Caddall/Jordan/Moore/Bear Bible   Marriages A.L. (Addison Logan) Jordan and Sarah Frances Caddall were married September 30 1874 R.R. (Robert Rolen) Moore and Ellen S. Jordan were married March 18 1897 Roger Jones Bear and Mary Jordan Moore married November 29 1921   Births Addison Logan Jordan born March 24th 1846 Sarah F. Caddall born November 4th 1845 Horace Glen T. Jordan born December 23 1877 Thomas Jordan born November 2st 1908 Early Addison Jordan born 2nd November 1911 Mary Jordan Moore June 22, 1898 Sarah Elizabeth Moore born March 16, 1900 Robert Rolen Moore born March 8, 1902   Deaths Sarah C. Jordan died April 4th 1926 Addison Logan Jordan died May 6th, 1926 Janie Early Jordan died February 1, 1947 G.T. Jordan Jr. died April 9, 1952 Glen Thomas Jordan Sr. died January 17, 1956 Early Addison Jordan died November 12, 1969 Robert Rolen Moore died July6, 1927 Ellen Jordan Moore died October 4, 1962 Paul Jordan Smith died June 17, 1971 Robert Rolen Moore III died September 24, 1978 Lula Vermillion Moore died February 28, 1976 Roger Jones Bear died October 27, 1976 Mary Moore Bear died April 21, 1987   Transcribed in original form by Tami Ramsey December 5, 1998 Submitted by The Wilderness Road Regional Museum **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************