Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Lane, Aubrey Kenneth Lawrence October 9, 1989 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deborah VanDeveer January 25, 2025, 1:32 am The Virginian-Pilot, Friday, October 13, 1989 NORFOLK - Aubrey Kenneth Larence Lane, infant son of Evelyn Lane and Aubrey Kenneth Lawrence, died October 9, 1989, in a hospital. Other survivors include his maternal grandmother, Elizabeth Lane; maternal grandfather, Roy Lee Felton; and paternal grandmother, Shirley Lawrence, all of Norfolk. The graveside service will be conducted at 11 a.m. today in Calvary Cemetery by the Rev. J.L. Kearney. Graves Funeral Home is handling arrangements. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.1 Kb