Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Oakes, Anna Dowd "Annie" March 29, 1940 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorothy Strawhand December 30, 2024, 3:06 pm Norfolk Virginian Pilot March 30, 1940 Mrs. Annie Oakes, widow of Felix Oakes, a native of Ireland, and a resident of Norfolk 50 years, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Josephine Wallace, 1250 West Forty-ninth Street last night at 10:50 o'clock. She was a member of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. Surviving Mrs. Oakes are six daughters, Mrs. Catherine A. Padula, Mrs. Elouise V. Miskill, Mrs. Margaret C. Matweenko, Mrs. Wallace and the Misses Mamie and Bridget Oakes, all of Norfolk; one son, Felix Oakes, of Brooklyn; 31 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The body was taken to the H.D. Oliver Funeral Apartments, 1501 Colonial Avenue, pending funeral arrangements. ***************************************************************************** Mrs. Annie Oakes - The body of Mrs. Oakes, widow of Felix Oakes, who died Friday night at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Josephine Wallace, 1250 West Forty- ninth street, will be taken from the H. D. Oliver Funeral Apartments, 1501 Colonial avenue, to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church for services tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. Burial will be in St. Mary’s Cemetery. Rosary services will be held at the H. D. Oliver Funeral Apartments tonight at 8 o’clock. Norfolk Virginian-Pilot April 1, 1940 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb