Smith Wills - Pittsylvania County, VA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Gayle Austin *********************************************************************** * USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Will of John Smith Deed Book 5, Page 424 Pittsylvania County, Va Debts to be paid, Will and desire that my estate be kept together except two younger Negroes to wit: My Negro Boy Nimrod George and my Negro Girl named Jane. Daughter Elizabeth Smith when marry or become eighteen. Twenty pounds out of crop of tobacco now made that I give to my Daughter Annah Calloway and it being the balance of what I promised as her fortune. Also 250 pounds out of the crops of wheat I give to my daughter Elizabeth. Son Ralph Smith have use of my Negro Vall, Hampton and Anthony till a division of my estate here after mentioned. Three hundred pounds to son Samuel Smith. Son John use of Negro Joe, Rose and Jack. Wife use of Negro Dup, Lucy, Dill, Phillis for her natural life and use of one fifth of my flocks and cows, sheeps and hoggs. Four Sons-Ralph, John, Bowker and Samuel Smith Wife Elizabeth Smith during her life or widowhood one third of Tract of land I purchased of Col Peter Jefferson including dwelling. At her death or remarriage to my son Ralph. To wife one fourth of Land of my Household furniture during her natural life. To Ralph a tract of land whereon I now live and that I purchased of Col Peter Jefferson, Land purchased of John Cobin in Bedford County both sides of Pocket Ck containing 1050 Acres, Land purchased of Robert Adams, Jr on Stanton River in Bedford co on west side of Pockett River, also said land surveyed on west side of Pocket River lying on said River and branches of the Pockett Ck Son John all land I purchased of Jermiah Ward on both sides of Stanton River part lying in Bedford County and part in Pittsylvania County opposite one another, Also survey of 56 acres joining the foregoing Tracts on Bedford side, Also entry of land I purchasedof Jermiah Ward lying in Pittsylvania County. Son Bowker all land on Piff River consisting of 150 acres I purchased of William Atkinson and 150 acres opposite to it, 150 acres purchased of William Williams lyi8ng on north side of Pigg River, 50 Acres joining the land I purchased of William Atkinson which entry is transferred to said William Atkinson to Richard Shockley Sen which I have said Atkinson Bond, Land purchased of Judith Smith, part of Estate of Bowker Smith, dec'd for which I have Bill of Sale, at public auction and by her sold and delivered to me together with some cattle, sheep and hoggs and a quantity of household stuff may be known by the Account be all kept together. Judith Smith have sum of all Negroes my dec'd brother Bonker Smith's children to wit: Stephen, Bonker, Guy, William, Achilles, Elizabeth and Judith.. Executors sons Ralph Smith and John Smith and son in law Cap William Calloway John Smith Wit: Stephen Smith, Guy Smith, Judith Smith, Reynald Allen Proven November 22, 1776 Will of Thomas Smith Deed and Will Book 11, page 324 Pittsylvania County, Va --4, 1804 George Adams and Joseph Morton Executors. Wife Frances all my Negroes while she lives and after her death to be disposed of as she sees cause, Land containing 400 Acres Martha Jones-Tract on Head of Sandy Creek containing 400 Acres At wife's death all my land may be divided equally between Smith Fulton and William Smith, son of John Smith. Thomas Smith Wit: Joseph Smith, Nancy Drain, John Still, William Still, Jonathan Elliott Proven February 20, 1809 Will of James Smith Deed and Will Book 11, Page 260 Pittsylvania County, VA May 10, 1803 To Dearly Beloved Wife Elizabeth, one third of land whereon I now live including the plantation with my horses, lots and kitchen furniture and oldest mare and my hole stock of cattle. I lend to Jerry Sanford one acre of land including the House and spring where she now lives. I lend to my daughter Nancy Gunnell for the space of five years the House and plantation whereon she now lives. Son and daughters James Smith and Sarah Brooks and Nancy Gunnel each of them five shillings sterling concluding that I have heretofore given them as much as I was able to Effort them. Grandson Allen Smith my youngest Sorel mair and gun. My son Joseph Smith whole tract of land whereon I now live with my hole improvement thereof and plantation tools and one blas‚ face sorrel mair and colt. Wheating tools to be sold to pay Trust debts. James Smith Wit: Zachariah (X) Priest, George Spratten, William Burgess Proven September 19, 1803, John Walters and Asa Thomas his Securities in amount of $4000. Will of Orlando Smith Deed and Will Book 11, page 176 December 16, 1789 To Beloved wife Martha during her natural life or widowhood land and plantation whereon I now live with mill which said tract consists of 241 acres for the benefit of raising and bringing up my children in a Christian manner and also for all my daughters as long as they remain single, to remain as Members of my Family without any interruption. And at my wife's death or end of her widowhood, that my youngest son Ambrose Joshua Smith should have the said 241 acres of land which was lend to my wife and daughters. To eldest sons Jesse and Orlando Smith, 656 acres of land lying on Sandy Creek to be equally divided between them two and also the above 656 acres of land to be valued by Indisious Menchore for that purpose and whatever the above land should be valued to, that my two sons shall pay up an equal property of value to my seven daughters-Namely, Elizabeth, Cassander, Martha, Naomy, Rhoda, Elender and Mary. Son Whitfied Smith 200 acres of land which I bought of Mark Shelton, I desire that my two sons Jesse and Orlando Smith with my wife Martha Smith should be my Executors. December 16, 1789 Orlando Smith (SEAL) Wit: Mark Shelton, Charles Carter,Ross Jamin Gibson Proven August 16- By Jesse Smith and Martha Smith with Charles Carter and Abraham Adams and George Wright as Securities Will of George Smith Will and Deed Book I, page 325 Pittsylvania County, VA July 29, 1808 Daughter-Beheatherland Lawrence thirty pounds in cash, daughter Lucy Watson 15 pounds in cash to be paid to them or their legal representatives in eighteen months after my Decease by my Executor. To Dutiful son Jabez Smith all my plantation land and Tenements I possess or own either by Deed or Patent. Also all my slaves: Lymie, Ruben, Stephen, Dick, Easter, Vilotte, Nanie and Judi with their increase. Also my stock of Horses, cattle, hoggs, sheep, household furniture, all debts due me on Books, Bonds and other specialties with all and every other part of my property real or personal. Dutiful son Jabez Smith and my much Esteamed Friend and Acquaintance James Hopkins Executors. George Smith Wit: George K Smith, Joseph Reynolds, James Hopkins, Hartwell Allen Proven May 15, 1809 with Henry J Calloway, Hartwell Allen and James Hart Security in bond of $9000 Will of Hezekiah Smith, Sr Will Book 1, Pittsylvania County, VA Page 270 I Hezekiah Smith Sr of Pittsylvania County to my Wife Sally all my Estate both Real and Personal To Son William Smith $1 To Son Thomas Smith $1 To Daughter Nancy Drain $5 a year as long as she lives To Son in Law William Drain $1 To Daughter Polly I/J/T Smith $1 To Son Hezekiah Smith Jr $1 To Son James Smith $100 to be paid by my Executor At death of my wife Sally all that I have left her should be the property of my son Joel S Smith. Appoint my son Joel S Smith my Executor. November 11, 1826 Hezekiah Smith Witness: Abner Fulton Thomas Elliott William Gammon Proven on August 18, 1834 Randolph Smith Estate Court Order Book 28, Page 54, Pittsylvania County, VA October 19, 1829 On motion of Joseph Smith and William Smith who made oath according to law and with Griffith Dickenson, Jr, William Newton and Nathan Hutcherson, their Securities . .$8000 Bond, Letters of Administration on Estate of Randolph Smith, Dec'd Court Order Book 28, Page 67, Pittsylvania County, VA November Court 1829-First Day Ordered to divide and deed the slaves be to Estate of Randolph Smith among the defendants with equal parts to Sarah, Widow of Randolph Smith as her Dower, Divide remaining two thirds into seven equal parts to Henry Emmerson, Davis Richards, Charles Hundley, Joel S Smith in right of themselves and their wives, each one equals one seventh part, that they attach to Jackson Smith, Sarah Smith, Washington Smith, Ellender Smith and Williamson Smith, children of Joshua Smith, dec'd one seventh part and that they allot to Joseph and William Smith each one seventh parts. Will of Joel S Smith Will Book 1, Pittsylvania County, VA Page 378 1st-To my Beloved son Ameziah A Smith two Negro boys, Tom & Sanford 2nd-To my Beloved daughter Sarah J Smith, two Negro boys, Robert & Elis 3rd-To my Beloved daughter Martha A E Smith, Two Negroes Peter & Louisa 4th- To my Beloved son Jabez S Smith, two Negroes Griggin & Shivan 5th-To my Beloved daughter Mary W Smith, two Negroes Nathaniel & Elizabeth 6th- To my Beloved son Vanburen R Smith, three Negroes, Sillie, Mark, Vaden 7th-To my Beloved daughter Thalister/Celestial Smith, two Negroes Nathan & Dicey 8th-To my Beloved daughter Susannah G V Smith two Negroes Sutie & William To my my Beloved wife Sarah Smith, all remaining property, both real & personal Except of one bed furniture & one horse & saddle to each of my sons and daughters when she may think proper or when married. The younger children to be raised & educated out of the remaining of property that I will to my beloved wife with out exception. If either of my sons or daughters should louse any of the above willed property before it comes in their possession, it shall be made up to each out of remains of stock that I will & bequeath to my beloved wife. All above willed property shall remain in original stock for the good of my family until my sons & daughters shall marry or become of age then to be distributed according to my will as they become of age. At death of my wife, Sarah Smith, all the remaining property shall be equally divided between the living heirs of my body. My son Amaziah Smith to be Executor Joel S Smith Wit: Hezekiah Smith John (X) Scarce John Keen Will of Francis Watkins Pittsylvania County, VA Will Book 1, Page 360 I Francis Watkins of Pittsylvania County, State of Virginia 1st-Will to my beloved husband, James Watkins, the following Negroes, Leyton, Washington, Nathan and Trior. 2nd To my cousin Joel S Smith the following Negroes viz: William and Tanner 3rd My cousin Joel S Smith to take Lucy, a Negro woman, and take care of her for her lifetime. 4th I will Levina & her two youngest children, Henry & Francis to be sold to go with her husband. 5th To my beloved niece Elizabeth Murphy, the following Negroes viz: Mary & Dianah, one feather bed, and furniture, one yearling calf from Pink mare to her & her Heirs forever. 6th To Cousin Nancy Drain one Negro man named Randolph 7th To Beloved Cousin Thomas S Jones the following Negroes viz: Bezaming, Liza & her two children Anna & Jano 8th To niece Susanna Boaz Negro woman named Lucinda and one boy Dick 9th I will is that Peter & Alfred be sold and I give Them the liberty of choosing their Masters, the money arising from the sale of above named Negroes, I desire for the support of my brother John Challers?, the money to be placed in the hands of Thomas S Jones for him to furnish my brother as his needs require. 10th I desire my husband to take such part of the furniture as he chooses and the balance of it to be equally divided between Elizabeth Murphy, Susan Boaz, Patsy Hubbard, and Nancy Thomas. 11th My will is that my Executor hereafter mentioned provide a small home out of the money arising from my estate for my old Negroes viz: Dick, Cambridge, Dinah, Nanny & to be supported out of my Estate & in care of my Executor. 12th All the balance of my Estate not herein mentioned to be sold at my Decease. 13th My husband to take such part of the stock as he chooses, Will him the Gigg 14th To the Bible Society $100, to the Colonization Society $100 15th To sister Mills $100 16th If anything left after complying with all the terms of my wealth heretofore mentioned, that it be given to the Support of the Gospel under the care of my Executor. 17th I Constitute Thomas S Jones & Daniel Berger my Executors. February 18, 1837 Francis (X) Watkins Wit: Holcombe D Bailey, Drury Blair Proven July 16, 1838 Handwriting of Holcombe D Bailey, absent from the Commonwealth, being fully proved by Nathaniel Wilson & William H Dupuy. William S Pannill & Nicholas Jones Securities for $24,000 Bond Will of Albert G Smith Will Book 2, Page 125 Pittsylvania County, VA May 4, 1850 To Wife Mary A Smith-entire estate both real and personal together with my money in land, Bonds and accounts. At death or marriage of wife, I wish my entire estate to be divided between my five children, Ann P, John A, Victoria C, Vincent O and Nancy J Smith. To the discretion of my wife that at any time should she think that any of my above named children should want or need any property for her to let them have it at valuation and charge them for such property which they may receive at valuation in order to effect an equality at a final division of my estate. Appoint my father in law, Captain Vincent Witcher Executor. Albert G Smith Wit: William B Booth, George W Young, V O Witcher Proven August 18, 1851or 1857 with with Vincent O Witcher and George Townes with a $14,000 Bond Will of Mary A Smith Will Book 3, Page 142 Pittsylvania County, Va To daughter, Ann Park Dudley & Silas J Dudley, her husband, one fifth of all my estate both real and personal To son John Anthony Smith, one fifth of my estate To daughter, Victoria C Berger and Samuel S Berger, her husband, one fifth of my estate To son Vincent O Smith, one fifth of my estate To children of my deceased daughter Nannie J Berger, Samuel Gallatin Berger, Henry Casper Berger, Alonzo Smith Berger and May Nannie Berger one fifth of my estate. All real estate to be sold and divided together with my personal property as above bequest and devised. Executors-My sons John A Smith and Vincent O Smith and that no security be required. Guardian of the minor children of my deceased daughter, Nannie J Berger, their natural father Henry Berger to act in their stead. Mary A Smith Wit: W A Witcher, L B Austin Proven May 17, 1875