Stockton/Smith Records, 1809 - 1815 - Pittsylvania Co. VA October Court 1809 Robert Adams, Complainant, against Robert Devin, surviving Executor of William Devin dec'd. and Mary Biggars, William Devin, Robert Devin, Robert Devin (sic), Bryan M. Devin, Peggy Devin, John Devin, Sally Devin and Elizabeth Devin, heirs of Joseph Devin Dec'd, by Bryan W. Nowlin their guradian, Hugh Reynolds, John D. Reynolds, Sarah Reynolds, William Reynolds, Mary Reynolds, Elizabeth Reynolds, Joseph Reynolds, Robert Reynolds and Margaret Reynolds by Joseph Reynolds their guardian, James Devin, Alexander Devin, Isham Hubbard, Peter H. Stockton (Ralph Smith, Stella Smith, Camilla Smith, John Smith and Samuel Smith, which said Ralph, Stella, Camila, John and Samuel Smith are the childrenn of Aggy Smith formerly Aggy Stockton now Deceased by John Smith their guardina), John P. Stockton, James Stewart and Elizabeth his wife formerly Elizabeth Stockton, John Parrish and Keziah his wife formerly Keziah Stockton, Edelle [should say Edith] Stockton, Phoebe Stockton, Ichabod Stockton, Samuel Stockton, Patsy Stockton and Hiram Stockton, heirs of John Stockton Dec'd, Defendants. This cause this day coming on by consent of parties to be heard upon the Bill, answers and Exhibits, and it appearing to the Court that the order of Publication made in this cause hath been duly complyed with. It is Decreed and ordered that the heirs of William Devin Dec'd in the Bill mentioned, convey the Land therein mentioned in fee simple to the Complainant with a general warranty, and the Complainant pay the Costs of this Suit, except the Costs of Stockton's heirs, which they are themselves to pay, Reserving, nevertheless to the absent Defendants the liberty of setting aside this Decree at any time within seven years, and to the Infant Defendants and the married women who are Defendants the right to set it aside for good cause shown within five months after the infants shall attain to full age or the coverture shall terminate. The following a continuation of the suit in chancery court: May Court 1815 Polly Stockton and Samuel Stockton, Patsy Stockton and Hiram Stockton by their next friend Polly Stockton, John P. Stockton, Ichabod Stockton & Edith Stockton, plaintiffs, against Peter H. Stockton, John Parrish & Keziah his wife, James W. Taylor & Phoebe his wife, John Smith, and Stella Smith, Camilla Smith, John Smith, Samuel Smith and Ralph Smith by John Smith their father and next friend- and James Stewart and Elizabeth his wife, Defendants. This cause came on this day to be heard upon the Bill and answers and arguements of counsel- whe.. Court recinding so much of the Order made in this cause at the January Court in the year 1812 at a... commissioners therein named to make partition of the Estate of John Stockton dec'd- It appearing by the .. of the defendants that John Smith, James W. Taylor, John Parrish and James Stewart have received by way of adva.. their several wives, full satisfaction out of the said Estate- and the complainants no longer desiring that the Estate should be divided- It is ordered and decreed by consent of the parties to the said suit, that one third of the tract of land lying on the waters of Sandy river in the County of Pittsylvania of which the said John died seized and on which he resided containing nine hundred and thirty six acres be confirmed to the Co.. Polly Stockton to hold as her dower of the said Estate- and the remaining two thirds of the said tract b.. to the other complainants- and that the infant defendants Hiram Stockton, Camilla, John and Samuel .. allowed six months from the time they severally arrive to the age ot twenty one years to show cause if any against the decree- and that the costs of this suit be apportioned among the complainants & defendants a.. their respective interests. Submitted by Richard W. Kesler **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************