RICHMOND COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – Hebrew Cemetery ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, The Hebrew cemetery: 1936 Mar. 10 Research made by Madge Goodrich Cemetery Location: Fourth Street on Shockoe Hill Richmond Co., Virginia DATE: 1816 OWNERS: February 18, 1816 the congregation of Beth Shalone instructed Messrs. Benjamin Wolfe, Manuel Judah and Samuel Myers to investigate the records of the Common Hall, concerning the appropriation of ground that was laid off for burying rounds, for different religious bodies some time before, and to endeavor to obtain ground for their congregation. At a meeting on June 9, 1816 the following ordinance of the Common Hall, appropriating a lot of ground to the congregation was laid before the meeting. “An ordinance concerning the Hebrew Society of Richmond”: Be it ordained by the president and the common council of the city of Richmond, in Common Hall assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of same, that one acre of land, belonging to the city of Richmond, lying upon Shockoe Hill, as laid off and designated in a plot of the said land made by Richard Young, surveyor of the city of Richmond, and the same is hereby bested in the congregation called in Hebrew Kaal Asdosh Beth Shalone, in English the Congregation of the House of Peace, to be by them held and exclusively used as a burying ground, subject to their rites and laws, for that purpose and for that alone.” The lot was accepted and a committee was appointed to lay off the ground, build a mataher house, and erect a well. The grant of 1816 has been added to twice, once on March 6, 1871 by a gift of one hundred feet from the city, and once by purchase, both additions being to the west. In 1911, the board purchased from the city a tract of three and one- half acres just across the street from the present cemetery and ordered to be erected at the entrance to the grounds a bronze tablet with the inscription “Hebrew Cemetery, 1816-1916” on it. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The following inscriptions were taken from the stones in the cemetery when the death was prior to 1860. In memory of Deborah Abrahams Born June 20, 1776 Died Feb. 14, 1852 Sacred to the memory of Adolph infant son of Jacob and Julia Ancker who departed this life Apr. 2nd, 1842 aged 11 months and 2 days In memory of Helena Consort of Bernard Bear of Gordonsville, Va. Born Sept. 8, 1816 Died Sept. 23, 1859 In memory of Mater Bear of Osterburg, Germany Born Nov. 26, 1826 Died October 21st, 1853 Sacred to the memory of Wolff Berend a native of Hanover in Germany and the fourth son of the late Michel Berend the celebrated banker of that city in the 52nd year of his age His spirit returned to his Creator at the White Sulphur Springs, Virginia on the 15th. Sept. 5608, A.M., 1847 his mortal remains found rest here on the 22nd, November following. Rosalie Consort of Lewis Binswanger who died Oct. 1st, 1842 in the 25th year of her age To my Mother Julia Blitz Born in Amsterdam Mar. 1802 Departed this life at Petersburg, Va. Feb. 14, 1858 (Translation of Hebrew) The priests shall bless Israel. A man of fine spirit, merciful, noble and large hearted, full of wisdom and understanding and God-fearing. His hands were always open for righteousness; their works were good. The good and evil he received with love. He was buried with the songs of Israel. Abraham Hyam Cohen departed this life Shebat 6501 (February 1841) and was buried with his fathers. In memory of Mena wife of Valentine Cohen Died Jan. 21st, 1858 Aged 30 years In memory of Mrs. Rosa Cohen who departed this life Dec. 24, 1858 Corresponding with the 17th. Tibit 5619 Aged 76 years In memory of Rachel Consort of Nathan A. Cohen Died Oct. 27, 1853 Aged 54 years In memory of Rachel Daniels wife of Samuel Daniels who departed this life October 2, 1842 Aged 43 years In memory of Samuel Daniels A native of Poland who departed this life Dec. 14, 1842 Aged 59 years In memory of Esther Davis Relict of David Davis of Petersburg who departed this life on the Sabbath July 26th, 1844 A.M. 5604 in the 70th year of her age Sacred to the memory of Marie daughter of George & Esther Davis of Petersburg, Va. who departed this life July 18th, 1856 in the 23rd year of her age In memory of Sarah Wife of Ansley Davis of Petersburg who departed this life at Cleveland Ohio on the 12th day of Tibeth Anno Mundi 5619 (Dec. 20, 1859) Aged 61 years Julia wife of A. Eichberg Born May 16, 1831 Died Feb. 4, 1859 daughter of M.S.R. Schieldersheim In memory of Frances Emanuel who departed this life Nov. 28th, 1849 in the 82nd year of her age In memory of Mark Emanuel who departed this life August 12th, 1851 in the 60 year of his age The deceased was a native of England but for the last nineteen years a resident of Petersburg, Va. In memory of Michael Fanduward Born in Lendershausen, Germany Died Halifax C.H., Va. Nov. 13th, 1850 Aged 57 years In memory of Selig Fieisher Born at Anfseso, Bav. died New York Sept. 3, 1858 Aged 30 years In memory of Babbett widow of Gerson Gerst of Markt Erlbach, Bav. Died Aug. 18th, 1854 Aged 76 years In memory of Rosetta Relict of Levi M. Goldsmit Who departed this life on the 1st of September, 1854 (9th Ellul, 5614) Aged 69 years Salomon Guggenheimer Born at Hurban, Bav. Dec. 27, 1814 Died at Lynchburg, Va. October 17, 1848 In memory of Sueszkind Guggenheimer of Gilmores Mill Rockbridge Cty., Va. Born in Burben, Bav. January the 26th, 1806 Died at Gilmores Mill December the 21st, 1855 Amelia Hahn Born at Kulsheim Jan. 9th, 1839 Died in Charlottesville July 27, 1856 In memory of Juda Harris of Posen Died July 14th, 1850 Aged 77 years and 6 months Here is buried Moritz Hirsh from Illereichen in Bavaria He died on the day of Atonement 5599 A.M. Corresponding with Sept. 29th, 1838 in the 32d, year of his age Sacred to the memory of Abraham S. Hunt Died Aug. 22, 1855 Corresponding with the 18th day of Ellul, 5615 in the 21st year of his age In memory of Solomon B. Hunt a native of Amsterdam in Holland who departed this life May 27, 1846 Aged 54 (or 34) years In memory of Amelia Daughter of Abraham and Yetta Hutzler Born October 15th, 1847 Died May 4, 1859 In memory of Gabriel H. Hutzler born at Haganbach, Bav. Died November 5, 1857 Aged 52 years In memory of Mary Louisa Hyman Consort of Harry Hyman who died Nov. 3rd, 1844 in her 31st year Rebecca Hyman Daughter of Henry & Mary L. Hyman Born Aug. 1832 Died July 25th, 1849 In memory of Herman Hyneman A native of Germany Born July 1st, 1822 Died July 2nd, 1847 Beneath this tomb is buried David Isaacs From Frankford on the Main who died in Charlottesville 28th Feb. 1837 in the 77th year of his age This tomb is erected to his memory by his family. Peace to his ashes. Sacred to the memory of Catarine Jacobs who departed this life March 25th, 1815 Aged 83 years (This body was probably removed from the cemetery on Franklin Street as this cemetery was not acquired until 1816.) In memory of Solomon Jacobs Who died on the 12th day of Hesran, 5588 (Oct. 30, 1827) Aged 52 years During a hopeless and painful illness, which he bore with great patience and unshaken fortitude he manifested in no ordinary degree his perfect reliance on the mercy of God and his entire conviction of the truth of the Mosiac Dispensation. He passed a life of activity and usefulness with unblemished integrity; called to offices of distinction in the municipality of the city and other corporate institutions he discharged his duty with firmness and ability. Fond as a husband, Indulgent as a father, Kind as a master, Hospitable and benevolent as a man. Steady, useful and disinterested as a friend. Sacred to the memory of Lazarus Joseph a native of Germany and long a resident of this city Died on the 23rd of November 1817 Aged 54 years This tablet is inscribed to his memory by a disconsolate widow whom he loved and by his sons who knew his parental worth. In memory of Isabella Daughter of Reista & Babett Josephs Born in Baltimore April 26, 1856 Died at Fincastle Nov. 30th, 1858 In memory of Abigail Judah Wife of Hillet Judah who was born November 17th, 1742 and departed this life on the 11th of Elul, 5579 corresponding to the 1st of September, 1819 In memory of Rev. Isaac Judah who was born the 5th of Tamnz 5521 corresponding with the 7th July 1761 and departed this life on Wednesday, the 5th of Iyar 5587 corresponding with the 2nd May, 1827 Sacred to the memory of Mendel Kempner Born in Inonraslaw, Prusia August 1833 Died suddenly June 9, 1859 In memory of Jacob King Who departed this life October 22nd, 1824 Aged 50 years In memory of Joseph Kronheimer Born 1822 Novb’r 15 Died 1854, Oct. 9 at Boydon, Va. Here lies entombed the mortal remains of Abraham Levy whose heart and thoughts were embued with the fear of his God. Charity and kindness to his fellow creatures in the time of need stood pre-eminent amongst the many characteristics of his life. He was a native of the city of Amsterdam Holland and departed to the abode on high in the 84th year of his age on the 18th day of the month Tibeth A.M. 5613 (Dec. 28, 1852) Aaron Lazarus of Washington, D.C. Born at Charleston, S.C. Aug. 25, 1777 Died at Petersburg, Va. Oct. 2, 1841 The remains of Alexander Levy A native of Alsace who died at Louisa C.H., Va. 9th day of Aug. 1842 (4th Ellul) in the seventy-fifth year of his age Elizabeth Levy Consort of Alexander Levy A native of Elsas in France who died at Louisa C.H., Va. on the 14th day of Shebat 5604 Corresponding with the 1st of Feb., 1844 in the 63rd year of her age Helen Levy Born 7th Feb. 1841 Died Apl. 23rd, 1841 Beneath this stone lie interred the mortal remains of Isaac A. Levy At the time of his decease President of the congregation Beth Shalone of this city. He was born in London on Tuesday the 10th of Dec. 1816 Corresponding with the 27th of Kislav 5577. And departed this life on Tuesday the 4th of September 1849 the 16th of Ellul, 5609 In memory of Mary Wife of Lewis B. Levy Whom it pleased the Almighty to take unto Himself on the 15th of Ellul 5620 Corresponding with the 2 Sept. 1860 Aged 38 years, 1 mo. & 10 days Mary Louisa Daughter of Jacob A. Levy and Martha Ezekiel Born March 22, 1845 Died July 17, 1859 Rachel Virginia Levy Consort of Leon Levy and the daughter of Alexander & Elizabeth Levy, Dec’d. who died at Louisa Court House, Va. on the 22nd day of Ader, 5604 corresponding with teh 13th of March 1844 in the 26th year of her age leaving an interesting daughter Sacred to the memory of Sarah Rachel Levy consort of Abou Levy Whose price was far above rubies. She opened her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue was the law of kindness. Her children arise up and call her blessed. Her husband also & he praiseth her. May her soul enjoy everlasting life. Having departed this vale of tears 10 Apl. 1842 Mr. Morris Lipinsky Died February the 14th, 1856 Jacob Lyon Born in Pornack Grand Duchy of Posen Died in Richmond, Va. Kisler 5th, 5612 (Nov. 29, 1851) in the 75th year of his age Sacred to the memory of James Lawrence Lyon son of Jacob Lyon died 4 of Tamnz, 5606 Corresponding with June 29, 1846 In the 28th year of his age In memory of Rachel Consort of George Lyon of Petersburg, Va. Died 20th of Tisri A.M. 5606 Corresponding with 21st, Oct. 1845 Sacred to the memory of Isaac Lyons native of Amsterdam, Holland Who departed this life June 26th, 1840 Aged 63 years Mrs. B. Manheim Died Jjar of (?), 5614 (May 4, 1854) In memory of Elias Markens Born in Germany Oct. 14, 1809 Died in this city Nov. 15, 1860 Aged 51 years Mrs. Zipporah Markens Wife of Elias Markens died very suddenly in the 5th Kislaw 5602, 18th November 1841 Aged 28 years There is truth in Heaven To the memory of Mrs. Hetty Marks Who died on the 22nd Adar, Rishon 5603 (22nd February, 1843) aged 75 years This monument is erected by her dutiful and affectionate daughter Charles Marx son of Joseph & Richa Marx Born Oct. 8th, 1806 Died Nov. 17th, 1859 Sacred to the memory of Emma Marx Who departed this life March 30, 1859 Here repose the mortal remains of Mrs. Frances Marx Widow of Dr. M.J. Marx of Hanover in Germany After an irreproachable and useful life she was called to the abodes of the Blessed July 8th, 1819 at the age of 69 years In memory of Joseph Marx Who died July 12th, 1840 in the 68th year of his age Sacred to the memory of Richa Wife of Joseph Marx Who departed this life 21st March 1838 In the 69th year of her age My Brother Samuel Marx Eldest son of Joseph & Richa Marx Natus Richmond March 4, 1796 Obut Richmond December 7, 1860 The grave of Wilhemina Marx Who died Tamns 20th, 5596 July 5th, 1836 Aged 48 years She reposes near her mother In memory of Dr. Nathan Meyer of Freudenthal, Wurt. Died Oct. 2, 1859 In memory of Mary Rachel Wife of the Rev. Max J. Michelbacher Died Nov. 20th, 1849 Aged 32 years In memory of Jacob Mordecai Born 11th day Aug. 1762 Died 4th Sept. 1838 Julia Judith Mordecai Born at Warrenton, N.C. May 17, 1799 Died at Richmond, Va. March 13, 1852 Laura Mordecai July 1839 Aged 21 Sacred to the memory of Simpson Morris A native of England Who departed this life at the city of Petersburg in the 7th year of his age On the 19th of Sivan 5607 A.M. 3 June, 1847 Aaron Myers Died March 25, 1845 Aged 47 years In memory of Henry Myers M.D. Who was born Feb. 6, 1806 and died Apl 9, 1845 In memory of Isabella Wife of Myer Myers Died 29th Apl. 1846 Aged 21 years In memory of Joseph Myers Born at Illenrichen, Bav. April 4, 1802 Died April 7, 1859 In Memory of Mrs. Joyce Myers Who departed this life 23rd Tamnz, 5584 19th July 1824 Aged 67 years Sacred to the memory of Judith wife of Samuel Myers Born Sept. 2nd, 1767 Ob. Feb. 4th, 1844 In memory of Katharine Myers Consort of Aaron Myers Died 6th March 1850 Aged 48 years Beneath this tomb is buried Levy J. Myers From Amsterdam Who died 29 Nov. 1835 in his 53rd year Louisa Myers daughter of Joseph Marx Born January 28, 1795 Died January 16, 1849 Sacred to the memory of Our Father Moses M. Myers Born Tibet 28, 5531 Jan. 14, 1771 Died Elul 21, 5620 Sept. 9, 1860 This stone covers the grave of Sally Hays Wife of Moses M. Myers Her transitory life was closed on the 7th day of Ab. An. Mun 5592 which was the 3rd of Aug. 1832 Sacred to the memory of Samuel Myers Who departed this life on the 10th day of Elull 5596 being the 22nd day of August 1836 Aged 82 years Samuel Myers Born at Norfolk Feb. 24, 1790 Died at Richmond Feb. 21, 1829 To the memory of Samuel Hays Myers Born Jan. 1, 1799 Died Oct. 2, 1849 In memory of Jacob Nachman Born at Oppenheim March 18, 1827 Died April 16, 1860 In memory of Rachel Beloved wife of B. Oberndorfer of Charlottesville, Va. Died June 30, 5620:1860 Aged 31 years Babette Oppenheimer Died April 25, 1846 Aged 29 years Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Ziddora Pallen who died on the 25th day of July 1828 in the 53rd year of her age In memory of Catharine Consort of Isaac Pepper of Amsterdam, Holland Aged 82 years Who departed this life 14th, of Tisri A.M. 5609 Corresponding with 30, Sept. 1848 In memory of W. B. Pyle A native of Amsterdam, Holland Who departed this life 12 June, 1840 Aged 42 years His wife and children have placed this stone to his memory In memory of Emanuel Rosenfeld Born in Mt. Uhlfeld, Germany Died Philadelphia, October 1st, Buried 4th. Oct. 1850 Aged 43 years In memory of Sophia Rosenfeld Consort of Lewis Rosenfeld Died August 13, 1841 Aged 28 years and 63 days This is the monument on the grave of the youthful Adella the daughter of Henry and Sarah Rosenham Died 9 of Heavan 5607 30 Oct., 1847 In memory of Malchen Wife of Isaac Hosenstock of Germany Born April 2, 1800 Died at Petersburg, Va. November 25, 1860 In memory of Jeannette A native of Posen in Prussia Wife of M. Rosenthall Died 12th June, 1849 in the 42nd year of her age Babett Salomon Born April 9, 1831 Died Oct. 16, 1877 In memory of Ezekiel Salomon a native of Amsterdam, Holland Died May 10th, 1853 Aged 79 years In memory of Gershon Schonfarber Died Feb. 1, 1860 Aged 50 years In memory of Martha Wife of Isaac Schriver who departed this life Dec. 9th, 1852 in the 46th year of her age leaving a husband and nine children to deplore their irreparable loss. Rachel Solomon A native of Amsterdam Died in Richmond 7 Aug. 5607 (Aug. 6, 1846) Aged 83 years To the memory of Sarah H. Solis Wife of Daniel Solis Who departed this life on the 29th of December 1851 In memory of Yettah Consort of Myer Sower Died May 31, 1858 Aged 42 years In memory of Amanda Consort of Samuel Springer of Fincastle, Va. Daughter of Abraham Arnold of Gettysburg, Pa. born at Wamelsdorf, Pa. March 3rd, 1831 Died at Fincastle Mar. 9th, 1853 In memory of Seligman Hisch Straus Born at Obbach, Bav. Nov. 8, 1834 Died Jan. 24, 1859 In memory of Rosetta Consort of Philip Strause of Salem, Va. Born at Osterburg, Bav. Died in this city after a long illness Aug. 15, 1859 Aged 27 years In memory of Jonas Weil Born at Illsnreichen, Germany Died at Lunenburg, C.H., Va. August 24th, 1850 Aged 52 years Solomon Whitlock Beloved son of Simon & Zippora Whitlock Born Oct. 10, 1830 Died April 19, 1835 Here lie the remains of Benjamin Wolfe who departed this life on the 2nd day of January 1818 Aged 50 years This small tribute is inscribed to his memory by his inconsolate widow The first interment made in this cemetery In 1800 a portion of the congregation of Beth Ahaban seceded. They formed a new congregation and secured a separate place of burial. This arrangement continued until Beth Israel went out of existence. Then Beth Ahabah held Oakwood Cemetery jointly with Keneseth Israel. This arrangement lasted six years. Beth Ahabah withdrew and left Keneseth Israel sole possessor of the cemetery. Such are the circumstances relating to the acre of land in Oakwood Cemetery granted by the city of Richmond to the Jewish congregation for a place of burial. It is a comparatively new cemetery and no old graves are found in it. None date as far back as 1860. Sir Moses Montefiore Cemetery is that of Richmond’s newest Jewish congregation. It is located on the Southern Railway, a short distance below the city. The first interment was made in 1888. SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Tombstone Inscriptions Visit by worker. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________