Prince Edward County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Wills.....Divin, Betty Et Al June 24, 1808 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Virginia Tuft July 29, 2006, 4:09 pm Source: Fhl Film 33,218; Prince Edward Co., Va; Will Book 5, P 341-42 Written: June 24, 1808 Recorded: August 17, 1818 In the name of Godm I Betty Devin A free black woman (commonly called Betty Gambo being of sound mind and good recollection do make and ordain this writing to be my last will and testament viz -- I Will that me son Harry Devin who is my slave be put apprentice to some good business untill he be twenty one years of age, at which time it is my will and desire that he shall be free -- I Will that my son Peyton Devin be bound apprentice to some good business untill he be twenty one years of age -- It is my will and desire that after the payment of my just debts all the ballance of my money in hand or which may be due to my estate be equally divided between my three sons Jacob, Peyton Devin and Harry Devin and Charles Woodson which last is intended for the benefit of my husband Gamlo who is his slave; I will that three suits of my best Sunday Clothes be given to my Grand daughter Betty who is the daughter of my son Jacob and belongs to M'r Dillion; I have a number of other children and grand children but do not will to any of them anything in any event whatsoever. Lastly I constitute and appoint Charles Woodson exor. to this my last will and testament with power to carry into affect all the provisions therein as well what relates to binding out my children as other things; given under my hand and Seal this 24th day of June 1801. Betty (her X mark) Devin Seal Signed and sealed in presence of Wm. A. Allen James Moss At a court held for Prince Edward County the 17th day of August 1818 -- This last will and testament of Betty Devin dec'd was presented in court and proved by the oath of James Moss a witness thereto: (some words unreadable crossed out) And at the same court continued and held for said county the 18th day of the month & year of --said this last will and testament of Betty Devin dec'd was again presented in court and further proven by the oath of Wm. A. Allen a witness therto ordered that the same be recorded: On the motion of Charles Woodson exor: in said will named he with Edward Booker his security entered into and acknowledged their bond for the purpose in penalty of three thousand dollars conditioned according to law and took the oaths required by law certificate for obtaining probat-- thereof in due form is granted him . . -- Teste B. Worsham D. C. Additional Comments: I have a film copy. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb