Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....McCoy, Ruth Wilson September 22, 1961 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deborah VanDeveer January 22, 2025, 2:43 pm The Virginian-Pilot, Saturday, September 23, 1961 NORFOLK - Mrs. Ruth W. McCoy, 76, of 2528 Ruffin St. died Friday at 6 a.m. in her home after a long illness. She was a daughter of Sylvania and Mrs. Georgia Benson Wilson and the widow of Edward F. McCoy. She was a native of Norfolk. Surviving are three sons, Edward W. McCoy, Humphrey W. McCoy and George B. McCoy of Norfolk; five daughters, Mrs. Mary F. Goffigan, Mrs. Cordelia E. Williams, Miss Ruth B. McCoy and Mrs. Hattie V. Andrews of Norfolk and Mrs. Angela Brice of Washington; two sisters, Mrs. Nancy W. Cornick of Norfolk and Mrs. Lovey Wilson of New York City; 17 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. The body was taken to B.F. King Funeral Home. A funeral service will be held in Union Chapel A.M.E. Church, of which she was a member, Sunday at 1 p.m. by the Rev. D.S. Strong, pastor. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb