Obituary: Andrew Johnson Allen, 1937 Source: Unknown newspaper Contributor: Shirley Houk ---------------------------------------------------------- (Special to the News-Virginian) LOWESVILLE, Sept. 8. -- Funeral services were held at South Mountain Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon for Andrew Johnson Allen, who died at his home at Montebello Saturday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock. Rev. G. R. Jewell, of the Holiness Church was in charge of the services. Pallbearers were Edward, Saylor, Raymond and Jake Allen, Arnold and Claud Zirkle. Flower bearers were Lorine Falls, Agnes Allen, Hattie Maddox, Alma Maddox. Burial was in the churchyard. Mr. Allen is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nettie Campbell Allen and one daughter, Miss Lucille Allen, of Montebello. By a former marriage, he is survived by eight children; Mrs. Estelle Snead, Covington; Mrs. Stanley Ramsey, Gooding, Idaho; Mrs. Myrtle Carnan, Johnstown, Pa.; Mrs. Verne Grant, Montebello; Mrs. John Zirkle, Nellysford; Leslie Allen, E. M. Allen and L. G. Allen, Montebello. He is also survived by the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. Eliza Bryant, Bridgewater; Mrs. Belle Cash, Roanoke; Mrs. E. D. Maddox, Montebello; Miss Anna Allen, Montebello; J. D. Allen, W. L. Allen, J. F. Allen and G. C. Allen, Montebello, and F. B. Allen, Bedford. Contributor's notes: Middle name was actually "Jackson" Andrew was b. 2 Oct 1867, d. 4 Sep 1937 ****************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ******************************************************************