Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Berg, Andrew L January 1, 1905 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorothy Strawhand July 14, 2019, 7:19 pm Virginian Pilot January 3, 1905 AID, DELAYED TOO LONG, FOUND BERG DEAD Norwegian, In River At Midnight Clung To Rope, While Friend Sought Help, Until Exhausted And Drowned "Accidental drowning" was the verdict rendered by the coroner's jury which yesterday investigated the death of Andrew L. Berg, a Norwegian, who was drowned at the wharf of the Southern railway in this city early Sunday morning. Olgar Andersen, a German, who was with Berg at the time of the drowning, testified before the jury, and at the conclusion of the hearing was allowed to go. It had been reported that Berg had been pushed off the wharf by a man who ran away immediatey thereafter. Andersen said that he and Berg, who had been working for a lumber company at Gilmerton for about a month, were the best of friends. Saturday night they were drinking together in Norfolk and Berg wanted to go aboard a barge lying at the Southern railway wharf to see a friend early Sunday morning. Andersen accompanied Berg at his request and as Berg attempted to step from the wharf to the barge he fell overboard. Andersen said he lowered a rope, which Berg grasped. Then Andersen went for assistance, being unable to raise Berg to the wharf alone. When he finally secured aid and returned to the spot Berg was dead. A timebook was found in one of the drowned man's pockets. This gave his name with address, No. 161 Third street, Hoboken, N.J. and requested that in case of accident notice be sent to "Ostro Sandoin's post office, Norway." There were numerous other entries, among which were a list of cities which corresponded identically with a printed official route of the Forepaugh & Sells Bros.' shows, which recently closed the season at Tarboro, N.C. It is supposed that Berg was connected with the circus and afterward secured work at Gilmerton, where it is said, he had been engaged for about a month. The body was interred yesterday afternoon by the health authorities. Secretary Pannill, of the health board, said yesterday that he will send notice of the death of Berg to the address in Hoboken, as well as to that in Norway. Additional Comments: Elmwood File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb