Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....McKloski, Francisca Rybicki December 26, 1953 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorothy Strawhand January 27, 2025, 7:38 pm Norfolk Virginian Pilot December 27, 1953 Mrs. Francisca McKloski, 72, widow of John F. McKloski and daughter of Frank and Mrs. Suzanna Pliska Rybicki, died yesterday at 1 p.m. at a Norfolk hospital. Mrs. McKloski was a native of Wisconsin and had been a resident of Norfolk for the past seven months, residing at 3515 Somme Avenue at the time of her death. Surviving her are three daughters, Mrs. Helen Arelianes, of Santa Marie, Calif.; Mrs. Marie L. Sharp and Mrs. Teresa J. Zane, of Norfolk; two sons, John McKloski, of Sacramento, Calif. and Joseph McKloski, of Kelly, Wis.; three grandchildren and one brother, Frank Rybicki, of Roshoit, Wis. The body will be taken from the H.D. Oliver Funeral Apartments to Christ the King Catholic Church of which she was a member, for funeral services Tuesday at 10 a.m. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb