Prince Edward Co., VA, Will Book 8, page 274 In the name of God amen, I William Hill Sr. of Prince Edward County Virginia being in my proper senses and memory to make my disposing will, first I leave my son Reuben G. Hill twenty dollars to be ____ by him. Secondly, I leave my beloved wife Susan Hill three of my Negroes named Easter, Sally and James for life, or if she should have an ____ or ____ me for it to fall to them; also my land containing one hundred sixty four acres; likewise my household and kitchen furniture with my stock of all descriptions. Thirdly, I leave my negroes Sam, Henry, Nancy and Stephen to be sold to pay all my just debts and they shall have the privelege of choosing their masters. All that is over, I leave to Tarlton P. Lewis. I do hereby ordain and constitute my beloved wife Susan Hill and Tarlton P. Lewis to execute this my last will and testament, and all wills before this is of no account. As witnessed my hand and seal this first day of August 1834. Witnesses: William Hill Richard Mitchell Elizabeth A. Mitchell Daniel Lewis At a court held for Prince Edward County May the 17th 1841. This last will and testament of William Hill dec'd was presented in court and proved by oaths of Richard Mitchell and Daniel Lewis two witnesses. Thereto, ordered this the same be recorded, on the motion of Tarlton P. Lewis Executor herein named, and with Samuel D. McDearmon and Daniel Lewis his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond for the purpose in the penalty of six thousand dollards conditioned according to law, and took the oath required by law, certificate for obtaining a probate thereof in all form is granted him. Teste B. J. Worsham, Clerk. Page 282-4 An Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of William Hill dec'd made by me as executor thereof on the 3rd day of June 1841 with a column on the right hand for the appraisers to annex the value of the several items to wit: [The estate was appraised at $4,532.31.] Prince Edward County to wit: We the subscribers pursuant to an order of the County Court of Prince Edward having been duly sworn before a justice of the peace for that purpose truly and justly to the best of our judment viewed and appraised all the personal estate of said Wm. Hill dec'd produced to us by said T.P. Lewis, and comprised in the said Inventory, and we have annexed the prices of the several items thereof in the column left for that purpose. Given under our hands this 3rd of June 1841. Samuel B. Baldwin Josiah Paris James Jennings At a court held for Prince Edward County June the 21st 1841: This inventory and appraisement of the estate of William Hill dec'd was presented in court, ordered that the same be recorded. Teste B. J. Worsham, Clerk Page 421: The report of Tarlton P. Lewis Executor of the last will and testament of William Hill dec'd 1841. The said accountant charge himslef with all and singular the goods and chattles, rights and credits which were of the same deceased agreeably to an inventory thereof filed in the Clerks Office of Prince Edward County amounting to $4532.31 To decrease in sale of property 507.00 1844 credit $4023.31 The said accountants gave allowance for the following disbursements made, out of the estate aforesaid, namely: By cash paid Clerk's Tickets By cash paid Thomas P. Richardson Bond $1233.75 By cash paid Mathews and Wheelen per Bond 282.02 By cash paid S. Hill Receipt 20.39 By cash paid Dr. E. M. W. Dursshy(?) 70.00 By cash paid H. W. Lewis for services rendered in assisting to apprehend Henry a runaway belonging to Estate 13.50 By cash paid C. Page jail fees 16.50 To advertising Henry and expenses going after him 26.27 To William L. Wood Receipt 1.50 To G. D. Saunders 10.00 To crying property paid Cryer 2.00 To money pd. for Wm. Hill by T. P. Lewis 3.75 $1,627.10 5 percent allowed commission 81.48 By the amount of goods bequeathed to the widow and charged in the inventory amounting to $1,882.31 By cash willed to Reuben S. Hill 20.00 Accountants Charge for settling the Estate [blank] Balance in favor of the estate [blank] We have this day settled the account current of Tarlton P. Lewis, executor of William Hill (Rock.) after being first sworn for the purpose, and find that the Executor has paid sixteen hundred and twenty nine dollars 70 cents for sundry claims against the estate for which legal and satisfactory vouchers were presented except $3.75 the last Item, the condition of which we do not doubt, we have allowed the executor five percent commission on the disbursement which makes an aggregate of seventeen hundred and eleven dollars and 18 cents, leaving a balance of two thousand three hundred and twelve dollars and 13 cents against the executor. James Clark S. D. McDearmon Samuel D. Hill Samuel B. Baldwin At a Court held for Prince Edward County September the 19th 1843. This account current was presented in Court, ordered that the same lie one term. At a Court held for said County October the 17th 1843. This account current was again presented in Court, ordered that the same be recorded. Teste B. J. Worsham, Clerk File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Nancy Wade USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.