Norfolk City Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Watson, Samuel E. March 18, 1915 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorothy Strawhand January 23, 2025, 1:12 pm Norfolk Ledger Dispatch March 19, 1915 The funeral of Samuel E. Watson occurred at 3 p.m. today at the home of his mother, Mrs. George A.C. Taylor and was largely attended, Rev. T.E. Waters, of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, officiating. There were handsome floral tributes. Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery. Mr. Watson was a native of Princess Anne County, had lived in Norfolk two years and was highly esteemed. He died yesterday at the home of his mother, 719 Southampton Avenue, aged 42 years. ***************************************************************************** SAMUEL E. WATSON The funeral of Samuel E. Watson took place from the residence of his mother, Mrs. George A. C. Taylor, 719 Southampton Avenue, yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. Father T. E. Waters and Rev. Father Leroy Ryan of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church officiated. Interment was in St. Mary's Cemetery. The pallbearers were: J. W. White, W. T. White, John Reynolds, Wm. Van Austin and J. Larkins. Virginian-Pilot and The Norfolk Landmark March 20, 1915 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb