of the late Bernard C Rodenhizer, Jr., contributed by his son, Bernard C Rodenhizer III - Nov. 1997