Hughes Family Info w/Document Abstracts - Cumberland, New Kent, Amelia & Henrico Counties, VA HUGHES FAMILY (From Virginia Council Journals, by Fairfax Harrison.) Hughes is a very numerous name in Wales and no doubt a number of people of that name came to Virginia; but the Hughes who first settled I New Kent County and afterwards removed to that part of Goochland County, now Cumberland and Powhatan would seem to be nearly related. Later the family has spread widely throughout the United States. There is a tradition in the family of the late Judge Robert W. Hughes, that their emigrant ancestor was a Huguenot. Where there is no positive evidence there can be no positive statement; but this tradition seems highly improbable. Hughes is a most unlikely French name and it is certain that members of the Hughes family from New Kent settled near the Huguenots at Manakintown, which may have given rise to the tradition. The following notes are from the records of Cumberland County; Appraisement of the estate of Ashford Hughes, deceased, March 6, 1750. Will of Stephen Hughes dated July 6, 1749, proved June 25, 1753, Legates; daughter Judith Cox; sons John and Joseph; wife Elizabeth, daughter Elizabeth Woodson. Will of Robert Hughes, dated July 13, 1750 proved Sept. 22, 1755 Legates; daughter Sarah Woodson; daughters Mary Walton and Martha Walton; 4th daughter Susanna Hughes. 5th daughter Temperance Hughes; wife Martha; sons Abraham and Robert. Will of Joseph Hughes, dated Nov1, 1751, proved June 28, 1756. Legacy to John Hobson, to Brother John Hughes (refers to land given John by "my father"; wife mother Elizabeth Hughes. Refers to his father's will, wife Jane, etc. Will of Robert Hughes, dated Feb. 21, 1760 proved Oct. 27, 1760. Legatees: eldest son Jesse; sons Robert and David; wife Anne; refers to estate which will fall to her at her mother's death; daughters Frances and Martha. Will of Abraham Hughs, dated Jan 10, 1756, proved Fe. 23, 1761 Legates; mother Martha Hughes, Brother Robert Hughes; Cousin John Walton; refers to his deceased father, Robert Hughes; legacy to Sister Mary Winfree. Will of Orlando Hughes, dated July 25, 1768, proved Sept 26, 1768. Legates; wife Elizabeth ; sons Anthony and Josiah; son-in law John Murray, son Leander Hughes Will of Martha Hughes, dated Sept 8, 1769, proved March 16, 1770. Legatees: daughter Martha Walton and three children, Martha Hughes, George Cox and Henry Cox Will of John Hughes, dated April 16, 1774, proved Feb 27, 1775; son John. Will of Leander Hughes, dated March 24, 1775, proved June 26, 1775. Sons Powell, Stephen, John and Archilus. Will of Isaac Hughes, dated Jan 22, 1758, proved April 24, 1758. Wife Martha; patty Mosby and said Patty's brother George Walton. Cumberland Marriage Bonds; George Walton and Martha Hughes, Spinster , Feb 22, 1749; John Coles and Jane Hughes, widow, Dec 4, 1758; Thomas Poindexter and Ann Hughes, Joseph Hughes, security, Jan 25, 1755; Daniel Hughes and ma, daughter of John Murrey, Dec 18, 1788. There is in Goochland the will of Sarah Hughes, dated Jan 1723. She bequeaths her estate to her granddaughter Elizabeth Cannon. There are numerous grants of land to persons named Hughes. 1. Thomas Hughes, 400 acres on Timberneck Creek on the north side off Charles (York) River, and in that county thereof. Due for the transportation of 8 persons. April 28, 1643. 2. Rice Hughes, 200 acres on the north side of York River. Due for the transpiration of four persons, John Williams, Robert Sumons, Thomas Price and Hugh Griffin. March 8, 1652 3. Rees Hughes, 410 acres in the county of New Kent on the southwest side of York River, adjoining the grant of 1643 and the lands of George Smith and Mr. Langston. Dec. 1656. [It is difficult to see how this grant could have adjoined the one on Timberneck Creek.] 4. Rees Hughes, 860 acres in New Kent County including his grant of 410 acres (No. 3) with 450 acres adjoining. March 1, 1657. 5. Rees Hughes 860 acres in ....ew Kent formerly granted to him in 1657 and now regranted, Jan 28, 1662 [It was not an uncommon thing for persons who had grants during the Commonwealth to take a regrant after the Restoration.] 6. Robert Hughes 855 acres in New Kent County bounded on the north by the northwest branch of Chickhominy river, and adjoining the land of Col. Thomas Claiborne. Due for the transportation of 18 persons9including Robert Hughes Jr. and Elizabeth Hughes). April 20, 1684. 7. Rice Hughes 309 acres in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent; adjoining Page's land, Due for the transportation of 8 persons Oct. 9, 1698. 8. Rees Hughes 571 acres in St. Pauls Parish, New Kent, on Camp's Creek. Due for the transportation of 12 persons. Nov 2 1705. 9. Rice Hughes, 430 acres in St. Paul's Parish, New Kent Co., adjoining the land of George Alves. Dec. 3, 1714. 10. Robert Hughes of Henrico County, 400 acres in Henrico County on the south side of James River and on Muddy Creek. Aug. 17, 1725 [later in Cumberland County] 11. Ashford Hughes and Daniel Price 400 acres on the main fork of Deep Creek, Goochland County, adjoining the lands of Taylor and Woodson, Sept. 27, 1729. 12. Ashford Hughes and Joseph Thomas 400 acres on the west fork of Muddy Creek, Goochland County, adjoining their own land. Sept 7, 1729. 13. Ashford Hughes and Joseph Thomas 400 acres on the west branch of Muddy Creek, Goochland. Sept. 27, 1749. 14. Robert Hughes 400 acres in Henrico on the south side of James River on Hughes Creek and the right hand branch and adjoining his own land . Sept 7, 1729 15. Isaac Hughes 400 acres on the south side of James River on Muddy Creek, adjoining his patented land. Sept 8, 1728. 16. Robert Hughes 1200 acres on the south side of James River on Muddy Creek in Goochland County [later Cumberland]. 800 acres, part of this land was formerly granted to the said Robert Hughes by patent June 26, 1731. 17. Ashford Hughes 400 acres on the south side of James River on Bolling's Quarter Branch, and the branches of Muddy Creek, in Goochland County. 18. Ashford Hughes and Daniel Price, 400 acres on the south side of James river between Muddy Creek and Willis's River. April 11, 1732 19. Robert Hughes 125 acres on Hughes' Creek on the south side of James River in the county of Goochland, adjoining the land of Stephen Hughes, etc. Feb. 27, 1734. 20. Stephen Hughes of Goochland County 1000 acres in that county on Deep Creek, adjoining the lands of Cocke and Mayo. 21. Robert Hughes 400 acres in Goochland on the branches of Beverdam Creek and on the north sied of james River. Sept 16, 1740. 22. Thomas Hughes 85 acres in Goochland on the south side of Flucanna River and two islands in the river called the Sycamore Islands July 6, 1741. 23. John Hughes 237 acres in Amelia County on both sides of Little Hurricane Creek. Aug 20, 1745. 24. Orlando Hughes 400 acres in Goochland on the north branch of the Cat branch of Willis' River. Sept. 20 , 1745 25. Thomas Hughes 400 acres in Goochland on both sides of Horn Quarter Creek of Willis' River. March 20, 1745 26. Leander Hughes 390 acres in Goochland on both sides of Pidy Run of Willis's River. Nov 20, 1743. 27. Ashford Hughes, 350 acres in Goochland on the branches of Muddy Creek Aug. 30, 1744. 28. Orlando Hughes, 160 acres in Goochland on a branch of Muddy Creek jan 2, 1746 29. John Hughes 248 acres in Goochland on the south branch of Deep Creek. June 25, 1747. 30. Stephen Hughes and booth napier 400 acres in Albermarle County on north side of Pedler river. Sept 20, 1748 31. John Hughes 285 acres in Albermarle on the north branch of Willis' Creek Sept 5, 1749 32. Francis Hughes 225 acres in Augusta County on the branches of the North River of Shenando. March 17, 1756. 33. Joseph Hughes 400 acres in Cumberland County on the branch of Muddy Creek, Aug 10, 1759 34. Edward Scott, John Scott and Stephen Hughes 400 acres on Muddy Creek. Oct 11, 1728. 35. Ellis Hughes 400 Acres in Hanover County on Golden Mine Creeek, Jan 10, 1735. The following account of his ancestry was prepared by the late Judge Robert W. Hughes and a copy was obained from his son, Mr. R.M. Hughes of Norfolk, in 1902. As these notes relate entirely to the Hughes family and space is limited Judge Hughes' account of the maternal ancestry in various generations hs been omitted. The earlier generations are evidently based on tradition and can sometimes be shown to be erroneous. Martha Hughes stated to have been a daughter of a Jesse Hughes, "Huguenot emigrant", is show by a will printed above to have beena daugheter of Robert Hughes who died in 1755. There appears to be no record evidence that the first jesse or his son, David (or Adam) ever existed. Submitted by Mike Hughes **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************