Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Chase, Lyman H. May 24, 1910 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Robert Woolfitt February 20, 2025, 4:15 pm Virginian-Pilot May 25, 1910 AGED VETERAN DIED; POLICE SEEKING KINFOLK Lyman H. Chase of Massachusetts Had Over $2,000 Deposited in Local Banks In an effort to locate, if possible, friends and relatives of the dead man, the police department has ordered the remains of Lyman H. Chase, an old soldier, found dead in his room on East Main street yesterday morning, held at the undertaking rooms of H. C. Smith. Captain Ford, of the detective department, has the matter in hand and has sent out several telegrams. The body of the old man was found yesterday morning about 6:25 o’clock by Mary Henderson, a negro woman, who had been nursing him for some time past. Dr. Dupuy, health commissioner, viewed the remains and decided that death was from natural causes. Recently, Mr. Chase resided at No. 576 East Main street, where he died. He was a pensioner of the United States Government, having been a soldier in the Civil war. The police have charge of his personal effects, which include two bank books, showing that he had cash on hand amounting to about $2,000. Of this amount, $624.68 was in the Merchants’ and Mechanics’ Savings Bank and $1, 412.12 in the Bank of Savings and Trust. His last deposit was made on March 17, for $50. He also had a life insurance policy for $344.29 issued by the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company on March 22, 1897, for the benefit of “his widow, if any.” So far as is known, he was not married. Mr. Chase came here from Salem, Mass. Some time ago, he was tried in the Corporation court upon the charge of enticing young girls into his house and holding them all night. A jury in the Corporation court acquitted him of the charge. The deceased appears to have been between 60 and 65 years of age. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb