Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....McDonough, James W. May 20, 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorothy Strawhand January 27, 2025, 7:43 pm Virginian Pilot May 21, 1911 James W. McDonough, a former resident of this city and at one time master moulder in the navy yard, died at 5:40 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the residence, 307 Chestnut Street, Berkey Ward, Norfolk. The funeral service will take place at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning in St. Mary's Catholic Church. Mr. McDonough was well known in Portsmouth, where he had his residence for many years. **************************************************************************** The funeral of the late Capt. James W. McDonough, who died at his home, 307 Chestnut street, Saturday afternoon, will be conducted from St. Mary’s Catholic church, Norfolk proper, this morning at 10 o’clock. Father Kelleher, of St. Mary’s Chapel, Hardy avenue, will officiate. The deceased was a member of Berkeley Lodge of Elks, 278, and Old Dominion Council No. 485 Royal Arcanum, which will attend the services in a body. Virginian-Pilot May 22, 1911 Additional Comments: St Mary's File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb