Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Madgett, Dennis December 4, 1971 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deborah VanDeveer January 28, 2025, 1:24 am The Virginian-Pilot, page A16, Monday, December 6, 1971 NORFOLK - Dennis Madgett, 44, of 815 W. 44th St. died Saturday in a hospital. A native of New York City, he was the husband of Mrs. Adlide Madgett and a son of the late Henry and Mrs. Budell Watson Madgett. He worked for Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority nine years. He was a member of Mt. Oliver Baptist Church, Lewiston, N.C., and Norfolk Social & Savings Club. Surviving, besides his widow, are three brothers, Iris White and William McKinley White of New York, and John E. White of the Army in Texas; five sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Tilley of Norfolk, Mrs. Georgia White of New York, Mrs. Ethel White of New York, Mrs. Beulah Madgett, and Mrs. Annie Mae Madgett of Suffolk. A funeral service will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in Graves Funeral Chapel with burial in Calvary Cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.4 Kb