PETERSBURG, VA - BIBLES - Wall Family Bible Record, 1739-1826 ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Bible Records Number 20602 Wall Family Bible Record, 1739-1826 Areas covered are Petersburg, Virginia and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Other surnames mentioned: Bennett, Fisher, Gray, Grayson, Lee, Madill, Rhodes, Shore, and Turner. James Wall & Sarah Gray were married the 10 of Decr 1757 Sarah Gray now the wife of James Wall was born the 7th of November 1739 departed this life 8 March 1794 James Wall was born the 11th day of December 1729 departed this life 3 June 1788 James Wall son of James Wall & Sarah his wife was born 2 Octr 1759 departed this life 3rd day of December following Sarah their second child was born the 25th of November 1761 departed this life (after an illness of nine days) on Monday 21st Feby 1763 at thirty-five minutes past nine Oclock at night John Wall the third child was born September the 8 1763 - on Thursday about 10 Oclock at AM. Married Sept 178_ to Mary Turner - J.W. died 20 April 1801 Jany Gray Wall & Peter Gray Wall (Twins) were born on Thursday (about 3 Oclock in the afternoon) the 27th Feby 1766. Peter departed this life Jane was married 4 July 1793 to Thomas Shore Jane died Sunday 22 May 1 Oclock P.M. at age 65 yrs, 2 month & 23 days James Wall was born on Thursday the 3rd day of December 1767 about 2 Oclock in the afternoon Polley Wall was born on Thursday the 15 Feby 1770 one Oclock in the morning Married to John Grayson March 180_ Martha Wall was born on Wednesday the 9th of Octr 1771 around 11 Oclock in the afternoon Married 8 Novr 1792 to ___ Madill Lucy Wall was born Sunday the 23rd May about 1 Oclock in the morning, 1773 Married Feb 7 1799 to John Fisher & departed this life 5 April 1805 Edwin Wall was born on Wednesday the 24 of May about 2 minutes after 3 Oclock in the morning 1775 Sarah Elizabeth Wall was born on Wednesday the 23rd of December 1778 about half after eleven at night Married 11 July 1799 to Thomas Bennett departed in May 1825 Mary daughter of Sarah E. Bennett was born 3 April 18 1800 and departed this life on the 13 July 1800 James Gray their second child was born the 15 April 1802 Louisa ___ their third child was born the 21 August 1803 Susan their fourth child was born the 10 Sept 1805 Married _______ Martha Emily their fifth child was born the 20th May 1807 departed this life on the 9 Octr 1813 William Gustavius their sixth child was born the 6th April 1811 4 Mar 1823 Petersburg Va Thomas Noble Lee to Jane Gray Bennett by the Rev. Andr Lyons Petersburg 21 Jany 1823 Jeremiah Rhodes to Louisa Agnes Bennett by the Revd Andr Lyons (Louisas twins born 6 March 1824 L. R. died at ___ ___ Northumberland, Eliz born Jeremiah Rhodes 26 May 1826 Deaths 3 Octr 1824 - Petersburg Va. Jane Gray Lee Births 15 June 1824 - Petersburg Jane Gray Lee ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________