Norfolk County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Wills.....Creekmur (Creekmore), Edmund August 18, 1737 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Laura Ferguson June 14, 2007, 10:05 am Source: Norfolk County Wills And Deeds Book I, P. 31 Written: August 18, 1737 Recorded: August 18, 1737 Fragment of Edmund Creekmore's WillNorfolk County, Virginia, 1737 Item I give & bequeath to my two Sons Edward Creekmur...ob Creekmur my Negro man Titus as also my Still my worm my hand mill or be equally for them & their use. Item I give & bequeath to my son Solo Creekmur my Negro [we]nch called Bess to him & his heirs Lawfully begotten of his body but if he should dye without heirs for her to fall to my Sons Edward & Jobb Creekmur to them & their heirs for ever. It[em] I give & bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Creekmur my Negro boy James to her & her heirs...she Should dye without heirs for ye sd boy to fall to my two sons Edmund Creekmur & David...their heirs for ever & if either of my Sons E: D: Shold Dye without ye Longest Liver. Item I give & bequeath to my two Sons Edmund Creekmur & young Negro Wench Afigey with her increase to be equally Divide between them my two Sons but if either of them should dye without heirs for her to fall to ye Longest Liver of Edmund or David my two youngest Sons for ever. Item I give to my two grandsons Benjamin Coully & Levi Creekmur to my Grandson Benjamin Coulley... heifer at his arriving to one & twenty years of age & to my Grandson Levi Creekmur a ewe & Lamb... his arriving to ye years of one & twenty I give unto them for their full Portion that yey shant come in for no other Part of my Estate gave unto them & their heirs for ever. Item I give & bequeath all ye remaining of my Estate to be Equally divide between my Children Edward Creekmur Solo Creekmur Jobb Creekmur David Creekmur Edmund Creekmur & Sarah Creekmur after my decease to them & their heirs for ever. And I do nominate my Loving S... Job Creekmur my two Exers of ys my Last Will ... de in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & seal ye 6th...of A... his Edmd X Creekmur & SealWillm Hodges signJames WilkinsNorfolk...held ye 18th day of August 1737 ye above willJohn all Witnesses...Sworn by ye Execur according to to be recorded. Solo Wilson ClC File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb