Nansemond County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Ferguson, Emma L. McGuire, 1928 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ SUFFOLK LOSES BELOVED WOMAN Mrs. Emma Lou Ferguson Dies Last Night After Short Illness; City Wide Mourning Over Passing. Death early last night claimed Mrs. Emma Lou Ferguson, wife of Walter B. Ferguson, prominent business man and civic leader, after an illness of only about two weeks, at the family home on North Main street. News of her passing was received among her friends with great sorrow and a deep sence of individual loss, Mrs. Ferguson having been a woman of rare personal, charm and lovable Christian character. Her life had been devoted to good works and through them she has left a lasting impression upon the community. Mrs. Ferguson was a daughter of the late James Robert and Mrs. Georgiana Godwin McGuire, and a member of one of Suffolk's oldest and most prominent families. Besides her unusual activities in civic work through the various woman's clubs and church organizations, Mrs. Ferguson possessed considerable literary talent and found time to write many articles of local interest and her poems have been recognized as having considerable merit although her writing was only a diversion and for the pleasure of her friends. She is survived by her husband, a niece, Mrs. John Ridgeway, of Washington, and a number of great nieces and cousins, among them being Miss Loulie McGuire, Mrs. H.H. Dawson, Miss Lillian Norfleet and Mrs. C.W. Jenkins, of Suffolk, and Mrs. William Whaley, of Norfolk. Mrs. Ferguson had long been an active communicant of Main Street Methodist Church and through its organizations, the Woman's Auxiliary, the Woman's Missionary Society and the Parsonage Society, contributed to all its good work and forward movements. She was also a charter member of the Silver Cross Circle of the King's Daughters, an officer in the Missionary Society of her church, member of the Woman's Club, Book Club, and of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, in all of which she rendered helpful and inspiring service. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from Main Street Methodist Church and burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. The organizations of which she had been a member will attend in a body or be represented at the funeral. ****************************************************************************** Funeral Services of Mrs. W. B. Ferguson The Rev. H.E. Cromer, assisted by the Rev. Dr. W.W. Staley, of the Christian Church, and the Rev. H.N. Tucker, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal, officiated this afternoon at the funeral of the late Mrs. Walter B. Ferguson, which took place at 3 o'clock from Main Street Methodist Church, of which she had long been a member. Members of the various clubs with which she had been affiliated attended in a body. There were many beautiful floral offerings, tributes from organizations and loving friends in Suffolk and elsewhere. Many people of all denominations were present to pay their last tribute of respect to one of the city's most beloved women. Burial was in the family section of Cedar Hill cemetery. Active pallbearers were Willis S. Riddick, N.G. Norfleet, Henry S. Eley, C.J. Dennis, Sr., J.C. Smith, John B. Pinner, Lee Britt, S.M. Lawrence; honorary - J.H. Kelly, Col. R.L. Brewer, Jr., Col. J.E. West, Capt. W.T. Bailey, Capt. E.A. Morrison, Bradford Kilby, R.P. Jones, J.H. Corbitt, James L. McLemore, Hersey Woodward, Sr., W.H. Darden, W.E. Hines, G. Lloyd Bell, A.A. Riddick, Dr. J.E. Rawles, Dr. J. Lewis Rawles, M.W. Joyner, Dr. A.T. Sheffield, Dr. J.P. Whedbee, W.P. Lipscomb, Burwell Riddick, Sr., W.S. Beamon, W.J. Norfleet, J.H. Norfleet, Dr. W.W. Murray, Charles L. Hutchins, Henry C. Barton, C.L. Lewis, J.C. West, J.T. Withers, A.H. Baker, James T. Shepherd, F.G. Whaley, F.A. Holladay, Col. E.E. Holland, E.W. Graham, M.T. Pinner, Arthur Woolford, H.M. Butler, P.T. Cohoon, Dr. H.W. Campbell, T.O. Palmer. "Emma Lou" Emily Louisa (McGUIRE; Mrs. Walter Beauregard) FERGUSON, b. 29 Aug 1858, Suffolk, d. 13 Mar 1928, at home, Suffolk, interred in Cedar Hill Cemetery*, Suffolk, 15 Mar 1928, "Suffolk (VA) News-Herald," Vol. 5, No. 306, Wed., Mar. 14, 1928, p. 1; "Suffolk (VA) News-Herald," Vol. 5, No. 307, Thurs., Mar. 15, 1928, p. 2 *Additional information: Her husband is buried in Block G, Lot 113. Cedar Hill list, an extension of the Southampton County Historical Society {SCHS} Cemetery Project: A photo of her gravestone - added by Jake Dog - is posted with Find a Grave Memorial #88509447. D.Cert. 6445 (Suffolk #69) Her parents are buried in Block D, Lot 46: Her father (1824 - 1897) was a Confederate veteran, having served as a second lieutenant in Co. B, 16th VA Infantry. Her husband's obits ("Suffolk News-Herald" & "Norfolk Ledger Star," Apr. 1935) are posted at: Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by File Manager Matt Harris ( file at: