Prince George Co., VA Miscellaneous Wills Will of Thomas Blackman 1715 (Deeds etc. 1713-28, page 80, Prince George Co.VA.) IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Blackman aged fifty six or thereabouts, who is weak in Body but of a sound and perfect memory praised be the Lord for it, and I do hereby revoak and make void all wills as verbale & written and make this my Last Will and Testament as followeth. First I bequeath my soul unto God, and my body to be interred after the Discretion of my Executrix, and as for my Estate I give and bequeath in manner and form as followeth after my just Debts are fully satisfied. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Blackman one heifer with calf and a ____ Lamb, them and their increase. Item.I give unto my son Thomas Blackman one mair filly, she and her increase, and one gun, and my will is that my son shall be for himself at sixteen years of age and to receive his mair and the increase thereof and his gun. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Ann all the rest of my Estate both within Doors and without both goods and chattels during her life, and after her decease what is left to be equally Divided between my two children, whom I make my whole Executrix witness my hand this sixteenth Day of March Anno 1714/15. Thomas(hisTmark)Blackman Sealed wax Signed and Sealed in the presence of us} Geo.Tillman Robt.Abernathy John(hisUmark)Brooks Att a court held for the county of Prince George on the second Tuesday in November 1715 being the Eighth day of the said month. The above written Last Will and Testament of Thomas Blackman Dece'd. was presented into Court by Ann Blackman the Executrix therein named who made oath thereto according to Law, and the same being proved by the oaths of George Tillman and John Brooks two of the witnesses thereto is by order of the Court here truly recorded and a Certificate granted the said Executrix for obtaining a probate in due form. Test. Wm.Hamelin ClCur. _________________________________________________________________ Will of John Wall 1717 (Deeds etc, 1713-28, page 190, Prince George Co.VA.) IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I John Wall of Prince George County and Parish of Westover in Virginia being very sick and weak,but of a perfect sense memory and understanding for to make this my Last Will and Testament in the manner following viz: First. I give and bequeath my soul to God Almighty who gave it me hopeing that through the merritts of my Blessed redeemer to obtain everlasting life after death and my body to be buried in such a manner as my Executrix shall think fitt and meet. Secondly.My Debts being paid I give and bequeath after my wifes Decease unto my son John Wall, the plantation and Land on whom I now Dwell, to him & his heirs for ever. Thirdly. I give and bequeath to my son Michal Wall and his heirs for ever my plantation situated on Moaran River containing one hundred acres of Land being in Alley Whighs County. Provided that my said son pay what remains unpaid for the said Land, more I give and bequeath unto my said son Michal Wall two cows & one heifer of two years and their increase. Fourthly. I appoint make and ordain my Loving wife Sarah Wall Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, given under my hand this 25th day of July 1717. John(hisMmarke)Wall Seald wax. Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of us} John Loveday John(hisCmarke)Cheton Phillip Claud At a Court held at Merchants Hope for the County of Prince George on the second Tuesday in October being the Eighth day of the month Anno Dom. 1717. The next before written Last Will and Testament of John Wall Dec'd. was presented into Court by Sarah his Relict and Executrix therein named who made oath thereto and it being proved by the oaths of the severale witnesses thereto is by order of the Court truly recorded. And a Certificate is granted the said Executrix for obtaining a probate in due form. Test Wm.Hamlin ClCur. ______________________________________________________________ Will of Thomas Jackson 1712 (Deeds & Wills, Book B 1710-1714, page 242, Prince George Co.VA.) IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN March the 21th 1712 I Thomas Jackson of the Parish of Martin Brandon and County of Prince George being sick and weak but in perfect sence and memory for too make this my last Will and Testam't in manner following. Impr...I bequeath my Soul to God that gave itt me hopping by the merits of Jesus Christ my redeemer to Inheritt Eternal life and my body to the Earth from whence it came too be decently Buried att the Discrettion of my Extr. hereafter named. Item...I give and bequeath unto my son Will'm.Jackson one thousand pounds of Tobacco in the leu of a Bed and furniture. Item...I give and bequeath unto my son John Jackson one feather bed and furniture. Item...I give and bequeath unto my son Edward Jackson one feather Bed and furniture. Item...I give and bequeath unto my son James Jackson one feather Bed and furniture. Item...I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Ann Jackson one feather Bed and furniture. Item...I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizab't.Jackson one thousand pounds of Tobacco in the leu of a feather Bed & furniture. Item...I give and bequeath unto my Daug'er. Sarah Jackson one thousand pounds of Tobacco in leu of a feather bed and furniture. Item...I give and bequeath unto my Daug'er. Ann Jackson one thousand pounds of Tobacco in the leu of a feather bed and furniture. Item...It is my will and desier thatt if any of These my children should happen to dye before they doo come of age to possess these my Legacises herein mentioned (that) then (the) s'd. legacises to be putt to my Estate. Item...It is my will and Desier (that) my Boyes shall be of age to possess whatt I have left them att Eighteen years of age and lwise my Girles att sixteen years of age. Item...Itt is my will and Desier that the Remainder of my Estate my debts being paid be Equally Divided among my children. Item...Itt is also my will and Desier that what money I shall happen too have att my deced my two Eldest sons to have it in their possession being accountable to (the) rest of my children as they come of age to have Equal parts. Item...I do constituate & appoint my loving wife Ann Jackson my Executrix and my Sons Eldest sons Thomas and William Jackson my whole and sole Exrs. of this my last Will and Testament. I witness whereof I doo here unto sett my hand and seal the day and year first above mentioned. Tho.Jackson Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of} Will'm.(hisxmark)Kellegrew Thomas Daniell Prince George County Court (the) 13th October 1713. The above written last Will & Testament of Thos.Jackson dec'd. was presented into Court by Ann his relict & Ext. who made oath thereto & it being proved by (the) oaths of Wm.Killegrew & Thos.Danl. is admitted to record & Certificate accordingly granted her for obtaining a probt. thereof in due form. Test E.Good____ Ck. _____________________________________________________________ Will of William Gary 1716 (Deeds etc. 1713-28, page 112, Prince George Co.VA.) IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I William Gary of Prince George County and Parish of Westopher being very sick and weak but praised be God in a right sence memory and perfect understanding for to make this Last Will and Testament in manner following vizt. First I give and bequeath my Soul to God Almighty who gave it me hopeing that through the merritts of my blessed redeemer to obtain everlasting life after Death, and my body to the Earth to be buried in such Decent manner as my Executors hereafter named shall think it best. Secondly. I give and bequeath unto my son William Gary after his Mothers Death the plantation and Land on which I now dwell, a cross cut saw, a sett troopers arms, a mare and the first filly mair she brings I give it and and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Gary, a cow that was called his cow before, an Iron Pessele, a feather bed and furniture after his mothers Decease, and a sett of coopers tools, and that my said son be sett at age Eighteen years old. Thirdly. I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Sarah Gary her life time upon the plantation on whom I now Dwell, a feather bed and furniture, a horse, three cows, the leaste of my two chests and after her Decease to be given to my Daughter Sarah Gary, two Dishes a Deep one and a flatt one and after her Decease to be given to my son William Gary, two plates, a kettle an Iron pott of five gallons, a bridle and saddle. Fourthly. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Gary one cow, her choice of all my cows, two Dishes a Deep one and a flatt one, two plates, one Iron pott about Eight gallons. Fifthly. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Gary my great chest, two Dishes, a Deep one and a flatt one, two plates, a cow and spice mortar & pestle. Sixthly. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Gary, two cows, two Dishes one Deep one and a flatt one, two plates and my best table. Seventhly. I give and bequeath unto my son John Gary a feather bed and furniture, my gunn, a cow, two Dishes a deep one and a flatt one, two plates, a miar called tyney and the first mair filly she brings to be given to my Daughter Mary Gary, and to be sett of age at Eighteen years old. Eighthly. I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Gary a feather bed and furniture a cow, a horse colt, two Dishes a Deep one and a flatt one,two plates, and a carraline, and to be sett of age at 18 years old. Ninthly. If all my household goods, chattels and other things that are not written in this my Last Will and Testament I give it all and bequeath to my said wife and after her Decease to be Equally Divided among five of my children vizt. Sarah Gary, Mary Gary, Elizabeth Gary, John Gary, and Richard Gary, to every one of their content. Tenthly. I appoint make and ordain my Loving wife Sarah Gary Executres of this my Last Will and Testament, given under my hand this Eleventh day of February 1715/16. Wm.Gary Sealed with a wafer. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us} Wm(his+marke)Reese Phillip Cloud Att a Court held for the County of Prince George on the second Tuesday in June 1716 being the 12th Day of the said month. The above written Last Will etc. of William Gary Dece'd. was presented into Court by Sarah his relict and Executrix named in the s'd. Will, who made oath thereto, and it being proved by the oaths of the several witnesses thereto is admitted to record, and a Certificate accordingly granted the said Executrix for obtaining a probate in due form. Test Wm.Hamelin ClCur. _______________________________________________________________ Will of John Bishop (Deeds etc. 1713-28, page 114, Prince George Co.VA.) In The Name of God Amen. I John Bishop Sen. of Prince george County being in health and perfect sense and memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same, do hereby make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, in manner and form following, adnulling and makeing void all other wills by me formerly made & Declared, and this only to be taken for my Last Will and Testament vizt. First I bequeath my soul to Almighty God, hopeing thro' the merritt of my redeemer to Inheritt Eternal Life, and my body to the Earth to be buried in such Decent manner as my Executrix hereafter named shall think meet, and as for such worldly goods as it has pleased God to bless me with, I give and bequeath as followeth. Item. I give unto my Eldest son John Bishop, and to his heirs for ever, the plantation whereon he now liveth, together with the full halfe part of all my land to be divided across, being the cro__ part, I give also to my said son John Bishop a feather bed, to be Delivered to him after the Death of my wife, and not before. I give to my Loving wife Sarah my plantation where I now live, together with the other moiety, or halfe of my Land, for and during her natural Life, after which I doe hereby give all the said plantation, with the moiety of Land, to my son James Bishop, and to his hirs forever. I also give to my said son James Bishop my feather bed in the outward room,and the furniture belonging thereto, & two Pewter Dishes. I give to my son's William and Henry Bishop, to each of them a two year old heifer. I give to my Daughter Mary Potts, five Shillings. I give to my Daughter Hannah Reves, five Shillings. I give to my grandson Mason, a small gunn and sword and belt, which was formerly my son Harmons, and lastly, I give and bequeath to my Loving wife Sarah Bishop; all the remaining part of my Estate, be it in what nature or quanity so ever found, and doe also hereby appoint my said Loving wife Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, as witness my hand and seale this Eighth Day of November, Anno 1714. John Bishope Sealed with red wax. Signed and Declared in Presence of} P.Hall On the back of the above written Will was an Endorsement in the following words Vizt. MEMO: Not well considering at making the bequest unto my Elder son John Bishop I hereby adnull and make void his having the full halfe of my Land, because that I have as before considered with take all to the plantation given to my son James, which is not my intent, but that my son John shall enjoy so much of the within bequeath, as the plantation and Land he now liveth on from the creek taking its full breadth of my whole tract, untill it comes up to the Bottom below my spring, and then to run South two points Easterly till it strike the Mill Line, this being my will and meaning, anything herein before Exprest to the contrary notwithstanding. As witness my hand this twenty second Day of January 1714/15. John Bishop Test R.Hall Att a Court held for Prince George County, on Tuesday the Twelfth Day of June 1716. The above written Last Will and Testament of John Bishope Dece'd. with the above endorsement thereon, was presented into Court by Sarah his relict and Executrix therein named, who made oath thereto, and the s'd. Will and Endorsement, being proved by the oath of Mr. Robert Hall is admitted to record and a Certificate granted to the said Executrix for obtaining a probate in due form. Test. Wm.Hamelin ClCur. This Will further proved at Aug.Court 1716 by the oaths of Richard Worth (Jr.?) & Ailce his wife. ______________________________________________________________ Will of John Epes 1718 (Deeds etc. 1713-28, page 235, Prince George Co.VA.) In The Name of God Amen. I John Epes of Prince George County in Westopher Parrish calling to mind the uncertainty of this mortal Life and being Desirous to settle the small Estate it hath pleased Almighty God to bless with in this world, and being in no verry good state of health, but by the Blessing of God in perfect sense mind and memory, do therefore make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say, first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God beseeching him to grant me full pardon and remission of all my sins for the sake of Jesue Christ my Savior, and my body to be Decently buried according to the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named, and as far as my worldly Estate I give and bequeath the same in manner and form following viz. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son John Epes sixty acres of Land begining on the inner side of Causons Level and so taking the full breadth of my Land down toward the River till it takes its Complement above mentioned including the Plantation called Tom Boods to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel Epes fifty acres of Land Lying and being on the Cattail runn binding on Pattersons Line, and Daniel Epes, and Francis Epes his Line, taking its complement above mentioned, to him and his heirs for ever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Epes all the remaining tract of Land to him and his heirs for ever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Epes a Gold ring. Item. my further will is that all my personal Estate may be Equally Divided between my wife and six Children to them and their heirs for ever. I constitute and ordain my son Thomas Epes my whole and sole Executor, and in case of Death my son John Epes. John Epes Seald wax. Signed Seald and published to be the Last Will and Testament as it is writt and contained on both sides of this paper, of John Epes the subscriber in presence of us Wm.Epes Junr. Eliz'a.Epes Fra.Epes Junr. (NOTE: This Will was not dated). At a Court held at Merchants Hope for the County of Prince George on the Second Tuesday in June, being the tenth day of the month Anno Dom. 1718. The above written Last Will and Testament of John Epes Dece'd. was presented into Court by Thomas Epes the Executor therein named, who made oath thereto and it being proved by the oaths of Francis Epes Junr. and William Epes Junr. two of the witnesses thereto is by order of the Court truly Recorded, and a Certificate is granted the said Executor for obtaining a probate in due form. Test W.Hamlin ClCur. _________________________________________________________________ Will of Robert Hobbs Sr. 1718 (Deeds etc. 1713-28, page 248, Prince George Co.VA.) In The Name of God, Amen, I Robt.Hobs senr. of the Parrish of Wayneck in Prince George County being verry Sick and weak, but of sound and perfect sense and memory praise be given God for the same, do make constitute ordain and Declare this my Last Will & Testament in manner and form following. First being sorry and pennitant from the Bottom of my heart for my sinns past, most humbly Desireing forgiveness for the same I give and committ my Soul to Almighty God my saviour and redeemer in whom & by merritts of Jesus Christ I trust and assuredly believe to be saved and my Body to the Earth to be buried in such Decent manner as my Extx. hereafter named shall think And what worldly Estate it hath Pleased God to bestow upon me I dispose thereof as followeth. Imp's. I will that all my just Debts be punctually paid. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Sarah Hobbs the Plantation I now live on and all houses orchards and conveniences belonging to the same for and during her natural life. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son Robt.Hobs after my wife's Dece'd. as aforesaid all my Land and Plantation whereon I now Live to him and his heirs forever be the same more or less. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son John Hobs my Mair and Colt, and if this brings any increase them I will that my Son Robert shall have the first Mair she brings together with her increase. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son William Hobs my Gunn and Sword. Item. I give and bequeath unto my five Daughters Sarah Hobs,Rebeca Hobs Francis Hobs, Eliz'a.Hobs and Mary Hobs, each of them a Cow Calfe, to be Delivered when they come of age or marryed. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Sarah Hobs all the remaining part of my Estate in what nature or quantity soever it may be found after my Debts and Legacys are justly paid. And Lastly I do nominate ordain and appoint my Loving wife Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament to see the same Duly Executed, and do humbly request the favor of my Loving Brother Thos.Harrison to assist and advise my said Executrix in the Due Execution of this my Last Will and Testament, and my will is that my Estate may not be brought to appraisment nor inventory. Robert(hisRmarke)Hobbs Sealed wax. Signed Seald and Declared to be his Last Will in presence of, this 21st Day of June one thousand seven hundred and eighteen. Thomas(hisTMarke)Hobbs W.Harrison Nicholas(his+marke)Brewer James(hisImarke)Hobbs At a Court held at Merchants Hope for the County of Prince Geo. on the second Tuesday in August being the twelfth Day of the month anno Dom. 1718. The above written Last Will and Testament of Robert Hobbs Dece'd. was presented into Court by Sarah his Relict and Executrix therein named who made oath thereto, and it being proved by the oaths of Thomas Hobbs, James Hobbs and Nicholas Brewer witnesses thereto, is by order of the Court truly recorded and a Certificate is granted the said Executrix for obtaining a probate in due form. Test Wm.Hamlin ClCur. File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Russell Lawrence - USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.