Prince Edward Co., VA Will Book I, James HILL of the County of Prince Edward do hereby make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, Viz. I will to my wife Sucky the tract of land on which I reside together with all the slaves and personal estate of any description during her natural life but should there be more made from the estate that my wife should wish to use for her support and family and particularly my daughter Susan M. as long as she shall remain single, that the surplus be taken care of by my Executors hereinafter named, to be thereby accounted for upon a final division of my estate and after the death of my wife that my whole estate both real and personal be sold and equally divided between my children and their heirs. And I do hereby constitute and appoint Samuel S. HILL and Paschal B. MASON executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 15th day of January 1842. James HILL (seal) Witness: Wm. MATHEWS, Edwin GRAY, William A. SWAN(?), Samuel D. HILL At a court held for Prince Edward County July the 19th 1842, This last will and testament of James HILL dec'd was presented in court and proved by the oaths of William MATTHEWS and William A. SWAN, two witnesses thereto, ordered that the same be recorded on the motion of Samuel S. HILL, executor herein named with William MATTHEWS, Thomas HILL and Thomas H. DICKINSON his securities into and acknowledged their bond for the purposes in the penalty of $3,000 conditioned according to law and took the oath required by law certificate for obtaining at probate thereof. Clerk Estate of James HILL dec'd, in Account with Samuel S. HILL, Exec. To Cash paid Clerks Ticket...$3.00 To cash paid S. A. DAY...10.00 To cash paid Wm. M. CARTER for DAY...27.00 To cash paid same...18.42 To commissions on receipts of $455.18...22.75 Bal due estate...............................................................................................$374.01 455.18 By cash of Ph WATKINS...$10.00 By cash from estate...$200 By cash received of Wm. MATHEWS...24.80 By cash bal. of Ph WATKINS...23.05 By cash of Wm. MATHEWS...$197.33 455.18 1847 Oct 1, By bal brought down due estate.....................................................$374.01 Buckingham County to wit: We the undersigned commissioners acting under an order from the County Court of Prince Edward have examined and stated the foregoing account current of Est. of James HILL, dec'd, with Samuel S. HILL and find a balance due the estate from the Executor of $374.01 as of 1 Oct 1847. Given under our hands this 22 Oct 1847. Ch. McKINNEY Jno. R. HARRIS, commissioners At a court held for Prince Edward Co. November 15th 1847. This account was presented in court, ordered that the same lie one term. At a court held for said county December the 20th 1847. This account was again presented at court, ordered that the same be recorded. Teste B. S. Worsham, Clerk File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Nancy Wade USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.