Charity Meeting House Members, 1809 - Patrick Co. VA (Submitter note: This information transcribed from copies of the Patrick County Virginia Charity Meeting House Church Membership lists. There may be unintentional errors or omissions. All spelling is as in original copy except for the change of the leading s to ss. Copyright 2000 by Kim Haynes.) December 9th day 1809 By an order of the Church for all the members names now standing in fellow shall be ???? next to this order - Is as follows 1. Stephen Hubbord 2. Charls Rakes 20 3. John Hall 4. Henrey Tugel Dismist 5. Charles Thomas Junr 6. James Dehart 7. Elijah Dehart 8. James Canadey Decd20 9. James Ingrum Ex 10. Thomas Tennison 11. Samuel Underwood Decd 12. William Lee 13. Peter Ratliff Expeld Halls Danniel Expeld (not numbered) 14. Richard Masse by Letter 15. W M Walden by Letter (may be William or W/m) 16. John Slaughter 17. Talmon Harbour 18. John Adams 19. Elijah Boothe 20. Henrey Clark by Exp 21. John Washburn 22. William Canadey 23. Jesse Dehart 24. Thomas Dotson 25. Francis Cox by Order of Asotiation 26. Gabriel Dehart by Letter Charity Dehart by ? (not numbered) 1. Jane Rakes 2. Jemimah Sharp Removd 3. Temple Bartlet 4. Mary Dehart 5. Catron Dehart 6. Maryann Tennison 7. Elezabeth Canadey 8. Rozinah Ingrum 9. Elezabeth Hale 10. Sarah Reynalds (Removd is crossed out) 11. Elezabeth Rakes 13. Deborah Thomas 13. Martha Russel Excum 14. Mary Manning 15. Mary Brammer 16. Sarah Brammer 17. Sarah Wood 18. Mildred Brammer 19. Elezabeth Thomas 20. Mary Cocram 21. Elezabeth Ratliff Deceast 22. Mary Lee 23. Eleander Dehart 24. Susannah Hubbord 25. Ezbel Ears (may be Eavs or Eans) 26. Charlot Elexander Removd Luccay Dehart (not numbered) 27. Sarah Wright Polley Dehart (not numbered) 28. Turners, Sarah (Removd across from her name, but could be for another in margin*) Susanna Slaughter (not numbered) 29. Marget Walden 30. Mary Slaughter (first name is very faint, could be something else) 31. Sarah Smith 32. Mary Owens *written in the right margin are the names: Nancey Ines Susannah Bartlet Submitted by Kim Haynes **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************