Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Carney, James Allen, Sr. May 11, 1981 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Robert Woolfitt February 8, 2025, 12:41 pm Virginian-Pilot May 12, 1981 NORFOLK — James Allen Carney, 74, of 1344 Mallory Court, building contractor who long was active in the area’s civic, cultural, and sports life, died Tuesday morning at the home of his son, James A. Carney Jr., 7917 Old Falls Road, McLean, Va. He was a son of the late Judge Alonzo B. and Mrs. Van Allen Carney of Norfolk County. He was born at his mother’s homestead in Elizabeth City, N.C. He had managed his own building contracting business with offices at 527 W. 25th St. The Norfolk Little Theatre on Orapax Avenue, West Ghent, is among many buildings his company constructed. He was president of the Norfolk Little Theatre and also had served on the Norfolk School Board. He also was vice president of the Travelers Aid Society. From 1934 to 1942, he wrote the column, The Sporting Horse, for The Virginian- Pilot. He long was an active horseman and had judged many horse shows. His greatest outside interest was track and field, having continued to run dashes competitively and also served as judge and timer. He had officiated in meets, including national and international competition. At the age of 66, he established a world’s record for the 100-yard dash in his age category. He was active in the old Norfolk Track Club and the Tidewater Striders. He was educated at old Churchland Academy and took preparatory work at Lawrenceville Academy before going to Yale University. His Yale degree was in engineering. His son, James A. Carney Jr., followed in his father’s footsteps both at Lawrenceville and at Yale, where both were track stars. Father and son had attended a Lawrenceville reunion in Lawrenceville and had returned to McLean when he was stricken. His late wife, Frances Ferguson Carney, died several years ago. Other survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Henry S. Taylor of Lincoln, Va., and Mrs. Malcolm Scully of Falls Church; and seven grandchildren. The body is being sent to H. D. Oliver Funeral Apartments, Norfolk. A funeral will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. in First Presbyterian Church with burial in Elmwood Cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb