Patrick County Virginia USGenWeb Archives News.....Harbor R Martin R. c.1879-1939 January 9, 1939 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ron Martin September 27, 2021, 3:27 pm The Daily Bulletin January 9, 1939 THE DAILY BULLETIN, Martinsville, Va., Mon., Jan. 9, 1939, p. 10, col. 6 [edited]. Stuart News. Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon from the home for Harbour R. Martin, 60, and interment made in the family cemetery. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Frances Gilbert of Patrick Springs, Miss Ethelyne Martin of Stuart R.F.D.; four sons: Sam Martin of Danville; Hobart Martin of Martinsville; Camden Martin of Raleigh and James Freddie Martin of Stuart R.F.D. Martin, who was shot Friday morning by his brother-in-law, Walter Fain, died almost instantly. Fain, who said that Martin cussed him, came into Stuart and gave himself up. The following account of his murder appeared in the paper dated Fri., Jan. 6, 1939, p. 1, col. 6 [edited]. Stuart. Harbor R. Martin, age about 60, was shot and almost instantly killed Friday morning by his brother-in-law, Walter Fain, also about 60, who came to Stuart and surrendered to Sheriff F. D. Mays. He told the sheriff he shot Martin "because he cussed me." The commonwealth attorney said that Martin was standing in the road preparing to cut some brushes when Fain and Mr. and Mrs. George Clifton came down the road. They stopped to speak to Martin and Fain immediately drew his pistol and fired, the bullet entering Martin’s chest. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton were prevented from going to Martin’s assistance by Fain who threatened them with is gun. Mrs. Martin, a sister of Fain rushed to her husband, but he was dead before she could reach him. He is survived by his wife and several children. Bad feeling had existed between the two men. About one month ago a still said to have belonged to Fain was destroyed by ABC agents on information said to have been furnished by Martin. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb