Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Revels, Matthew Dean November 26, 1960 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deborah VanDeveer January 19, 2025, 12:10 pm New Journal and Guide, December 3, 1960 Matthew Revels, Master Barber, Receives Funeral Matthew Revels, a master barber who operated a shop at 43rd and Parker streets, was given funeral rites on Wednesday at Holy Temple church where he was treasurer, a deacon and president of the senior choir. His eulogy was delivered by the Rev. Paul Bradley, and burial was in Calvary Cemetery under direction of the Graves Funeral Home. Mr. Revels, who was 54, lived at 1801 W. 43rd street. He died Saturday at a local hospital, after being ill two months. He was a native of Sampson county, N.C., and had lived in Noroflk 25 years and operated the Service Barber Shop for 20 years. He held memberships in the Norfolk Chapter of the Virginia Barbers Protective Association and the Lamberts Point Civic League. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Revels; a daughter, Mrs. Mamie Stokes; a sister, Mrs. Janie B. Saunders of Manhassett, N.Y.; four brothers, the Rev. George Revels of Chicago, the Rev. L.R. Revels of Selma, N.C., the Rev. E.M. Revels of Baltimore and Arthur Revels of Camden, N.C.; and four grandchildren, Roderick, Wynfred O., Hyweda B. and Karn J. Stokes. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb