Norfolk County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Wills.....Basnet, William March 25, 1687 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mike Schoettle November 9, 2007, 4:16 pm Source: Norfolk County Deed Book No. 5, Pt 1, P. 22 Written: March 25, 1687 Recorded: May 17, 1687 In the name of God amen Mr William Basnet Senr of Lower Norfolk County parish of Linhaven being sick of his body but in sound mynd and memory and knowing the uncertainity of transitory live doe by theose present my last will and testament. In primis I bequeath my soule into the hands of the all mythghty god my creator ? I his ? the meritt of ? ? my redeemer in a full hope of resurection of the body and my sould shall be ? my body. I give it to the Earth to be p? buried as my executor shall ? for my worldly good. I give and bequeath Thomas followeth for ? avi? And bequeath unto my sonne Wm Bassnet all the land to have only the use during his life and after his ? o ? unto his heirs for ever. Item I give and bequeath unto my sd sonne four cows and calfes with the future increase for him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my sd sone one horse and one mare with the future increase for ever. Item I give and bequeath unto my sd sonne my gold ring. Item I give and bequeath unto my sd sonne one negro man due to my by Adam Hayes according to his bill. Item I give and bequeath unto Charles? Harsley? One cow calf to bee delivered unto him presently after my ? with the future increase. Item I give and bequeath unto everyone of my servants whyt and negro one cow calfe a peace to be delivered presently after my ? with the ?. Item I give and bequeath my personallable estate goods servants horses and chattels and what ? can be ? unto my three children to say William Basnett and Jane Tull wife of Tho Tull and Mary Grandy wife of Thomas Grandy to be equally divided between them share and share alike and by those present dou revoke all the wills made before by me and my desire is that my sonne William Bassnett shall be executor of those present my last will wittness whereof I have heareunto sett my hand and seale this five and twenty of March Anno Dom 1687. Signed Wm (his mark) Basnett and seale Signed sealed and delivered in the presents of of James S. Sharood? John Poole James Lavy? Proved in Court by the oathes of all the ? 17 May 1687. Test Wm. Porten Cl Cort File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb