Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Perkins, Harry Lee June 21, 1907 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorothy Strawhand September 2, 2020, 2:33 pm Virginian Pilot June 22, 1907 MERRY-GO-ROUND VICTIM, HARRY L. PERKINS, DEAD While playing on a home-made merry-go-round near his home, 539 Florida Avenue, Port Norfolk, several days ago, Harry Lee Perkins sustained injuries about the head from which he died yesterday morning at the King's Daughters' Hospital, where he was removed for treatment. With several other of his playmates, all about his age, Harry ran too close to the heavy beam and was struck on the head. He never recovered consciousness. Spinal meningitis developed, causing death. The funeral services will be conducted from the residence of his parents this afternoon at 3 o'clock and the remains will be carried to Berkley for interment in Magnolia Cemetery. **************************** Harry Lee Perkins, the six-year-old son of Edward N. Perkins, of 359 Florida Avenue, died yesterday in the King's Daughters' Hospital. Funeral will be held this afternoon from the residence at 3 o'clock. Interment will be n Magnolia Cemetery, Berkley. ****************************************************************** The funeral of Harry Lee Perkins, the boy who died in the King's Daughters' Hospital last Friday, took place at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the home of his father, Edward H. Perkins, 359 Florida Avenue, Port Norfolk. Rev. J.F. Carey, pastor of the Port Norfolk Methodist Episcopal Church conducted the service. Interment was in Magnolia Cemetery, Berkley. Virginian Pilot June 23, 1907 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb