Nansemond-Isle Of Wight County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Deed.....Pruden, James - Pruden, Sr., Nathaniel July 1, 1826 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deborah Parker September 25, 2011, 12:54 pm Bounded on the East by the lands Henry Riddick, on the North by the lands of Hugh Kelly dec'd, on the South by the lands of David Godwin, and on the West by the lands of James Pruden / Nansemond County, Virginia Written: July 1, 1826 Recorded: August 11, 1828 (page 1) This Indenture made this first day of July eighteen hundred and twenty six and in the 50th year of the Commonwealth Between Nathaniel Pruden Senr of the County of Isle of Wight and State of Virginia of the one part, and James Pruden of the County of Nansemond and state aforesaid and son of the aforesaid Nathaniel Pruden senr of the other part Whereas the said Nathaniel Pruden Senr hath put in possession of the said James Pruden a certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation one hundred and six acres more or less situate and being in the County of Nansemond and bounded as follows on the East by the lands Henry Riddick on the North by the lands of Hugh Kelly decd on the South by the lands of David Godwin, on the West by the lands of James Pruden being the same land that Nathl Pruden Senr purchased of Richard & Robert H. Webb and reference to their deed to Nathl Pruden Senr will fully explain the boundarys thereof and whereas the said Nathaniel Pruden senr never give or made any conveyance to the James Pruden Now This Indenture witnesseth that for and in consideration of the parental and natural love and affection which I the said Nathaniel Pruden hath and beareth unto the said James Pruden my son and also for the further consideration of the sum of one dollar to me the said Nathaniel Pruden in hand paid by the said James Pruden the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Have given granted, aliened infessed and confirmed unto the said James Pruden his heirs and assignes forever the aforesaid tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining or with the same used or enjoyed to him the said James Pruden his heirs and assigns forever free from the claim or claims of him the said Nathaniel Pruden or of any person or persons climing from or under him do warrant and defend by these presents – In witness whereof the said Nathaniel Pruden have here unto set his hand & seal the day and year first above written. Signed seal’d & delivered in the presence of Nathl Pruden Senr {Seal} Nathl Pruden Jr. Albert G. Shivers his John X Minton Mark (page 2) Nansemond County Court Clerk’s Office to wit – This Deed from Nathaniel Pruden Senr to James Pruden was proved before me in my said office on the 4th day of July 1826, by Nathaniel Pruden Jr. on the 21st of the same month by John Minton two witnesses hereto, and on the 11th day of August 1828, was acknowledged by the said Nathaniel Pruden Senr according to Law, and there upon admitted to record – Teste, John T. Kilby A Copy, Teste, Joseph Prentis, Clerk (his signature) Nansd Office May 3 1842 Additional Comments: Spelling, punctuation, & capitalization transcribed exactly as written. Deed image part of Lost Records Localities Digital Collection, Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA 23219. This digital collection is comprised of scans of records that were photocopied for the Lost Records Localities collection. Source: Isle of Wight Co. Chancery Causes. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb