Rhodes Cemetery - Pulaski Co. Va Sorted by DOD Date of Birth Date of Death Gunn Samuel 03-08-1835 07-26-1862 Gunn Joseph 04-20-1837 02-02-1863 Owens Anthonya 1815 1870 Whittaker John 1784 09-18-1872 Gunn Sara H 07-15-1809 11-15-1880 Rhoades Joseph 1810 11-15-1892 Conner Juda E 12-09-1843 07-08-1895 Mayo Charlotte J 12-25-1868 06-22-1896 Vance Annie 07-31-1876 08-23-1898 James Franklin Gregory 04-04-1859 12-13-1898 Rhoades Margaret 0-21-1824 02-11-1901 Vance Clarence E 11-12-1902 07-16-1903 Otey Henry B 08-11-1865 07-28-1903 Mayo Archie M 03-05-1903 08-01-1903 Graham Raymond E 08-23-1903 10-24-1903 Rhoades Fontaine J 07-13-1894 08-10-1904 Graham Willie J 12-05-1904 01-29-1905 Vier James M 10-16-1888 11-23-1905 Sowers George W 1841 1906 Bowling Rosie L 04-06-1868 08-25-1906 Sowers Ida Graham 08-11-1879 03-04-1908 Conner Joseph A 01-30-1875 05-18-1908 Conner Nelson D 03-1853 04-1909 Vier Francis M 03-26-1856 09-25-1911 Otey Elbert Hewbert 03-14-1890 09-28-1913 Kane Thomas 1833 03-12-1915 Vance Jesse L 10-20-1914 04-05-1915 Graham Sarah A 08-18-1879 04-12-1915 Vance H.L. 10-05-1841 03-13-1916 Thornburg William R 05-22-1852 09-09-1917 Stoots Jane Claudine 06-14-1916 10-09-1918 Owens Mary A 1838 1919 Rhoades Sarah Emily 11-09-1844 01-19-1919 Gunn Emma 08-05-1850 09-14-1919 Vance Nannie L 11-17-1917 09-16-1919 Vier Nancy Wilburn 08-01-1856 12-28-1919 Stout M.M. ? 05-18-1921 Kane Mary Jane 05-10-1851 11-03-1922 Vance Cecil M 07-12-1905 07-12-1923 Dalton Edith L 11-04-1923 11-15-1923 Gunn Bessie May 12-06-1893 02-19-1925 Smith Jerry M 04-01-1892 03-03-1925 Thornburg Mary C 01-15-1856 05-17-1925 Stoots Glenna Irene 06-28-1922 05-15-1926 Spence J.L. 02-27-1857 09-06-1927 Crowder Howard ? 1928 Beckner George R 05-06-1867 12-30-1928 Crowder Richard ? 1929 Vance Kate 07-08-1885 02-20-1930 Rhoades Samuel 05-09-1865 02-14-1931 Schrader Betty Jane 02-23-1930 11-03-1931 Mayo Josie Wells 04-08-1874 02-08-1932 Stout M.S ? 07-24-1933 Whittaker Laura Ellen 01-20-1865 01-02-1934 Smith Glenn D 12-02-1913 09-11-1934 Ratcliff James H 12-30-1918 09-11-1934 Graham Mary Jane Otey 03-22-1870 01-18-1935 Vance Eliza Jane 11-24-1850 03-24-1935 Kane Sarah Ella Viers 07-17-1878 07-15-1935 Whittaker Eldridge M 02-10-1855 01-28-1937 Gregory America Ann Hull 07-23-1883 03-24-1937 Rhoades Mary F.M 03-10-1861 01-03-1939 Rhoades John Porter 11-08-1898 01-15-1939 Ratcliff Nannie S 02-12-1886 07-14-1941 Ratcliff Leonard Duane 09-05-1942 10-05-1942 Mayo Sidney A 12-01-1868 09-12-1943 Berrier Annie Colleen 12-31-1943 12-31-1943 Graham Elbert J 1876 1947 Ratcliff Lankford 02-25-1878 03-09-1948 Vance Henry L 04-18-1893 11-06-1948 Vance Jessie Lee 11-23-1881 06-28-1952 Rhoades Jane Gunn 04-27-1899 10-14-1955 Southern Maggie Vance 03-31-1886 12-01-1955 Raymond Boyd Flinchum 08-31-1959 08-31-1959 Gregory Frank Ncneal 12-21-1886 07-19-1962 Vance Carl 07-30-1895 07-07-1969 Covey Fanny H 1908 1971 Ratcliffe Lizzie Vance 08-19-1886 06-02-1971 Cox Doris 04-15-1919 06-25-1977 Smith Linda B 03-23-1895 06-07-1978 Covey Arthur Garfield 1880 1981 Young Catherine Rhoades 01-20-1920 09-02-1993 Graham D.R ? ? David A Graham ? ? Gregory Thomas ? ? Gregory Lena May ? ? Gregory Charles Mcneal ? ? Gregory Richard Raymond ? ? Submitted by Lois Viars