Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Diggs, William J. April 16, 1894 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorothy Strawhand January 3, 2025, 5:20 pm Norfolk Virginian April 17, 1894 The people of Norfolk will be much surprised to learn of the death of Capt. W.J. Diggs, which occurred at his residence, 31 Cumberland Street, last night about 11 o'clock. Capt. Diggs was 53 years of age and leaves a wife and seven children. He was upon the street yesterday, feeling as well as usual, but when he returned home last night he complained of being a little unwell and about 8 o'clock was stricken with paralysis. He was a member of the Board of Harbor Masters, an honored member of Pickett- Buchanan Camp and the Knights of Honor. He was also an officer in the old Volunteer Firemen's Association. Mr. John B. Diggs, his older brother, died only about twenty days ago. The funeral will take place Wednesday from St. Mary's Catholic Church at 10 o'clock. **************************************************************************** The funeral of Capt. W. J. Diggs took place at 10 a.m. yesterday from St. Mary’s Catholic Church, and was largely attended, Pickett-Buchanan Camp, C. V. and the Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association, of which the deceased was a member, being present. The service was conducted by Rev. John Doherty and the interment was in St. Mary’s Cemetery. The pall bearers, representing the camp, Firemen's Association, Knights of Honor, American Legion of Honor, and friends, were: Messrs. John S. Webber, A. J. Dalton, Walter Sharp, W. A. Graves, W. W. Bain, J. J. Keeling, John Z. Lowe and Walter F. Thompson, There were many handsome floral tributes. Norfolk Virginian April 19, 1894 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb