Northumberland County, VA; Deed, Mayes to Lunsford 1762 Deed Book 6, Page 197 Submitted by Valerie Burd for use in the USGenWeb Archives ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** This Indenture made the 10 Day of December in the Third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God of great Britain France and Ireland Kind Defender of the faith &c. And in the year of our Lord 1762, Between Henry Mayes of Wicoco: Parish and Northumberland County & Colony of Virginia of the one part, And Moses Lunsford of the same Parish, County and Colony of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Henry Mayes for and in consideration of seven pounds fifteen shillings current money in hand paid, The receipt whereof he the said Henry Mayes doth acknowledge, Hath Demised granted, sold and confirmed, and by these presents Doth demise, bargain, sell and Remise Release, enfeoff and confirm unto Moses Lunsford his heirs, executors, admrs. Or assigns fifteen and a half acres of Land, Situate, Lying & being in the aforesaid Parish, Couty & Colony On the southside of Wicocomoco River, Bounded as followeth, Beginning at a Maple Tree in the fork of a branch, Thence southerly along a line of marked Trees to a Pine Tree in Gaskin's. Thence a N. E. Coarse along a line of marked trees dividing this land from the land of Gaskins to the head of the branch. Thence down the said Branch to the Beginning Maple. Including by Estimation Fifteen and a half acres of Land, with all woods, underwoods, trees, timbertrees, waters, meadows, pastures, fordings, marshes, fences, houses, orchards, gardens &c. to the said Land belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith used, occupied or enjoyed, Together with all right, priviledges, advantages, appurtenances to The same or any wise appertaining, and the Reversions or Reversions, Remainder or Remainders, Rents, Issues and profits. To have and to hold the said Fifteen and a half acres of Land be the same more or less and Premises and every part and parcel of them hereby granted, bargained and sold or mentioned or intended to be bargained & sold, and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Moses Lunsford, his heirs, Executors, Administrators, and assigns forever, to the only proper use & behoof of him ths said Moses Lunsford his heirs Executors, Admis & Assigns for & yielding & paying the Quitrents of the same of Right Accustomed, And this Henry Mayes for himself his heirs Execrs. and Administrators that at the time of the Ensealing & Delivery of these presents, Hath in himself Goodright and Lawfull Power & Authority to grant and Convey the said Fifteen & a half acres of Land and Premises in manner & form aforesaid, And that the said Moses Lunsford his heirs, Execrs. Admrs. & assigns shall & may from time to time & at all times hereafter hold, occupy, possess and Enjoy the same and every part thereof, without the Least hinderance and molestation of him the said Henry Mayes or his heirs, Execrs., Admrs. Or any other person or persons whatsoever, Claiming the same from or by him or under him free and Clear and freely & clearly acquited Exonerated & Discharged of & from all manner of Joyntures, Dowers, Gifts, grants, bargains, sales, leases, mortgages, judgments, executions, and Eschets and from all other Troubles whatsoever, Committed and done by him the said Henry Mayes his heirs, Execrs., admrs. Or any other person or persons Claiming under him And shall and will Warrant and forever Defend the said premises unto him the said Moses Lunsford his heirs Execrs. Admrs or assigns forever, And will from time to time and at all times hereafter at and upon the Reasonable request, Cost & Charge of him the said Moses Lunsford his heirs, Execrs. Admrs or assigns do Levy, suffer and Acknowledge or cause to be made done levyed & acknowledged all or any other Deed, conveyance or Conveyances, assurance or assurances in the Law whatsoever for the more perfect & sure (conveyance) of the said Premises unto the said Moses Lunsford his heirs, Exors., admrs or assigns as his Council in the Law shall be in that behalf Reasonably Devised, advised, tendered and Required. In Witness whereof the party first mentioned, above to this Present Indenture hath set his hand and fixed his seal the day & year first above Written. Henry Mayes, his mark Signed, Sealed & Delivered in Presence of ~ William Davenport, Richard Taylor William Parrot, Jesse Robinson Memorandom. That Quiet and Peaceable Possesion & Seizen of the within mentioned Fifteen and a half Acres of Land & Premises was this day given & Delivered by the within named Henry Mayes unto Moses Lunsford by the Delivery of Turf and Twig upon the said Land in Presence of William Davenport, Richard Taylor, William Parrot, Jesse Robinson.